Musk’s Plan B

Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s surprise $43 billion offer for Twitter kicked off an hysterical week for the social media giant and its investors, which closed with Friday’s ‘poison pill’ via Twitter’s board to stop Musk in his tracks.

In a deeper sense, Musk ha already won. The unhinged reaction and the media hysteria, just because a free speech advocate bought a stake in the company, is deeply revealing.

Twitter Bans The Babylon Bee

Twitter Bans The Babylon Bee: For those not clued in, the Babylon Bee is a satirical and might I add, hysterical account, sort of like the Onion but funnier, that leans right. And therein lies the rub – it leans right. The Democrat Stasi are shutting down everyone and everything. Needles to say, Twitter deleted me and my quarter of a million followers some time ago. Maybe now, people might understand why I fought so hard for the right to publish the Muhammad cartoons. Once you sanction censorship, you open the door to fascism and totalitarianism – exactly what we see going down in this once great nation

Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced.

TRAITORS: Twitter/Facebook Suspend Account of Grieving Mother of Marines Killed in Kabul

The Taliban, Ayatollah Khomeini, Sharia Sarsour, and every other genocidal savage are welcome on these platforms to spew their poison and incite to violence and murder but good, decent Americans are banned, censored, demonized. The Democrat complex has declared war on the America. We need to rise up and defeat the enemy within.

Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, YouTube, Paypal Creating Shared Counterterrorism “Key Database” Against Patriots, Constitutionalists, Free Speech Activists

Tech giants are lining up to aid and abet the persecution of patriotic Americans and anyone who opposes the Democrat’s communist crackdown on freedom. Lest we forget, these same companies who fought and refused to work with LE and share their data on jihadis who mass murdered innocent Americans in the cause of Islam.


Twitter Goes Full Communist China

ChiCom Twitter tightened the yoke of oppression today, implementing severe censorship protocols on the President.

But they warm and welcome the worst dictators and destroyers in the world (Khamenei, Xi Jinping, Ilhan Omar) while censoring an intellectual movement that defends freedom and liberty.

Geller Report