“Moderate” Tunisia: Third Muslim country BANS Wonder Woman because of JEWISH Star

The world bows to the most vicious, bigoted, hateful and violent ideology on the face of earth. We are told to respect this “evil.” We are forced to be tolerant of the intolerant.

Islamic Jew-hatred — it’s a central tenet of Islam.

Three Muslim countries held up as “moderate” models of Muslim governance have actually banned the blockbuster movie because of its Jewish star.


Tunisia Jihad: Seven more Muslims arrested in at least three different cities

As the number of jihadists involved in the Tunisia jihad massacre grows, UK PM Cameron said it was time for his country to become “intolerant of intolerance” and crack down on the ideas that fuel Islamic State group-inspired terrorism. Typically, British Muslims and their leftist apologists “worry that such sentiments and steps risk criminalizing religious…

Geller Report