VIDEO: Islamization and sharia in Austria’s Public Schools

Listen to what these teachers describe. There is no respect for education or secular classes. Teachers are abused and attacked. The sharia is above all, the only important system to respected. The parents of these Muslim students share the same views. Mind you these whistle-blowers are from the left, the Social Democrat party. The SPÖ has ties to the Austrian Trade Union Federation and the Austrian Chamber of Labour.


Islam over democracy in Europe

One of the most disturbing things to me is the way British subjects who went to fight for ISIS have been treated on their return to the U.K. Instead of being stripped of their citizenship, tried before a military tribunal and executed they have been given preferential treatment with regard to acquiring public housing. Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, however, are deemed by the Home Office to be “not conducive to the public good”. Nothing could be more preposterous or dangerous for that matter.


Married Muslim doctor who molested student nurse then blamed Islamic norms, gets to keep his job

I understand why the doctor thinks he can violate women. It is sanctioned under Islamic law and that sharia law (Islamic law) supercedes man-made law in Islam. Allah’s law reigns supreme. What I don’t understand is why the West, whose system of governance is so vastly superior and humane, is submitting the most extreme and radical ideology on the face of the earth.

Geller Report