Lockdowns and Vaccines Caused More Death Than They Prevented

Suicides, overdose deaths, deaths due to preventative healthcare not accessed, deaths by ventilators and Remdesivir, deaths due to not allowing doctors to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and now sudden deaths from the Pfizer and Moderna jabs are all verifiable and factual, but no empathy from the covidian cult is forthcoming for these victims.


CATASTROPHIC: Twitter COVID FILES: US Govt Censored Content, Suspended Users, Targeted “Anti-Vaxxers”, Promoted Fear

We have no constitution. Like us, the Constitution has been suspended.

All of us who were permanently suspended from Twitter for Covid or election truths were removed by order of the US government. America has been torn asunder.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Junk Science Strikes Again: New Study Proves That If You’re Unvaccinated, You’re More Likely to Wreck Your Car!

Superstition and mass hysteria are recurring features of the human condition. People used to believe that their neighbor’s wife had become a witch and was flying around doing mischief in the night. Now they believe that if you don’t subject yourself to a risky and dangerous vaccine, you’re more likely to get in a car crash.


Here’s FAUCI Deposition Transcript And He’s So Much Worse Than You Thought

According to the transcript, Dr. Fauci said “I don’t recall” 174 times, including when asked about emails that he sent, interviews that he gave, and other important information.

The man who shutdown the country, mandated a dangerous vaccine and covered our faces “couldn’t recall”.


Suppressing Repurposed Drugs ‘Cost Millions of Lives’: Founder of COVID Treatment Fund

21st century mass murder. And still they are pushing the vax poison calling for boosters ever two months.

There are so many historic, unprecedented crimes, crises, etc going on all at once, One is almost in a constant state of Intellectual whiplash. Head whipping and yet there are no consequences, no redress and uniparty RINOs do nothing. Go along to get along.


Study: Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Caused by ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ ‘Fearmongering’

You can’t make this stuff up.

Unable to contain the widespread effect of the injurious vaccine and the sheer number of injured and dead (sudden death syndrome), the left is blaming – you guessed it – the unvaccinated. And this Salem witch-style propaganda is published by National Library of Medicine’s (official US Government website) website, no lss.


Biden, world leaders sign declaration to adopt vaccine passports for international travel

Unconstitutional for starters and far more terrifying in its implications. This infringes on individual rights and individual autonomy. Far worse still, the vaccine is deadly to so very many and has no efficacy in it’s stated purpose. It is a murderous administration, that ignores vaccine related injury and deaths.

These monsters must be stopped.


THEY KILLED PEOPLE: After Vicious Campaign Against Ivermectin (“Horse Paste”) For Covid, FDA Claims That Never Happened

Lying, evil bastards. They pulled it off the shelf. I remember calling every pharmacy in  the  New York area. You could not get it. People were dying and you could not get the most effective treatment for Covid. That’s what the Democrats did. There was a directive issued doctors could not prescribe Ivermectin for Covid. They penalized doctors who did. You had to get it on the black market. Those of us who tried to get it. – know.

They killed people.

Now they are saying that didn’t happen. They can say anything and they can do anything and they get away with it. Unscathed.


The Left Destroyed Everything, and Now They Want A Free Pass

“Let’s Declare A Pandemic Amnesty,” says The Atlantic. That’s right: the people who will hound and destroy you and make you forever unemployable for some offhand remark you made on social media fifteen years ago want you to forgive and forget that they destroyed the economy, retarded the development of millions of schoolchildren, enabled the further massive intrusion of an increasingly authoritarian federal government into our lives, and coated the society with a lingering cloud of paranoia and fear, and now that we know that it was all for nothing, they want to make sure that they don’t suffer any professional consequences. Well, the answer is clear: no.

Geller Report