New York Times Doesn’t Disclose Jihad Terrorist Past Of “Palestinian” Anti-Israel Op-Ed Writer

Convicted terrorist Marwan Barghouti, who was sentenced in 2004 to five consecutive life sentences, was not only given valuable real estate in Sunday’s New York Times to publish an op-ed trashing the state of Israel, he was originally identified to readers only as a “Palestinian leader and parliamentarian.” Nowhere were readers informed of Barghouti’s monstrous crimes.


Syrian Chemical Attack Doctor Tried as Jihadist in UK

Described in his Twitter profile as a “Medical doctor trained in the UK” and “Humanitarian aid worker”, Shajul Islam was a key eyewitness on the ground during the attack, offering himself for media video calls and uploading mobile phone footage of victims which was shared thousands of times.

Islam, from Stratford, East London, was interviewed by a number of mainstream broadcasters, including NBC News – but none notified viewers that he had previously been tried in the UK for terrorism offences, and struck off the medical register by the General Medical Council after a confidential tribunal.


United States launches missile strikes on Syria

Obama gave Syria to Russia. Going military in Syria could very well escalate into a war against Russia. The United States should have taken action in 2012. Our organization called on President Obama and the United Nations to issue emergency asylum to Christians and other religious minorities to save them from the impending genocide. Nothing was done. Millions were slaughtered. And Obama gave Syria to Russia.


Muslim teen repeated #BlackLivesMatter 100 times on his Stanford application — and got in

When Ziad Ahmed was asked “What matters to you, and why?” on his Stanford University application, only one thing came to mind: #BlackLivesMatter.

So for his answer, Ahmed — who is a senior at Princeton Day School in Princeton, New Jersey — wrote #BlackLivesMatter exactly 100 times. The risky decision paid off. On Friday, Ahmed received his acceptance letter from Stanford.


New security measures for Disney’s Magic Kingdom start Monday

What’s next? Mickey in body amour?

Islamic terror has completed changed our way of life. Here in New York, you cannot get into a building unless you show ID and go through some security protocol. Travel, once fun and fab, is like Chines water torture. Travel costs and taxes have spiked due to attendant security costs. Everything has changed because of Islamic terror and yet we cannot talk about, criticize it let alone develop a coherent, comprehensive strategy to combat it.


Muslim Brotherhood Operative in Canadian Parliament Begins Witch Hunt for Islamophobes

Trudeau and Khalid have stuck to their Muslim Brotherhood strategy of using psychological warfare on their opponents, the Canadian citizenry. The hunt for Islamophobes within the Canadian populace will commence even though statistics don’t bear out Khalid’s claim that Muslims get the brunt of hate crimes in Canada. Like a true Sharia Law supremacist, she won’t let the facts stand in her way.

Geller Report