“Moderate” Malaysia: Muslim clerics stall reform of child marriage laws

Lobbyists pressuring the government to criminalize child marriage “were getting quite a lot of momentum” at one stage, says Tham Hui Ying, vice president of Malaysia’s Association of Women Lawyers. “But suddenly it became a hot button issue. It’s religious,” so politicians are “not going to push to outright ban child marriage,” she says.


Finland: Muslim migrant who raped, burned Finnish girl alive denied his appeal

According to the Court of Appeals, the former boyfriend Azimi had repeatedly tried to get the (non-Muslim) girl to continue the relationship.

According to the statement, Ramin Azimi first raped the girl in the nightclub a. The man then transported the still alive girl to Kokemäki by car, moved her to a wooden storehouse, poured gasoline on her and burned her alive.


Married Muslim doctor who molested student nurse then blamed Islamic norms, gets to keep his job

I understand why the doctor thinks he can violate women. It is sanctioned under Islamic law and that sharia law (Islamic law) supercedes man-made law in Islam. Allah’s law reigns supreme. What I don’t understand is why the West, whose system of governance is so vastly superior and humane, is submitting the most extreme and radical ideology on the face of the earth.


Muslim grooming/rape gangs STILL ‘abusing girls across country’, victims & investigators warn

Reportedly close to a million non-Muslims girls have been gang raped and trafficked in the UK. The authorities did not pursue these crimes for years for fear of being accused of islamophobia and racism (Islam is not a race). And still the child rape rages on. Politicians can keep turning a blind eye, law enforcement ignore it, so this pox on our communities continues get worse.


Devout Muslim father who served time for raping a schoolgirl savagely beat his 17-year-old daughter and her secret boyfriend with a hammer

A devout Muslim father who served time for raping a schoolgirl has been jailed for savagely beating his 17-year-old daughter and her secret boyfriend.

Businessman Soruth Ali, 42, was woken up at 5am by noises coming from the bedroom of his second eldest’s room and walked in to find her and lover James Martin in bed together.


UK: Muslim ringleader of child rape/sex trafficking gang to be released from prison 17 years early

My ban from the UK is longer than this savage spent in prison. This same judicial system that released this savage refuses to hear out appeal. Sharia in the UK. Among his other crimes, Mubarek Ali was pimping out young girls many as young as 12 to workers at a curry house for £150 sex sessions.

Geller Report