There Are Now Tens of Millions of Muslim Migrants in Europe, and the EU Commissioner Wants More

There are now tens of millions of Muslim migrants in Europe, who have been allowed to settle deep behind what they regard as enemy lines, the borders of Dar al-Harb. They claim to be refugees seeking asylum, but almost none of them are true refugees, fleeing persecution or death. They are economic migrants, hoping to batten on all the benefits that the generous welfare states of Europe have on offer: free or greatly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, unemployment benefits (even without having an employment record in Europe), family allowances, and more.


Belgian MEP is Reprimanded for Mentioning the ‘Great Replacement’ of Europe’s Population

There is a “Great Replacement” going on, and it will continue until enough people realize it is not inevitable, and that there are choices that Europeans can make to ensure that non-Muslim migrants are admitted while Muslim would-be migrants are kept out. This policy does not reflect a blind “islamophobia,” but is based on Europe’s unhappy experience with Muslim migrants since the beginning of the century


VIDEO from Belgium: Migrant teens force Belgian boy to kiss their feet, beat him savagely

The left deliberately imported this savagery into the West and stand with these neanderthals. Read Bat Ye’or’s Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis. The majority of terror attacks in Europe (Paris, London, Brussels et al) were the acts of Muslim terrorists who exploited the mass  migration out of Islamic countries. But as this video demonstrates, terror is…


Islam over democracy in Europe

One of the most disturbing things to me is the way British subjects who went to fight for ISIS have been treated on their return to the U.K. Instead of being stripped of their citizenship, tried before a military tribunal and executed they have been given preferential treatment with regard to acquiring public housing. Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, however, are deemed by the Home Office to be “not conducive to the public good”. Nothing could be more preposterous or dangerous for that matter.

Geller Report