Sharia in Indonesia: Bust the Beauty Salons

Sharia takes hold in Indonesia. 13 women arrested in religious police raids on salons Scotsman RELIGIOUS police in Indonesia have raided a dozen beauty salons and arrested 13 beauticians for failing to wear Islamic attire and two male customers for having their hair cut by women. Bahagia Hadi, the chief of the Sharia – Islamic…

Google, Terror Lover

The Gathering Storm has more dirt on just how dirty Google (first do real harm) really is. Regular readers of Atlas know how dangerous  PRC and terrorists, here’s more. Outside it’s America. At the Search Engine StrategiesConference in Chicago, Webmaster Radio’s Jim Hedger held a press conference which made public the investigative report that 1….


This is inconceivable …….. why are we still legitimizing this devils’ lair. WTF? This is the latest islamist led tactic. Jump the the security council and go directly to the despot/dictatorship  stacked general assembly. The dhimmicrats don’t want Bolton intalk about UN reform but clearly things are getting worse. No one ever talks about the…

Email from France

It’s time for the Jews to leave Europe. They must go. Subject: Frightening News from France hat tip Dave Once again, the real news in France is conveniently not being reported as it should. To give you an idea of what’s going on in France where there are now between 5 and 6 million Muslims…

Honor Beatings/Killings: Islam in France

Michel, our man on the street in France, reports on the ongoing Islamic barbarism in France. The links this article are only in French. Michel translates – which I have basically left intact; Beaten and shorn because she has a French boyfriend A 62 year old man and his son, 22 year old, originally from…


And the hits keep coming ………..from LGF Judicial Watch’s Corruption Chronicles blog has a look at Minnesota’s new Democrat Congressman, former Nation of Islam spokesperson Keith Ellison. The first Muslim elected to the United States Congress is a Democrat from Minneapolis with ties to an Islamic group that supports terrorism and a radical cult whose…


George Soros colluded with the Nazis, “my happiest moment”

This exchange on 60 minutes between George Soros and Steve Croft: ‘ Extended quotation from the 60 Minutes transcript follows: When the Nazis occupied Budapest in 1944, George Soros’ father was a successful lawyer. He lived on an island in the Danube and liked to commute to work in a rowboat. But knowing there were…

Love the Aussies

BTW, a digger is a soldier ……… hat tip Rich and Clyde, thanks guys UPDATE: Beccy Cole Australian Artist (sorry about that). Blackfive found it. Love those guys

Election: Dinner with DeWine

ALL ELECTION VLOGS WILL BE TOP THREAD ***SCROLL FOR NEW POSTS AND UPDATES*** Congresswoman Sue Kelly, Pamela, and Senator Mike DeWine It’s not so much that keeping control of the House and the Senate is critical for Republicans, it is critical to Americans, to lovers of liberty, to fighting the war on the Global Jihad….


Having seen first hand the work AIPAC does on behalf of the Jews and Israel, I am not surprised by Soros latest attempt to undermine it. Note the term “dovish Jew” – translation “suicidal Jews.” SOROS PAIRING WITH DOVISH JEWS TO CONSIDER AN ALTERNATIVE TO AIPAC WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 (JTA) – A top staffer for…

Islam: Conning America

"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the…

Islamic Teachings in Public School OK by SCOTUS

This ruling by the United States Supreme Court was unexpected and incomprehensible. The initial ruling is typical of the ultra liberal (downright wacky) Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco but the SCOTUS rubber stamping the teaching and recitation of  Islamic prayers in the public school is……… bad news. Very bad news. hat…

Danish Cartoons: Bobblehead Mo

ave NY DAILY NEWS A ceramic bobblehead doll of the Prophet Muhammed – created to resemble the infamous caricature published by a Danish newspaper – is being hawked online for $22.99 a pop by an ex-Marine. They can be had here but order early: "**Due to current demand, please allow between 2-4 weeks for delivery.**…

Coleman Seeks to Isolate Iran

excellent on UN reform. He continues to carry the torch and make the tough calls. Most impressive indeed.  “For the sake of our national security, the U.S. must ensure that the sensitive nuclear technology that we share with partner countries does not fall into the hands of the Iranians,” said Coleman. “The Iranians have demonstrated…

China Goes Thermonuclear

The Democrats pick, pick, pick, pick at the national psyche with their tiny but sharp beaks, distracting us from the enemy’s march to war. Iran has no intention of halting their uranium  enrichment program and building their nuclear arsenal while one of their great benefactors,  China has gone thermo. It is (if true) a real…

Bostom: The Pope and the Jihad

I had the distinct pleasure of having Andrew Bostom on my show here on Thursday. Here he elucidates as only Bostom can on the current jihad:   The Pope, Jihad, and “Dialogue” The most important address commemorating 9/11/01 was delivered on 9/12/06, a day after the fifth anniversary of this cataclysmic act of jihad terrorism….


Why are we so eager to align ourselves with such spineless, dickless dhimmis. I just don’t get it. France rejects "war on terror" PARIS (Reuters) – France issued an implicit criticism of U.S. foreign policy on Thursday, rejecting talk of a "war on terror". Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, speaking in parliament, expressed these views…

Soros Stealing America

What Soros wants, what he intends to do is to take power in America. George Soros  called defeating President Bush "the central focus of my life" and a "matter of life and death. More here Soros is a terrible figure undermining the very foundation of America. His treachery looms darkly over the great American landcape….


Victor Davis Hanson:  Surreal Rules The difficulties of fighting in an absurdly complicated region. 1. Any death — enemy or friendly, accidental or deliberate, civilian or soldier — favors the terrorists. The Islamists have no claim on morality; Westerners do and show it hourly. So, in a strange way, images of the dead and dying…

WAR Blogger LIVE Interview: Natan Sharansky

Alan Roth of One Jerusalem.Org has put together another groundbreaking, no holds barred blogger interview with key players in the sphere during this critical time in human history. Much kudos to Alan for this and last week's interview with Dore Gold, LIVE IN JERUSALEM. Taking down the Jihad media one blow to the keppe at…


ATTENTION FLORIDA READERS! Tonight, a protest will be taking place in front of the Commission Chambers of Pompano Beach City Hall, at 100 West Atlantic BoulevardBrigitte Gabriel writes with this alarming development — further proof of  the Muslim Brotherhood project; Islamist Center of South FloridaBy Joe KaufmanFront Page Magazine,| July 11, 2006 Radical mosques are…

New York Times Protest Its Crimes Against the State

So when did treason become patriotic? I don’t know but the guys across the street spent the entire time trying to shout out, drown out our speakers. Free speech, my ass. There were roughly 150- 200 people who showed to protest The Times, it should have been thousands. The other side had 25-50ish. This was…


*** UPDATE: ITALY WINS IT, 5-3 on penalties*** ****SCROLL FOR UPDATE ON  ZIDANE’S DISGRACE****NIDRA HAS WRITTEN A POST GAME UPDATE. From her window she hears sirens, firecrackers, and no screams of joys Reading through all the word cup hoopla in France, I noticed scattered accounts of violence and car burnings but very little media coverage of…


Protest the New York Times Revealing of U.S. Secrets, Monday, July 10, 5 p.m. We have a sound permit, and we will be across the street from the New York Times. They are at 229 West 43rd Street. The groups on board so far are Free Republic, Caucus for America, the Congress for Racial Equality,…

Saudis Juice Hamas Butchery

[…] the Hamas campaign of violence continues unabashedly, in full swing, proving that terrorists can both “govern” and kill at the same time. "With hearts full of faith, Hamas commends brother-fighter Abu Musab Zarqawi… who was  martyred at the hands of the savage crusade campaign which targets the Arab homeland, starting in Iraq," Hamas: "If…

Jewish Survival, a terrible question

Charles Jacobs put to paper what many of us have been thinking for some time. The Jewish leadership has failed the Jews, and miserably. In Israel, a leadership so desperate for peace they delude themselves in seeing things that aren’t there and turning a blind eye to terrible realities. In Europe, Jews live in a…

Failing IRAN and the WEST: Hanging on the Telephone with Natan Sharansky

UPDATED  JUNE 16TH – *SCROLL* DOWN Tim of The Heritage Foundation put together a bloggers’ conference call with Natan Sharansky (clearly a man with an eye on the future.)  He addressed the  Western strategy of engaging the Iranian regime as well as the systematic destruction of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim artifacts on the Temple Mount…


Nidra Poller: Baked on the Premises How much richer and smarter are we in the Atlas sphere now that alliance. Nidra will be giving us the real 411  from the French street, the Arab French street, and the French Jews (they have no street.)"Baked on the Premises" – the sweet smell of a  French truth…

Who is censoring me?

One of my categories on my left sidebar is: Ilan Halimi: Islamic Jew Hatred in France As of today, when you click on it on Firefox you get; Not Found The requested URL /atlas_shrugs/ ilan_halimi_islamic_jew_hatred_in_france/index.html was not found on this server." and this on Internet Explorer; The page you are looking for might have been…

France:”I do not want any Jew to be afraid”

Then why we the cops told not to intervene when Jews inLe Marais were being terrorized? How can the Jews not be afraid? On Wednesday, during his visit to the Rue des Rosiers (75003 Paris), Interior and Religion Minister Nicolas Sarkozy promised to increase security in the predominantly Jewish area. He said: "I do not…

Jyllands-Posten: “Why I published the Danish Cartoons”

Why I Published the Muhammad Cartoons Spiegel Online English European political correctness allows Muslims to resist integration, argues the culture editor of Jyllands-Posten. Instead, Muslims should be treated just like all Europeans — including being subject to satire. He argues that publishing the caricatures was an act of "inclusion, not exclusion. And still the cartoon…

Islam Gone Wild

While the Jihadists’ Return Worries Europe, European societies thrash about in the last throes of civilization (as we know it). From the Iris blog Today’s news from Germany buries the fact that the gang rapists of a 13 year-old were likely Arab Muslim immigrants: I told you immigrant is the euphemism for Muslim. Remember this…

IRAN: Jews, Christians Must Wear “Special Badges”

Ahmadinejad has vowed, “To stop Christianity in this country” [i.e., Iran] here and his recent “letter”  to President Bush emulates the jihad war precept (originally formulated by the Muslim prophet Muhammad) of calling infidel powers—often Christian powers—to accept Islam, prior to initiating a jihad war against them. hat tip Andrew. Make no mistake, this is…

Harpers Mag Prints Danish Cartoons

Art Spiegelman tackles Danish cartoons (Reuters) – Controversial Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad have been reprinted in a U.S. magazine with commentary by leading U.S. cartoonist Art Spiegelman, who offers what he calls a "fatwa bomb meter" to rate their offensiveness. Harper’s Magazine published the article by Spiegelman in its June edition available on…

Nidra Poller: “Punk Jihad”

American asylum for French Jews: Before I go on, please here.  We must help save these people. 12 million illegal aliens getting amnesty just because they crossed the border? C’mon, help these folks. VIDEO HERE:  NIDRA POLLER: THE MURDER OF ILAN HALIMI. WHAT FUTURE FOR THE JEWS IN FRANCE I’m just came back from the…

Geller Report