Expert Witness Says His Team Has Hacked into the Georgia Senate Runoff Elections — “We are in.” Witness Says Voting System Is Connected to Internet

‘This should not happen’
Known as Father of “Scan Commerce” and “Scan To Connect” platform Jovan Pulitzer also said he could accurately audit and recount the ballots in two hours–for free Why doesn’t Governor Kemp and his organ grinder’s monkey Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger take him up on it?


Analysis: Support for Trump’s Working Class Agenda Surges Among Immigrants

It is astonishing that much of the Republican Party establishment refuses to support President Trump. President Trump expanded the party. He transformed the Republican Party into a middle-class party. A party that is also appealing to minority voters. Not in a million years could any of the establishmentarian Republicans have accomplished this. The Republican Party…

Geller Report