FGM trial in Australia: “I told you this is a big secret”

Female genital mutilation (FGM) or clitoridectomy is an Islamic tradition, rampant in the Muslim world. Over 96% of the women in Egypt have been clitoridectomized. Back in 2008, devout members of the Egyptian parliament have made female genital mutilation (circumcision) legal again in Egypt. With the advent of increased Muslim immigration, this has become a…


Government analysts, academics dismiss idea that jihadis could be entering Europe as refugees

“Gerhard Schindler told the Bild tabloid that there is ‘no concrete evidence’ of terrorists coming to Germany posing as refugees from the Middle East or Africa.” Yet last February, the Islamic State promised to flood Europe with 500,000 refugees. And an Islamic State operative boasted that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 Islamic State jihadis…


UK Muslim linked to jihad attack on AFDI Garland free speech event killed in airstrike

“Hussein was also linked to a failed May attack on a ‘Draw Muhammad’ cartoon contest in Garland, Texas. Elton Simpson, one of the gunmen involved in the failed assault, urged his Twitter followers to follow Hussein hours before he and fellow attacker Nadir Soofi were killed by police guarding the event.” Media hatred for our…


Serkan Engin: “Words of Satan: Islam”

Serkan Engin is a Turkish poet and author. His poems and articles on poetry theory appear in more than fifty literary journals in Turkey. In 2004, he published a poem manifesto, entitled “Imagist Socialist Poetry.” He has been trying to launch a new movement in Turkish poetry and to this end has published numerous articles…


Saturday Night Cinema: The Siege

Tonight’s Saturday Night Cinema selection, The Siege, is extraordinary in that the subject matter is virtually nonexistent in Hollywood. It’s verboten. The overseers at MPAC wouldn’t have it. Denzel Washington stars in this taut suspense-thriller as the head of an FBI anti-terrorism unit who finds himself as the point man when a group of Islamic…


Turkey’s Erdogan: “We have only one concern. It is Islam, Islam and Islam.”

It is very telling that Obama has called Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the destroyer of Kemalist secularism, his “most trusted” and “favorite” foreign ally. Obama’s islamophilic foreign policy and his regard for Erdogan stem from the same wellspring. Obama has even asked Erdogan for advice on how to raise his daughters. Obama has commented:…


Minnesota: Opening of charter school derailed after questions raised its possible ties to Muslim Brotherhood group

I wrote for years on the public school madrassa, the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy (TiZA), in Minnesota. It was a publicly funded Islamic school, in direct violation of the separation of mosque and state. “Sunlight is the best disinfectant, ” said Louis Brandeis. Indeed. Charter schools are public schools, and by law must not endorse or…


Thailand’s military asks local administrators to implement “special safety zones” for Buddhist monks to protect them from Muslims

The jihad in Thailand is only going to get worse. As America’s power in the world continues to diminish under Obama, the forces of evil are becoming more emboldened, brazen and savage. There is growing Muslim support for the Islamic State (IS) from South Asia to the Far East; four new jihadist groups are planning…


Kosovo cuts Pristina water supply over Islamic State plot to poison reservoir, 5 Muslims arrested

Obama’s JV team moves on Europe, in Kosovo, no less. America’s war in Bosnia set events in motion that led to the creation of an entity that is becoming an active jihad base in Europe — Kosovo. Yahoo News: Five people suspected of planning a “terrorist attack” aimed at contaminating the water supply in the…


Revealed: Wealthy UK charity exists solely to fund the Muslim Brotherhood

More “moderates” turn out to be “extremists.” The Brotherhood’s stated goal, according to a captured internal document, is “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house.” The British government doesn’t mind that at all: “No formal investigation has been launched.” “Revealed: The Muslim Brotherhood’s British Property Portfolio Bankrolling Global Islamism,” by…


Pamela Geller, WND Column: Gang of Shariah stooges at New York Times

Don’t miss my column this week at WND: DEFENDING THE WEST Gang of Shariah stooges at New York Times Exclusive: Pamela Geller notes newspaper’s hypocrisy when printing religious issues For years, the New York Times has adhered to and enforced the strict code of Islamic law. Bowed and cowed, the Times will not violate the…


UK Police withheld bombshell report revealing how gangs of Muslim men were grooming more than 100 schoolgirls as young as 13 in case it inflamed racial tensions

I said it just yesterday in connection with another report about how British police covered up the activities of Muslim rape gangs: They did nothing and they still do nothing. One of the victims did a comprehensive interview with me here and here. She had over 100 names of rapists and traffickers, but the police…


Time Mag: Muhammad cartoons “make Muslims feel less safe”

“These cartoons contribute to a climate of fear in which Muslims are seen as a threat.” Uh, they are slaughtering people over them! How should that be seen? Robert Spencer exposes Time Magazine’s monstrous moral inversion. “Time Mag: Muhammad cartoons ‘make Muslims feel less safe,’” by Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, June 20, 2015: Jordan Denari…


New York Times whitewashes jihad terror-tied Boston mosque

Charles Jacobs is dismissed in this shameful New York Times puff piece about the Islamic Society of Boston as “incredibly racist and unfair.” The article says nothing about what Jacobs has uncovered about the mosque: Revealed: Jihadist Lessons at the Boston Marathon Bombers’ Mosque Bank Records Reveal the Saudi Millions Behind the Boston Marathon Bombers’…


#MediaBiasIsReal: Coke vs Decapitation #MediaJihad

Here is blatantly revealing moment of radical media activism, otherwise known today as “news coverage.” Two news stories this week. In one, an American is targeted for beheading by members of the American Muslim community because the target would not adhere to the blasphemy laws under the sharia. I was the target, and this was…


UNEDITED: Raw footage of REUTERS interview with Pamela Geller on Muhammad Bus Campaign

Reuters interviewed me for a story on the new AFDI free speech campaign featuring the winning Muhammad drawing in our art submission contest held in Garland, Texas, where jihadists tried to massacre all of us. I covertly videoed the whole thing, so that people can see what was said, and then what they publish. The…


AFDI’s New Free Speech Ad Campaign Featuring Muhammad Cartoon

NEW YORK, May 20, 2015: Because freedom of speech is under violent assault, the human rights advocacy group the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) has announced a new ad campaign to defend the freedom of speech and stand up to violent intimidation kicking off in the nation’s capital. AFDI President Pamela Geller said in a…


Pamela Geller, WND Column: The ISIS Death Fatwa

My column today at World Net Daily is a must-read. DEFENDING THE WEST The ISIS death fatwa Exclusive: Pamela Geller blasts media ‘aligned with the jihad force’ May 18, 2015   You know what happened in Garland, Texas. Two jihadists wanted to replicate and ramp up what happened in Paris, by murdering scores of patriotic…


“Being a ‘nice guy’…and respecting those who don’t respect our values, nor Christians and Jews, nor anyone else very much, is not an answer to blooded knives and severed heads”

Here is a letter to the editor of the Church Times publication in the UK, responding to an article by a Paul Vallely (not, of course, the American general). It responds well to many of the common objections to our free speech event that was subjected to a jihad attack.’ From: Revd Clifford Hall, Supelrative,…


VDH: “Geller’s critics…do not understand that radical Islam has already cut a huge swath out of American free speech through more than a decade of death threats”

The renowned historian Victor Davis Hanson understands the free speech issues that are at stake in the controversy over the Muhammad cartoon contest. He is one of the few. “The First — and a Half — Amendment,” by Victor Davis Hanson, National Review, May 12, 2015: Free speech and artistic and intellectual expression have been…



I just want to take this moment to thank the courageous, singular voices who have stood up for me without making excuses or attacking my character (as did Bret Stephens in today’s pathetic piece, “In Defense of Pamela Geller”). They have understood the quintessentially American philosophy of freedom and individual rights. Kudos and thanks to…


New Yorker goes Sharia, attacking Pamela Geller and refusing to show winning Muhammad cartoon

The New Yorker — famous for its cartoons — describes but doesn’t dare show the winning Muhammad cartoon. This epitomizes the cowardice of the mainstream media, and the rot that could end up destroying our free societies if it isn’t addressed. “Pamela Geller and the Anti-Islam Movement,” by David K. Shipler, New Yorker, May 12,…


Geller and Spencer in Breitbart: “In Cathy Young’s World, Everybody Surrenders”

In an extraordinarily lengthy tirade, Cathy Young attacks Robert Spencer and me with lies, libel and smear. Nothing new, I know. But clearly she intended this to be the go-to dossier for every perverted journalist who seeks to impose the sharia restrictions on free speech. But one has to question who fed her this bile…


Garland jihadi’s stepmother: “I’m not saying what he did was right or wrong”

Nadia Azam’s equivocation on evil speaks volumes. How many more supporters of what her stepson did are inside Muslim communities in the U.S.? Is law enforcement too busy with “outreach” activities to try to find out? “Overland Park man is shocked at news of son’s involvement in Garland, Texas, assault,” by Eric Adler, Kansas City…


Dershowitz: Geller Critics Should Realize MLK Provoked, Too

I often disagree with Dershowitz, but I thank him for having the honesty and clear-sightedness to state this, despite the abuse it is certain to bring his way. “Dershowitz: Geller Critics Should Realize MLK Provoked, Too,” by Greg Richter, Newsmax, May 7, 2015: Critics of Pamela Geller, organizer of the “Draw the Prophet” event in…


Watch VIDEO: Pamela Geller on Sean Hannity: Media Blames Targets of the Jihad Shooting in Garland, Texas

Last night I was on Hannity defending myself against a mainstream media blaming me for ISIS, al qaeda and the jihad threat around the world. They are deranged. European media said Je Suis Charlie in the wake of the jihadi attack on the French cartoon weekly. American media said Je Suis Jihad in the wake…


FBI under increased scrutiny for failing to prevent Garland jihad attack

It’s not surprising that they failed to prevent the attack on our AFDI/Jihad Watch Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest. The Obama administration years ago forced the FBI and other agencies to scrub all mention of Islam and jihad from counter-terror training. Agents are consequently woefully ignorant about the mindset, motives, and goals of the…


WaPo: JFK offers no apology after Lee Harvey Oswald shoots him in the head

It is unimaginable. The descent of the mainstream media into out-and-out pro-jihad agitation is complete. Two Islamic jihadists attempt to murder hundreds of people at our free speech event in Texas, and the Washington Post says that I “offer no apology.” I offer no apology? What apology exactly do I owe for almost being murdered?…


MTA: We have a right to ban free speech, Judge says not so fast

We had a victory yesterday in federal court. The MTA filed a motion to dismiss yesterday. The Judge who ruled in our favor was not amused. And just to show how loaded the dice are against us, the judge, the MTA lawyer and libeler Charles Moerdler, the MTA board member who prefaced his remarks with…


MTA votes to trash the First Amendment

A century of free speech in New York’s most public square — the streets, the buses, the subways — came to a screeching halt today when the MTA voted to ban all issue and political advertising. The other topic of discussion, by the way, was the billions in debt the MTA was. The five public…


‘Spill All of Their Blood… Kill Them’: Here’s what we know about the Alabama Muslim teengirl who joined ISIS

The family has hired terror spokesman Hassan Shibly. So the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. ‘Spill All of Their Blood… Kill Them’: How a Suburban American Girl Hatched an Elaborate Plan to Flee Her Family and Join the Islamic State,” Billy Hallowell, Blaze, April 21, 2015 A business student from Alabama whose family…


Jewish Communal Fund, UJA-Federation and JCRC-NY Stand With Anti-Israel J Street & BDS-Supporting New Israel Fund

According to the source, one “J Streeter” pushed Obama to remove the American veto protection of Israel at the UN in the event that a Security Council resolution called for the creation of a Palestinian State.(here) The extreme left and BDS-supporting New Israel Fund has taken over much of the American Jewish establishment. We see…


NBC News: Pennsylvania Transit Authority WON’T APPEAL AFDI Free Speech Win

Another glorious moment for AFDI and all Americans. SEPTA (South Eastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority) held a press conference this afternoon announcing that they will not appeal their loss, our win last week in our free speech lawsuit. The court ruled that the Transit Authority cannot ban our message highlighting Islamic Jew-hatred, the root cause of…


Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz praised on Facebook: ‘Our holy martyr Lubitz died for our prophet’

Piloting a plane to crash is not suicide, it’s mass murder. Lubitz was identified as a German citizen and Mr Robin said he was not known to terrorism links or extremist links, but the prosecutor said he was expecting more information from the German authorities. Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin added his religion was “unknown.” The…

Geller Report