CRASH AND BURN: Biden’s Approval Rating Craters to 41% as Afghanistan Descends Into Bloody Chaos

The Biden Administration is the worst and most destructive administration that we have ever seen. The American people must rebuke the Biden Administration for the 2022 mid-terms, by voting the Democrat Party out of office in an electoral landslide. And in 2024, the American people must remove the Biden Administration from office, by electing President Donald Trump or Governor Ron DeSantis.

U.S. Outrage As Video Of Biden Surfaces Saying ‘NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT BEING AMERICAN”

BAM. There it is. The Democrats want us to be just another nation, a country like every other mediocre country. But we are not like any another country. We are exceptional. We are the apex, the epitome of human existence and enlightenment, the first moral government based on individual rights. Governed not ruled. The statists (the left) despise this and work furiously to destroy it. We respect it, honor it, and treat with dignity.

Illegitimate Biden told US Commanders NOT to Send Troops to Rescue Americans Trapped in Kabul Because He FEARED ‘Black Hawk Down’ Moment — It Would Make Him Look Bad

Another traitorous Democrat coward.

The illegitimate regime is tough and vicious on Americans but sniveling snakes with our enemies.

Pure evil.

Apparently for the Democrat party, Americans in body bags are preferable.

Full transcript of Joe Biden’s Embarrassing Interview With ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, Riddled With Factual Errors About Afghanistan Withdrawal

Highlights from Biden’s ABC interview:

-Did not “recall” being warned by U.S. Military to not push ahead with his plan
-Did not know U.S. has troops in Syria
-Did not know certain events in Kabul happened this week
-Did not know people were getting killed

President Did Not Know.

AFGHAN COLLAPSE: Pompeo Shreds Biden As Taliban Takes 4 MORE CITIES, Seizes US Weapons and Military Equipment as Afghan Takeover Accelerates

Never would have happened under America’s last elected.
President.President Trump would have handled it.

This brutal jihad war in the cause of Islam will spread across the continent. It’s what they do. It’s all they do.
Expert says Kabul could fall to Taliban by 20th anniversary of 9/11

Geller Report