Face Mask Kills Baby Boy

“Recommending child masking does not meet the accepted practice of promulgating only medical interventions where benefits clearly outweigh harms.”

“Forcing people to wear masks has been a failure of public health,” said Peter Gøtzsche, a physician and scientist who is an expert in research methodology. “The reason we are still having the mask debate is because authorities relied on trash studies to justify their use, and wanted to appear as if they were doing something. In a crisis, it is always more difficult to do nothing.”


CDC Director Laughing About How She Made Policy Decisions During COVID: She Would Call Friends and Casually Agree on Some Policy and Then Do That

“Trust the science.”

This is how they shut down society, locked down the country, locked out our children, forced masks, mandated ineffective and highly suspect vaccines, fired the unvaccinated, overthrew election integrity, stole an election etc.

This is the same CDC Director who is finalizing the edict that all Americans have to get an ANNUAL COVID shot, the roll-out will be announced in September.

Geller Report