Muslim killer-cop’s story falls apart: Justine Damond’s neighbors heard no loud noises — multiple people interviewed

News Corp spoke to half a dozen residents who were in their houses around the crime scene on Saturday night and none had heard the gunshot or any other loud noises that sounded like fireworks. One
resident a block from the scene, waiter Tom McConnell, said however it was common during the current summer holidays for fireworks left over from the recent July 4 celebrations to be set off on weekend nights.


Sharia-observant Muslima in Minnesota House of Representatives hailed as “America’s hope”

Ilhan Omar is a newly elected democratic legislator for the Minnesota House of Representatives who won her seat as a Democratic Farmer-Labor Party candidate in the November 2016 elections. To the right, she is best known for recently voting to allow surviving family members receive insurance payouts from suicide bombers and other individuals who are killed during the commission of a terroristic activity. To the left, she is an overnight cultural icon who “is America’s hope and the President’s nightmare,” according to her visit with Noah.


Five officers with Canada’s CSIS spy service launch $35 MILLION lawsuit accusing it of “ISLAMOPHOBIA”

Five intelligence officers and analysts with Canada’s spy service have launched a $35-million lawsuit against their employer, claiming the Canadian Security Intelligence Service is a toxic workplace with managers who openly espouse Islamophobic, racist and homophobic views and discriminate against Muslim, Black and gay employees.


Denmark: Bishop and Mayor who hailed new mosque with minarets get “call to prayer” 5AM wake-up

Our partners in Europe are holding a demonstration this coming Saturday in Roskilde against a new Turkish mega-mosque going up with massive minarets; this was allowed by the city council. We thought that they should taste their own medicine, so SIAD (Stop Islamization of Denmark) arranged a wake-up call at 5 o’clock this morning to the Bishop and to the Mayor.


David Wood and his family need our HELP

So many have given up the fight or trimmed back the truth in order to stay in the mainstream. David has always been true to the cause. He is one of the rare ones that I deeply admire.

His family needs our help now. Won’t you? If you were planning on giving to GR, give it to the Wood family this month instead. Give generously.


Je suis Brigitte: Bardot’s shock interview on Islam

Brigitte Bardot is a national treasure. Despite relentless persecution by the French government for sharia-speech violations, Bardot continues to speak truth to Islamic power. France’s iconic blonde bombshell has been on trial five times for Islamo-criticism and “inciting racial hatred” (Islam is not a race).


Honor killing: Muslim woman buried alive by her family, ‘Please brother, don’t kill me:’

The numbers of honor killings are rising despite “increased awareness of the crime.” And why not? Honor killing and violence is in accordance with Islamic mores and tradition. Increased awareness would result in an increase in honor violence.

A recent survey showed that 91 percent of honor killings worldwide are committed by Muslims, and 84 percent of honor killings in the United States were done by Muslims.

Geller Report