Another Grim Anniversary: MUNICH

Calendars of Western nations are littered with bloody, murderous Islamic anniversaries now, where there were none (or they were rare at worst) some twenty years ago, save for the jihad against the Jews, which has been ongoing for the past 1,400 years.


Portland killer ranted against Jews, Christians, and Muslims, media reported him as “Islamophobe”

“According to some preliminary witness statements, he was kind of spewing hate about a lot of different things,” said Simpson. “So not specifically and exclusively anti-Muslim,” but that didn’t stop the enemedia from seizing on the bogus islamophobia angle of this story like a dog on a bone


Do leopards change their swastikas?

The German BDS movement (Boycott, Divest, Sanction Israel) is no different from the Nazi economic boycott of the Jews in prewar Germany. In the 1930s, BDS led to the Holocaust. Preceding Kristallnacht, the Nazis held several days calling for Germans to boycott Jewish-owned businesses. This was the direct antecedent to the BDS movement. This is no different.


“Moderate” Fatah blatantly supports terror – findings presented in US Congress

No surprise here. What is surprising is President Trump’s meeting with terror leader Mahmoud Abbas and the two-state lethal fantasy. There is a disconnect between reality and wishful thinking.

Mahmoud Abbas is the leader of Fatah. He co-founded Fatah with the godfather of modern terror, Yaser Arafat. After Yaser Arafat’s death from AIDs, Abbas continued to jihad against the Jewish state.


Haters and Bigots at University Maryland issue 64 demands

In a brazen, authoritarian act (typical of fascists and Nazi youth) — bullies, antisemites and jihad groups have aligned in an axis of evil and issued a list of 64 demands on the University of Maryland. Under the euphemistic title, ProtectUMD, a coalition of the vicious seeks to do the opposite –not protect but instead make the Maryland campus a dangerous battlefield under their control where they can aggressively bully, intimidate and harass with impunity anyone considered fair game.


Major Jewish Groups Bitterly Rebuke UCLA Over Departure of Student Leader Due to BDS Harassment

Major Jewish groups? Major Jewish groups are largely responsible for this failure of leadership and fortitude in the face of growing antisemitism rooted in Islamic Jew-hatred. Jewish leadership has quietly supported BDS (the 21st-century version of Kristallnacht) through groups such as the New Israel Fund and shunning voices of freedom. The UJA LA canceled a…


European Jews fear for their safety

Violent attacks on Jews increased by nearly 40 percent in 2014, with most attacks occurring in Western Europe. The overwhelming majority were committed by Muslims. The response by the international community is to fight “islamophobia.” Just today, Jewish student’s death in Germany was a “set-up,” expert says. Jeremiah Duggan, 22, died after attending meeting in 2003…


Bosnia: Muslim attacks Jewish leader with weighted chain as leader was being interviewed about status of Jews

More of Bill Clinton’s war on the Christians on behalf of the “tolerant” Muslims: Bosnia: Muslim attacks Jewish leader with weighted chain as leader was being interviewed about status of Jews  (thanks to Jihad Watch) Status of Jews in Bosnia: not very good, obviously. But…but…the Muslims in Bosnia are all moderates, and anyone who doesn’t…


France’s top Jewish leader unequivocal: “All” violence committed against Jews in France today is committed by Muslims

Finally, the truth. And with it the falling out. The idea that nazis are the problem is just a cover for Islamic Jew-hatred. The nazis were defeated. Their partners in the war against the Jews, the Muslims, were not. And they are the problem. Notice how people have begun to admit to what I have…

“English-sounding” and “Jewish” names were purged from “Stand With the Prophet” the attendance rolls #MuslimPrivilege #FreeSpeechRally

I was worked with a number of people who had bought tickets and had planned to attend the event and  report back to me on what went on in the conference. They had purchased their tickets weeks ago. But all of them were refunded their money late on the night before the conference, and told…


Islamic Apartheid: Israel finally commemorates expulsion of close to a million Jews from Muslim countries after 1948

Finally, the real apartheid is getting some attention. No one ever talks about the Jews’ right to return, or their land and monies pillaged by Muslim leaders and their ‘tolerant’ Muslim neighbors returned to them. Jerusalem: Israel on Sunday marked the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Arab countries after the 1948 Arab-Israeli…

Leaflets threaten Chicago Jews in Pulaski Park neighborhood targeted

This is what happens when you empower the jihad movement, as the left and Obama have done in America. And the left wing Jews say, more Muslim outreach! More interfaith dialogue! Shut that Pamela Geller up! How long before the ADL, the Reform Rabbis, the Toronto Board of Rabbis, the UJA-LA et al throw Israel…

Geller Report