Terror-Linked CAIR Calls for Jihad Revolution In France, Incites To More Rioting, Violence and Destruction


Nihad Awad, National Executive Director, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the largest jihad-terror supporting organization in America, is calling for jihad revolution in France. He tweeted CAIR’s support of the violent riots in France, “France continues to repeat it’s shameless long past of violence, racism & segregation against non white people. It doesn’t have what it takes to be a civilized nation. It’s been the most racist in Europe. It’s up to the oppressed people to reclaim their rights & denied dignity.”

Astonishing. The terror group CAIR is calling for jihad overthrow of France and not so much as a peep from the media. Worse still, the Biden administration has appointed them to key commissions.

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The Democrat media axis applauds the worst subversives on the American scene while demonizing and smearing my colleagues and me as ‘extremists.’

The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is routinely presented in the mainstream media as a civil rights organization. Its consistent pattern of encouraging Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement is never mentioned. Reporters citing CAIR as a source or authority almost always fail to mention that CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. During that case, a captured internal document of the Muslim Brotherhood was released, naming CAIR’s parent organization, the Islamic Association for Palestine, as one of its allied groups, and explaining that the mission of Brotherhood groups in the U.S. was “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements about how Islamic law should be imposed in the U.S. (Ahmad denies this, but the original reporter stands by her story.) CAIR chapters frequently distribute pamphlets telling Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement. CAIR has opposed virtually every anti-terror measure that has been proposed or implemented and has been declared a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates. CAIR’s Hussam Ayloush in 2017 called for the overthrow of the U.S. government. CAIR’s national outreach manager is an open supporter of Hamas.

In April 2019, it was revealed that Sadiqq Abu Osman, who states that he is CAIR Minnesota’s Government Affairs Coordinator, wrote this in 2008: “fuck isreal [sic]! Stupid jewish motherfuckers! man i wish hitler was alive to fuck up the jewish ppl and add more to the 6 million he killed in the holocaust”

Interfering with counter-terror efforts

In July 2019, with CAIR’s backing, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) targeted the FBI terror database. CNS News reported that Omar “and ten other House Democrats have written to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, requesting information about how information from the FBI-administered terrorist watchlist is shared with foreign governments – including governments with poor human rights records. In doing so, she pointed to the support of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a sometimes controversial group that has mounted legal challenges against the watchlist, formally known as the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).”

CAIR’s resistance to counterterror efforts has been going on for years. According to the Investigative Project on Terrorism:

CAIR has a long history of undermining law enforcement counter terror investigations by urging Muslims not to cooperate with agents, falsely accusing the FBI of using excessive force and by crying entrapment when stings lead to arrests of Muslims who plotted attacks.

  • Zahra Billoo, executive director of CAIR San Francisco Bay Area (CAIR-SFBA), tells the Muslim community to avoid talking to law enforcement, vilifies the FBI, and claims that it unfairly targets the Muslim community. In February 2011, her CAIR chapter’s website featured a poster for an event that said “Build a Wall of Resistance; Don’t Talk to the FBI.” The poster featured a sinister looking FBI agent lurking in front of people’s doors. In December 2011, Billoo discounted the arrests of two individuals accused by the FBI of plotting to bomb targets in Oregon and Maryland. “What the FBI came and did was enable them to become actual terrorists,” she said. The FBI “is creating these huge terror plots where they don’t exist.”
  • [CAIR-Florida’s Hasan] Shibly has accused the FBI of pressuring Muslim youth to become government informants. In a November 4, 2014 post quoting the Los Angeles Times, he asserted he had represented 33 clients in that year alone “who claimed they had been pressured by the FBI to release information on their religious beliefs and practices.” He cited some examples: “In Orlando, they pressured one citizen who happened to be Muslim to spy on mosques, Islamic restaurants and hookah lounges or they would throw him in jail…In another case, they approached an imam with pictures of a woman they claimed would testify of an affair unless he helped them. These are law-abiding Muslims, not criminals.” In a November 13, 2014 op-ed in the Tampa Tribune, Shibly spoke against the FBI’s recruitment of American Muslim informants: “The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has documented how the FBI has targeted law-abiding American Muslims for interrogation and coerced recruitment as agent provocateurs. According to Trevor Aaronson, executive director of the Florida Center for Investigative Journalism, such FBI tactics are similar to that used by the Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO) against the African-American civil rights movement decades ago and has included engaging in blackmail, extortion and threats of harm to self, family and friends. Coerced individuals are then forced into mosques to promote radical violent extremism — using taxpayer dollars — to unstable and mentally disturbed youths. [Emphasis added] “These programs are not only contrary to the protections enshrined in the Constitution, but are ineffective and make our nation less safe and less free. Even with the rise of Islamic State, those engaging in acts of terrorism on U.S. soil have more often attended churches or synagogue than mosques, and yet the FBI is not engaging in similar tactics against the Christian or Jewish communities— nor should they.”
  • In a May 2015 Facebook post, CAIR-LA chief Hussam Ayloush wrote, “…FBI-paid informants hired to entrap feeble-minded young Muslim men. Both sources of such hatred and violence are bad news.” In an earlier Twitter post he posited, “Is the FBI now going to send informants to entrap, radicalize, then arrest young Jewish Americans joining Israel’s terrorist army?”
  • At the November 2014 CAIR-San Francisco Bay Area (SFBA) banquet, Nihad Awad condemned government spying on Muslim Americans. “And we cannot allow our government to spy on American Muslims just because they’re active and just because they have point of views different than the government….We cannot allow the police department in New York to spy on Muslims, on Muslim businesses, on schools, on shops, just because they are Muslim, under this guise of national security.” Responding to a Department of Justice initiative to fingerprint and photograph nearly 100,000 foreigners who were already in the country in an effort to weed out suspected terrorists, Nihad Awad said, in June 2002, “What is next? Forcing American Muslims to wear a star and crescent as a means of identification for law enforcement authorities?”
  • In 2010, CAIR-Michigan Executive Director Dawud Walid said that “the FBI, by using informants acting as agent provocateurs, has recruited more so called extremist Muslims than al Qaeda themselves.” The “Bronx Four,” James Cromitie, David Williams, Onta Williams and LaGuerre Payen, were arrested in May 2009 and indicted in June on charges they plotted to attack two targets in New York: a synagogue and New York National Guard Base in Newburgh. During a radio interview after the arrests, Walid accused the FBI of “manufacturing their own terrorism suspects to give the appearance that they’re actually doing something tangible in the so called ‘War on Terrorism.’” The FBI is “cultivating and inciting people towards extremism,” he said. Only a few days after Walid gave the above interview, he authored a blog post on the “Bronx Four.” In what Walid described as a “so-called terror plot,” he said that the “agent provocateur was the real mastermind.” “Three of these men were petty criminals, who were enticed by money, not extreme ideology,” said Walid.

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10 months ago

The Muslims are waging jihad to advance Islam, but they dress it up as defense of non-white races. That game should be very familiar.

This is happening by invitation from the rulers of France. There shouldn’t be a Muslim on French soil, and the rulers who carried that snake into France should be in nooses. The rulers of France are part of a coalition of ruling families that are out to conquer and keep their families in power. The old way of rule, without opposition, is their goal. They can’t rule by family bloodlines if The People control government, so that house has to burn. The Muslims are all too happy to light the fires, and that’s why the rulers of France imported them. If The People thought the rulers were murdering them there would be violent revolution, so the ruling families added a buffer between them and the murder. The scheme to whitewash Islam, give it a fake ID, and import it as a proxy army began a century ago. To accomplish this, the political elite and financial elite and academic elite and media elite and even the churches had to all work together.

10 months ago
Reply to  Zeus

A pack of down voters will show up like hyenas.
They really don’t like me talking about the ruling families of western civilization, or Mohammed.
I wonder why that gets their goat? LOL.

From a Remote Location
From a Remote Location
10 months ago
Reply to  Zeus

I wish to ask: How is this different from the so-called “Trans Day of Rage” that culminated in the Nashville school shooting, and the dressing it all up as a “defense of the trans community” when in fact it is all part and parcel a full-fledged takeover attempt to advance their sick, depraved Sodom/Gomorrah “values”? How are these “migrants” hoisting an Algerian flag over that statue any different from the hoisting of the LGBTQ flag outside the White House? Supremacism is supremacism no matter what groups pull it, and the end goal is the same: Nullify all existing customs, values, norms and laws.

The Muslims have HAMAS-associated CAIR and spokesmouths like Nihad Awad. The LGBTQ’s have GLAAD (who prepared a petition to censor any and all speech, online or elsewhere, that is critical of their radical anti-family, anti-morality, pro-sodomite agenda and the whole lifestyle associated therewith, and had 200+ Hollywood airheads including Jamie Lee Curtis, Hailey Bieber, “Elliot” (née Ellen) Page, Amy Schumer, Camila Cabello, Cara Delevingne, Patrick Stewart, Alyssa Milano, Padma Lakshmi, Judd Apatow, Shawn Mendes et al., to sign it) and the so-called “Human Rights Campaign” which should be called Inhuman Lefts Campaign – all of which are associated with and run interference for groomers, pedophiles, child pornographers, human traffickers, etc.

Every last one of those who signed on to that petition, should be asked several hard questions, starting with: Do you support the cutting off of girls’ clitorises (a.k.a. female genital mutilation, FGM) as practiced in the Muslim world including and especially Iran? That petition they signed also called for the support of turning children in this country into surgically-produced freaks for the sole purpose of driving up the numbers of so-called “trans” in order to inflate LGBTQ’s political representation at the expense of the voting power of pro-family social conservatives.

10 months ago

Biden appoints whomever the “Big Guy” (Obama) orders him too.

10 months ago

The Communist, Animalistic, Irrational, Rejects, who promote terrorism, need to be labeled as a terrorist organization, removed from the US and defunded.

10 months ago

The leader of CAIR, declaring his support for HAMAS.

Quote from video:
“…but after I researched the situation, inside Palestine and Outside, I’m in support of the HAMAS movement…”

Last edited 10 months ago by T D
10 months ago
Reply to  T D

The leader of CAIR, Nihad Awad, said he supports the Hamas movement, but not the terrorist part, just the social programs according to Al Jazeera, another white-washer of Islamism.

Like saying you are for the KKK movement, but not the lynchings. Or that you support ISIS, but not the beheadings. Dude, it’s their ideology that makes those groups terrorists. The KKK had bake sales and outreach programs in the South. they’re still a terrorist org.

Some commentators have labeled him “Jihad Nawad”.

When it comes to CAIR, Geller Report has actually been correct for years. And the MSM has failed miserably on reporting on CAIR.

10 months ago

The criminal parasitic feral animal morons in cair are ALL terrorist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get them out of the US along with the rest of the muslims! The only good one is a dead one!!!!!

10 months ago

Ah, CAIR now shows it’ true colors. Like all NGOs (more or less) CAIR is another one of those organizations that uses good laws for nefarious reasons. And don’t expect any sanctions by FakeBiden over this. It’s ALL part of the NWO goals to destroy the world.
The sooner the people wake up, the better!

10 months ago
Reply to  Kay

They have been showing their true colors for years and it has been more than fully covered here! They are totally mad Islamist!

10 months ago

France threw open the border to the Islamic hoard for cheap labor, now they pay for their greed and ignorance! This is what the Biden regime is creating for us on top of boundless rioting and killing in leftist Democrat controlled cities and states with their lawless open border plan.

Stephen Honig
Stephen Honig
10 months ago

CAIR must be banned world wide.

John Pepin
John Pepin
10 months ago

Free speech is reserved for those,
Who wish our nation to overthrow,
Patriots however,
Must absolutely never,
Speak up in anyway verbose.

John Acord
John Acord
10 months ago

Whatever CAIR and other Muslim groups do to encourage these riots is necessary to shake the French out of their long-term decline and lethargy. Yesterday, perhaps 20% of the French realized the dnagers of nass Muslim immigration. Remember, the beloved Brigette Bardot was convicted not once, but five times of naking “hate comments” against mass immigration. Today, after the riots, the number may be 30%. It will take the muslims to burn down another 1000 buildings and the number will climb to 40%, and its at that point the only noncompromised French institution will simply take over the country in a coup and establishe the Sixth Republic, or even the Fourth Restoration. Then, and only then, will action be taken to remove the Muslims out of France and back to their homes in Algeria and the ME. That is the only solution. Bastille Day is July 14th. Quel grand jour pour une révolution ! L’armée française doit sauver la nation et le peuple français

Last edited 10 months ago by panamapat
10 months ago

Obama started it all. He is still in the White House!!! He is the REAL enemy of this country. And it was the DEMMOCRATS who elected him!!! Democrats are the destroyers of our country. They are today, they’ve always been.

10 months ago

If it was up to me, Awad, I’d ban islam and deport every muslim in France, and for those who don’t go peacefully, I’d build a new Devil’s Island in a gator filled swamp somewhere and forget about them.

10 months ago

The psychotic rioting, destructive, Islamic animals from Northern Africa are more civilized than native French? What a lying, deceitful moron. Why is CAIR not declared a terrorist organization?

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