REWARDING JIHAD TERROR: “Biden” Admin Vows to REBUILD TERROR Hub Gaza With American Taxpayer Dollars

The Democrat terror regime are making American taxpayers pay for rebuilding ‘Palestinian’-Hamas jihad terrorist regime, resupply weapons and rebuild their tunnels to terrorize the beleaguered Jewish state.

During the Trump years, Israel signed peace accords with four Muslim states. Democrat warmongers blew that up. Now they are funding the terror movement.

Islamic State Holds Hundreds Captive in Mozambique Hotel: “Almost the entire town was destroyed; many people are dead”

We were practically jihad free during the Trump era. With the Democrat party of terror in power, jihad’s a’poppin.

You won’t see this in the legacy media – just like they stopped talking about the Boulder jihad mass murder once the shooter was identified…….

You won’t see this in the legacy medai – just like they stopped talking about the Boulder jihad mass murder once the shooter was identified…….

Geller Report