Blocks Of Anti-Trump Protest Buses Caught On Tape #Soros

[the_ad id=”83350″] This is what Nancy Pelosi meant when she called the tea party movement (a historic phenomenon unmatched in American history) “astroturfing.” Projection — it’s what the left does. Nancy Pelosi said tea party protests are “not by any means an organic grassroots movement. Rather, she said, they are a deliberate astroturf campaign organized…


Leaked Documents: George Soros Massive Funding to Manipulate Federal Elections

[the_ad id=”83350″] Let’s beat Hitler’s acolyte- the black hand, George Soros, at his own game. Behind every dark, ugly global scheme, he lurks — like Dracula — waiting to pounce on the good, the decent and the free. Leaked Documents Reveal Expansive Soros Funding to Manipulate Federal Elections,” By: J. Christian Adams, PJM, November 7,…


Leaked Documents: Soros Group Spent $600K To Mainstream Pro-Refugee Attitudes

Now we are discovering why the enemedia marches in such unbreakable lockstep to the far-left’s tune. They’re bought and paid for by Nazi collaborator Soros, the black hand. “Leaked Documents: Soros Group Spent $600K To Mainstream Pro-Refugee Attitudes,” by Peter Hasson, Daily Caller, September 4, 2016: Leaked documents from left-wing financier George Soros’s Open Society…


Leaked Soros Memo Calls Refugee Crisis ‘New Normal,’ Says It ‘Opens Opportunities’ for Foundation’s Global Influence

More treachery from Soros, the black hand. Anywhere there is conflict, hatred and evil, you will find George Soros pulling the strings. He buys people, orgs, nations. He owns Hillary. His tentacles are everywhere. One world leader slammed George Soros for promoting and funding the “migrant” invasion. Muslim migrants arriving in Europe are given a…


Soros Foundation Enemies List: Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, et al

For years, there has been a systematic, well coordinated campaign to destroy the work, the names, the reputations of my colleagues and  me.  In every news article and other press coverage concerning my work, it was as if every reporter was cutting and pasting the same libelous and defamatory  smear against me. I always wondered…


Russia bans Soros Foundation as ‘threat to Russian national security’

Russia is not alone. Hungary, too. Prime Minister Orban has publicly blasted Soros for the funding and promotion of the Muslim invasion of Europe. Everybody knows …… countries with sense are banning the black hand, here in the US — he’s the puppet master behind the plant in the White House. I wrote extensively about…


Secretary of State John Kerry to introduce George Soros at State Department open forum

Wow. All bets are off. Coup complete. Since the mid-1980s in particular, [Soros] has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades. Vis à vis the United…


Nazi Collaborator Soros Offers $250,000 Bribe to make girlfriend beating/choking case go away #MMFA #CAP Silence=Sanction

It's not just the NY Times: hypocrisy is the very DNA, the essence of the left. Where are the Soros-funded leftwing smear machines like Media Matters, the Center for American Progress, Obama's OFA, and all of the feminazis women's groups? *Crickets chriping* *sheep bleating* As for Sandra Slutgate Fluke (President Obama wants his daughters to…


Soros-Funded Group Behind Course for Journalists That Whitewashes “Jihad,” Blames “Right Wing Activists”

Well, well, who'd a thunk it? Soros is funding the whitewashed journalism course on Islam. More on  islamizing journalism: here "Islam on Main Street" for reporters – and aspiring reporters – covering Muslim communities in America (here), and this back in January: The Society of Professional Journalists: Why We Never Get the Straight Story on…


SOROS Major News Organizations

Chances are you or folks you know have been brainwashed and conned by, arguably, one of the most evil men that walks the earth. Soros is hardcore; a nazi at 12,longtime associate of Francois Genoud, Hitler's and Hitler's ally at the time, Mufti al-Husseini's (leader of the Muslim world) banker. Since then, Soros — betting…


O’Keefe’s Muslim Brotherhood Project Part III: Soros’s Secret Millions to NPR, Buying Influence and Bias

Action Alert: House to vote on defunding NPR today March 17… Call House Majority Leader Eric Cantor at 202.225.4000 and your Representative (contact here too) ==================================================== Here is part III in James O'Keefe's groundbreaking investigative journalism expose on NPR. I applaud O'Keefe and his team for exposing NPR's corruption and naked bias. I question the…


Soros Behind Morocco Riots and Revolts against other U.S. allies across Mideast, North Africa

The leftist Islamic alliance strikes again. They are taking on and intend to take over the world. Know one thing, there are no accidents. Soros fingerprints on Morocco riots (WND) Activist also tied to revolts against other U.S. allies across Mideast, North Africa One of the main groups organizing protests against the pro-Western king of…


ADL, Leftwing Jewish Group Attacks Beck, Defends Notorious Jew Hater, Anti-Israel Crusader George Soros, Nazi collaborator

Once again the ADL comes down decidedly on the side of nazis and annihilationists. This latest is ADL denied the Armenian genocide, the Muslim annihilation of millions of Christians ………………but attacking Beck in the morally bankrupt and dishonest defense of nazi-lover and notorious anti-Israel crusader Soros? Huh? The ADL is attacking Glenn Beck for reporting…


Pamela Geller, Big Journalism: The Anti-Israel Lobbying Group, J Street, and the Dirty Money of George Soros

Check out my latest article at Breitbart's Big Journalism: The Anti-Israel Lobbying Group, J Street, and the Dirty Money of George Soros George Soros is the source of the dirty money behind the front group to destroy Israel, J Street, as J Street executive director Jeremy Ben Ami has finally admitted to the media, after…

The US has “more oil than all the Middle East put together”

3 to 4.3 Billion Barrels of Technically Recoverable Oil Assessed in North Dakota and Montana’s Bakken Formation—25 Times More Than 1995 Estimate— The government is, increasingly, the enemy. Imagine the jobs, the wealth, the independence, and cutting the jihad snake off at the head. There is no downside. We could easily extract that oil with…

Soros, Shadow POTUS: Soros Behind CIA Witch Hunt?

Could Soros be behind the demonization of the CIA? At his Open Society Institute website he has this blurb about his documentary. This man is evil, but could he possibly have this much influence on Obama? I say, yes. Subject: OSI-Supported Documentary on Torture and Accountability Debuts | Open Society Institute (hat tip Debbie F)…


In case you thought the fix wasn't in: From today's Wall Street Journal hat tip s Among 2008's top moneymakers………….  hedge-fund legend George Soros. He took in $1.1 billion, partly by making "a good call against the dollar," said Alpha. The dollar rebounded starting in August, ending a years-long decline. UPDATE: So Soros is showing…


Did you read this urgent post over at Atlas the day before yesterday? Commit it to memory: BLUEPRINT FOR US SURRENDER TO ISLAM: THE US MUSLIM ENGAGEMENT Over at Family Security Matters: SHARIAH'S BROTHERHOOD On Friday, President Obama reiterated for the umpteenth time his determination to develop a "new relationship" with the Muslim world. On…


The left, as its history painfully shows, has always aligned itself with the  totalitarian ideology du jour. The jihad could never have made such enormous strides  into Western society without the leftards carrying their water. Those on the right considered themselves safe from dhimmitude and oppression. Wrong. Defenders of America have been acutely aware of…


This is why the government should stay out of everything except defense. They are selling us out to the enemy.  SOROS SHOULD BE LISTED AS A TERROR ORG AND ANYONE AND EVERYONE SHOULD BE BANNED FROM DOING BUSINESS WITH THE CHIEF TERRORMASTER. Look Who’s Buying IndyMac Larrey Johnson, American Thinker The FDIC has just announced…

Liberal Storm Troopers

There is a radical, effective, rich  movement afoot funded by the limousine liberals who will impose their will on the little people, because they know better. The left loves ideas, hates people and will shove their dogma down your throat because they know what’s best for you. Take over ….without firing a shot. Soros used…

Soros Spins the Spineless: Mendacious McClellan

I never understood the McClellan appointment. He seemed small in both competence and stature. I thought he was a troll. I was right. Yes, Ari Fleischer’s shoes were enormously large but shouldn’t his replacement have had ………………. feet? Recent reports have exposed the black hand of Soros in the shaping of McClellan’s fallacious screed. Read:…

Scrubbing Obama: Aint no IRONBRUSH HARD ENOUGH

Every Obama allegiance, every ally,  every adviser is tied to the most dangerous, subversive elements in America despite this,  his lead widens. Obama’s Margin Is Biggest Yet (See What Latest Survey Shows) Who’s Scrubbing the Trinity United Church of Christ Website? ABC BlogsThe website for Sen. Barack Obama’s church — Trinity United Church of Christ…

Presidential Sharia: More Poison Fruit from Obama’s Tree

Every policy adviser of Obama Hussein’s is bad news with bad views that bodes badly for an American future. (More here andhere). Obama Adviser Samantha Power on Israel, “Jenin Massacre”   [Michael Rubin] Noah Pollak has flagged several statements by Barack Obama senior foreign policy advisor Samantha Power with regard to her policy prescriptions for the…


Hal posits, "Iran has just received their 7th shipment of 11 tons of nuclear fuel from Russia.  That brings their total amount of fuel received from Russia to date to 77 metric tons of nuclear fuel rods.  The news says they need around 82-85 tons total.  (I’m thinking 88 tons total, 8 shipments of 11…


Democrat ’08: Communist Manifesto

Over at Free Republic.  they are discussing 45 Goals of The Communist Party. “Political Parties: A Buyer’s Guide” by George Soros. If you haven’t seen this, I am runnung it again. It ismust see. Atlas Shrugs: THE HISTORY OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS mdd says "Looks like the Soros Plan,The Hilary Plan,The Usama PlanThe Islam PlanThe Putin…

Soros: The Black Hand behind Wolfowitz Smear

Mr. Malloch Brown warned on Monday that, if Mr. Wolfowitz stayed as president, European countries might withhold funding from the next financing round for the bank’s International Development Association. We hope he’s right, though we know few European finance ministers who aren’t eager to throw good money after bad. Still, it’s a remarkable bit of…

Obama and Soros

By their acts we shall know them. Despite Obama’s public denunciation of Soros’ patented anti-semitism, Obama is lapping it up at the Soros trough. Soros is a undeniable enemy of America. Beware anyone or anything that is owned by anti-Christ. In today’s America Thinker, Ed Lasky reveals the sordid details and  suspect chronology of Obama’s…


Soros is the Anti-Christ

Or damn close to it. Seriously. Not sure what he saw during the holocaust but it is safe to say he fell in love with evil. He is a master at it. He runs the Democratic party party like his own personal brothel and bankrolls it as well. Check out his latest hat tip Jerry…


George Soros colluded with the Nazis, “my happiest moment”

This exchange on 60 minutes between George Soros and Steve Croft: ‘ Extended quotation from the 60 Minutes transcript follows: When the Nazis occupied Budapest in 1944, George Soros’ father was a successful lawyer. He lived on an island in the Danube and liked to commute to work in a rowboat. But knowing there were…


Having seen first hand the work AIPAC does on behalf of the Jews and Israel, I am not surprised by Soros latest attempt to undermine it. Note the term “dovish Jew” – translation “suicidal Jews.” SOROS PAIRING WITH DOVISH JEWS TO CONSIDER AN ALTERNATIVE TO AIPAC WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 (JTA) – A top staffer for…

Soros Stealing America

What Soros wants, what he intends to do is to take power in America. George Soros  called defeating President Bush "the central focus of my life" and a "matter of life and death. More here Soros is a terrible figure undermining the very foundation of America. His treachery looms darkly over the great American landcape….

Geller Report