US Jewish leadership ignores consequences that Muslim immigration has had on European Jewry

Since the beginning of the so-called refugee crisis, much of the Jewish leadership in the United States has embraced the immigration of migrants from Syria, despite Syria being among the most anti-Semitic countries in the world. The Jewish leadership in the United States has ignored the plight of European Jews, which has largely been a result of mass Muslim immigration.


Court docs: Motion for summary judgment in AFDI free speech case against Seattle

Here are the documents our world-class legal team at the American Freedom Law Center has just filed in our lawsuit challenging the sharia enforcement and denial of our free speech rights by Seattle authorities who are actually claiming that a poster depicting the FBI’s most wanted criminals is disparaging to Muslims because all the most wanted criminals are Islamic jihad terrorists.


Jewicidal ADL attacks Netanyahu’s condemnation of PA Jew-free state demand

Long time Atlas readers are well educated in the vicious, duplicitous anti-Jewish leadership of the ADL. The ADL has attacked me vociferous over the years for my pro-Israel ads, my zionism and my defense of Jews. They are the head kapos of an increasingly anti-Jewish American disapora led by leftist elites. Here is their Striecher-like…


An open thread on 9/11 weekend

R.I.P.                                      We failed you. List of World Trade Center Victims Gordon M Aamoth, Jr Edelmiro Abad Maria Rose Abad Andrew Anthony Abate Vincent Abate Laurence Christopher Abel William F Abrahamson Richard Anthony Aceto Jesus Acevedo Rescand Heinrich Bernhard Ackermann Paul Acquaviva Donald LaRoy Adams Patrick Adams Shannon Lewis Adams Stephen George Adams Ignatius Udo Adanga…


ADL Tries to Find Common Ground with Anti-Israel Hate Group “If Not Now”

The ADL courts these Jew-haters, but it viciously attacks proud Jews. What Jew in his right mind (and soul) would contribute any money to these kapos? “ADL Tries to Find Common Ground w/Anti-Israel Hate Group ‘If Not Now,’” by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage, April 21, 2016: The Abe Foxman era of the ADL was bad. The…

Defamatory ADL Reverses Itself on AFDI Ads, But Continues Its “Racist” Attacks

The uber-left islamophiliac Guardian fails in its coverage of our latest ad campaign. They get much wrong. No surprise there. The notorious ADL was asked to comment — the ADL, which has condemned my ads in the past (along with Joan Rivers, David Yerushalmi and Israel at various times). Evan Bernstein, the regional director of…

Pro-jihad terror petition to ban Joan Rivers’ UK tour: Will the Brits cave to Islamic supremacist demands?

Muslims trying to silence Joan is not surprising. Will the dhimmi British authorities ban Joan Rivers like they banned Robert Spencer and me for our pro-Israel support? Stay tuned. Joan, if they ban you, come speak to our rally. Thousands of Muslims and their leftwing lapdogs have signed the petition. But imams preaching hate, violence…

ADL’s “Interfaith” Summer Camp Infiltrated by Supporters of Al Qaeda Terrorist

When the ADL is not busy attacking proud Zionists or the state of Israel, they are exposing our young to jihadists and al-Qaeda linked anti-semities. The ADL has long abandoned their mission in defense of the Jewish people and instead has become a club for the increasingly anti-semitic pro-jihad left. They attack many of the…

Pamela Geller in Haaretz

I responded to a particularly mindless but vicious smear written against me and my work in Haaretz. On the eve of Passover and the then-impending anniversary of the Boston savage bombing, Haaretz ran a piece entitled, “In Boston, saying ‘No’ to Pamela Geller’s savage hate.” I asked that in the interests of journalistic fairness, that…

Hallelujah! Abe Foxman finally ‘retires’ from the ADL

Oh, happy day. Abe Foxman is resigning after more than 50 years at the increasingly damaging ADL. I thought that Foxman was going to go out feet first. And in a way, he is. Lord knows the man is brain dead.

He took a once vital organization and turned it hard left going after fierce proud Jews like me. Foxman’s ADL freely criticized Israel and Joan Rivers (I kid you not), but walked on eggshells with anti-semitic Muslim groups.

Of course, his successor could be worse, but let’s not think about that now. Foxman is gone; perhaps the ADL will finally recognize the Armenian Genocide.


Jewish Week: Pamela Geller ‘Sharia’ Event In Great Neck Spurs Showdown

Habeeb Ahmed, chairman of the Islamic Center of Long Island in Westbury, said of Rep. Peter King’s hearings that they were “branding the whole community as if we are all suspects.” Really, why? Is Habeeb suggesting that Muslims support jihad and the sharia, the most oppressive and brutal ideology on the face of the earth…


Pamela Geller, WND Column: ADL ‘covering for annihilationists’

DEFENDING THE WEST  Jewicidals doing the work of jihadists Exclusive: Pamela Geller accuses ADL of 'covering for annihilationists' The notorious Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is taking a break from denouncing Joan Rivers, Seth MacFarlane and Glenn Beck and is actually condemning, although timidly, the vicious Jewish blood libel running on ads that are sponsored by American…


Wall Street Journal weighs in on our AFDI counter jihad ads UPDATE: CBS News, too

The Wall Street Journal writes that our ad "associates Islam with 19,250 terrorist attacks carried out by extremists since the 9/11." Uh, no. I don't associate it. The jihadists screaming "allahu akbar" citing quran chapter and verse are associating it. How knuckleheaded can the WSJ be? And note the headline. The media calls these ads…


Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Fox the Pox

Check out my oped on Fox the pox. Foxman Must Go Pamela Geller The capacity for humiliating, destructive behavior from Abe Foxman (and those Jews who fund the Anti-Defamation League) continues to astound and repel proud Jews across the world. Ever since Foxman voiced opposition to the Ground Zero mosque (even a broken clock is…

Geller Report