Another Whistleblower Reveals It Is VAXED Admitted To Emergency Rooms, 90% Of Hospital Admissions Are Vaccinated and Hospital Administration Refusing to Report Adverse Events

The vaccine does not stop COVID. Vaccinated people (like Colin Powell) die from COVID. So ask yourself, what’s behind the Nazi-esque mandates?

TSA Employees Not Vaccine Compliant Refusing the Vaccine – Joining The Majority That Will Not Get The Vaccine

The enemedia is not reporting on the walk-outs and strikes rolling across the country. Just like “let’s go Brandon!” and the Southwest vaccine walk-out being reported as weather delays ……. the American people are waking to the enemy in pour midst…..

Food shortages, supply chain issues, cargo ships backed up for weeks across American posts …… now travel. The economic systems in the United States cannot function if 40% of the workforce just refuses the vaccine and gets fired.

Young Mother Dies After Mandated Vaccination, Didn’t Want To Lose Her Job, Obituary Gets ‘Misleading’ Label When Posted to Twitter

Democrat party of murder.

“Jessica Berg Wilson, 37, of Seattle, Washington, passed away unexpectedly September 7, 2021 from COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) surrounded by her loving family…..”

Geller Report