EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE: Leftists Hold Pathetic Anti-Trump Tax Day Protest, “Show Us Your Tax Return” – NYC

Privileged white upper-class New York Marxists march against Trump, full of self-righteousness and avidly virtue-signaling. The big issue? Not jihad terror. Not North Korea. Not any genuine threat or problem. These tools were upset about Trump’s tax returns — a non-issue that already backfired on Rachel Maddow.

PHOTOS, VIDEO: Despite Bomb Threats, Ten Thousand Attend Huge Pro-Israel Rally in NYC #NYClovesIsrael

Despite threats of violence, the huge rally for Israel drew tens of thousands of Israel lovers. What an awesome site. The event is under the hashtag #NYClovesIsrael — tweet it, post it, share it. Let Israel know she is not alone in the fight for freedom and life. I was honored to speak before the…

PHOTOS, VIDEO: Hamas Demo in NYC: Genocidal Chants Against the Jews

Jihad in America. Yesterday I attended a pro-Israel rally in front of Israeli Consulate. Young Jewish students  spontaneously called for a demo in support of Israel, in response to an ugly Hamas hatefest organized by some of the jihadists’ most notorious mouthpieces (ie Lamis Deek, terror lawyer – below on the jihad stage). I don’t…

Israel: US Muslim Who Attacked, Stoned Police During Riots Alleges He Was Beaten in Israeli Custody; Obama Springs into Action

The malevolent lopsided treatment of the jihad onslaught in Israel by the Obama administration (and the enemedia) is at a fever pitch. The kidnapping and murder of three Jewish kids was a passing news story. But the subsequent murder of a Muslim teen in Jerusalem and today’s story of a US Palestinian’s arrest has lit…


Legal Jizya: Taxpayers Billed $180 million for representing Muslim terrorist suspects

“Don’t forget that an al-Qaeda instruction manual captured in 2001 showed that Islamic jihadists are trained to understand and manipulate Western-style legal systems.’’ At some point the West is going to have to face the ugly consequences of these crushing policies. In the Umited States, many of the lawyers who defend Muslim terrorists are subsequently…


Freedom Lovers Saving the Nabe: Protest Building Muslim Brotherhood Mosque on Quiet, Residential Street in Sheepshead Bay UPDATE: VIDEO

Why there?     Geller, Spencer and freedom lovers: supremacists beware   Hundreds of good and decent Americans took to the streets in Brooklyn today to oppose the building of a mega-mosque on a quiet residential tree-lined street in Sheepshead Bay today. The massive structure will cripple traffic on the street and change the quiet…

Atlas Vlogs the Keffiyeh at the Israel Day Parade

   Watch in higher quality here The parade – gorgeous weather, gorgeous, faces, gorgeous nashuma. Not a keffiyeh in sight (see previous posts on the Dunkin Donuts keffiiyah brouhaha here, here, and here And then the annihilationists and Jew haters show up — cloaked in the keffiyeh She’s ashamed, she covered her face. This fat…

WAR Blogger LIVE Interview: Natan Sharansky

Alan Roth of One Jerusalem.Org has put together another groundbreaking, no holds barred blogger interview with key players in the sphere during this critical time in human history. Much kudos to Alan for this and last week's interview with Dore Gold, LIVE IN JERUSALEM. Taking down the Jihad media one blow to the keppe at…

New York Times Protest Its Crimes Against the State

So when did treason become patriotic? I don’t know but the guys across the street spent the entire time trying to shout out, drown out our speakers. Free speech, my ass. There were roughly 150- 200 people who showed to protest The Times, it should have been thousands. The other side had 25-50ish. This was…

NYU: The Danish Cartoons without The Danish Cartoons

“The most famous, news making cartoons in history,”Greg Lukianoff NYU’s administration limited attendance to 75 non-NYU guests (out of 150 already registered to attend). So I got there early as only the first to arrive would be let in (or so they told me) The cartoons were NOT  displayed (see the announcement below). In order…

Geller Report