Florida: Judge blasts FBI for failing to produce records on Saudi family in touch with 9/11 hijackers that fled U.S. just before 9/11

A federal judge on Friday chided the FBI for failing to produce records tied to a prominent Saudi Arabian family who seemed to abandon their Sarasota home suddenly just prior to the 9/11 terror attacks. U.S. District Court Judge William Zloch ordered the FBI to conduct a much more thorough search than it had previously done and deliver all pertinent documents — uncensored — to him by April 18 for review.

University of Michigan BDS Defeat: Jihad, Jew-hating BDS Posts ‘Overtly Threatening’ Photo to Facebook

The good news is that the Nuremberg-inspired BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction the Jewish state) measure was roundly and soundly defeated last night at a contentious (aren’t they always) vote at the University of Michigan. So threatening were the pro-jihad students and agitators that the vote was by secret ballot, so as to ensure that no one would be targeted for revenge. At least one pro-Israel student “received death threats and that others have allegedly been called ‘kikes’ and ‘dirty Jews’” by proponents of the resolution …

Obama-backed Jihadist Government bomb Sudan Bible College

A leading U.S. analyst asserted that the administration of President Barack Obama has maintained cooperation with the Khartoum regime amid continued human rights violations and the killing of civilians in Darfur.The Heiban Bible College in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan was bombed for the second time in a little over a year.The attack is believed to have taken place by the Sudan Air Force, as the government in Khartoum continues to wage war against its own citizens.

New study: wealthy, better educated Muslims more likely to wage jihad

This has been shown time and time again — whether it was the Muslims doctors who tried to blow up the Glasgow airport; or the wealthy, educated diplomat’s son who attempted to bomb a plane right out of the sky over Detroit on Christmas day; or the group of 45 Muslim doctors who plotted Islamic terror raids in the US; or the rich, well educated Osama Bin Laden; or the 19 9/11 hijackers. Jihad has nothing to do with wealth or education. It is a religion, a totalitarian and supremacist belief system.

UK Honor Violence: Muslim arrested after ‘stabbing mother and two sisters’ in in horror movie knife rampage

A drama of unimaginable horror unfolded on a quiet residential street in Birmingham when a teenage boy allegedly launched a frenzied knife attack on his mother and two sisters, leaving all three with multiple wounds.

Shocked neighbours described the scene in Small Heath as ‘like something out of a horror film’, with one claiming to have seen part of the attack on his CCTV system.

He watched as one girl, just 10 years old, was dragged in a headlock into the street and stabbed multiple times in the upper body and neck. She then tried to crawl to a neighbour’s house for help, he said.

Obama’s Internet Surrender: a “fate worse than death” for the Internet

The Obama administration has now endangered the hallmark of Internet freedom. The Obama administration made the surprise announcement that it will relinquish its oversight of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. Global governance of the internet. “Global governance?” As in the UN. And who and what drives the UN? The OIC. The Organization of the Islamic Conference will doubtless demand the suppression of websites that “insult Islam” or “encourage hatred,” and a number of European countries will go along.

Michigan Muslim Arrested On His Way to Join Islamic Terror Group Hizballah

Mohammad Hassan Hamdan, a Dearborn Muslim, was arrested on terrorism charges after trying to board plane to Beirut.
Another devout Muslim “misunderstanding” Islam in the exact same way as millions of other Muslims.

Is law enforcement looking at his mosque and what they are teaching there? It doesn’t begin and end with just this one jihadi — he is but one small piece of a much larger war being waged on freedom and the West.

Florida Muslim Sami Osmakac’s American Dream: Blowing up the Bridges crossing Tampa Bay, Bombing sheriff’s office and police departments

“My dream was always here. It’s better for, to get it, for them to get it here … ‘cause that’s why America loves to go to war with people, ‘cause they think nobody can attack them in their country. That’s why they’re so shocked about the Muslims. Because they brought it here … ”


Smashing Debate: Storming Freedom Fest

Yesterday, I posted about fascists goons storming our happy gathering welcoming us to Australia. Here’s a picture of the “protesters” outside the event. I think their sign sums them up quite nicely, don’t you think. Debate must be “smashed”. They are taking their direction from Hitlers SA and SS.

‘Syria’s jihad death toll now exceeds 140,000’

140,000 dead, and the world obsesses over …. Israel. Muslims march into Cyprus and take over the northern half of the country, and the world obsesses over ….. Israel. Millions of refugees were displaced by the partition of India, and the world obsesses over fictional Palestinian refugees. Devout Muslim groups are waging bloody jihad in Nigeria, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Lebanon, Egypt, China, the Philippines, Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, and the world is obsessed with Soda Stream.

Devout Muslim Students Stone Students for Celebrating Valentine’s Day, Fire on Police, Set Hostel Ablaze, 3 Wounded, One Shot

Valentine’s Day is banned in many Muslim countries. Exhibiting, yet again, their extra special brand of tolerance and interfaith dialogue, the Muslim war on the day of love continues with ….. stoning. While one group of students of Peshawar University celebrated Valentine’s Day, another celebrated Haya Day (modesty day) leading to a clash that turned violent. Students threw rocks at fellow students celebrating Valentine’s Day, forcing the police to intervene. Violence escalated as the students pulled out weapons and started firing at police officers as well.

The Benghazi Transcripts: Top Defense officials told Obama it was an ‘attack,’ not video or protest

Fox News is reporting that minutes after the American consulate in Benghazi came under assault on Sept. 11, 2012, the nation’s top civilian and uniformed defense officials — headed for a previously scheduled Oval Office session with President Obama — were informed that the event was a “terrorist attack,” declassified documents show. Not one week after the September 11th attacks on our consulate, Obama stood before the world at the UN and said,”the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.” Obama said this knowing that the murder of our people and the attack on our consulate was in the cause of Muhammad. It. is. devastating.

Newly Released Docs: Al Qaeda Tied to Jihad plot to blow up New York to Toronto Train over the Niagara

These are the very same counter terrorism programs that Muslim Brotherhood groups like Hamas-CAIR are working furiously to end here in the States.
Once again the evidence gives the lie to the bogus narrative about Islamic terror. These Muslims were highly educated, well off. The idea that the behind jihad is poverty or ignorance is patently false. The motive is the cause of Islam.


Obama Rejected Numerous Proposals to Retrieve Lost U.S. Drone: Officials Confirm Authenticity of Iranian TV Images Showing Drone

Apart from the obvious — Islamic Iran, China and Russia now have state-of-the-art stealth technology and we lose a killer app in the war against the enemies of freedom, the most troubling aspect of this story is that Obama had a window of opportunity to retrieve the critical intelligence gathering drone and rejected it. He…


AFDI/SIOA, VAST to Host Jessica Mokdad Human Rights Conference at HYATT Dearborn, Michigan

AFDI/SIOA, VAST to Host Jessica Mokdad Human Rights Conference in Dearborn, Michigan at Hyatt Regency Yahoo News NEW YORK, PR Newswire: The prominent human rights organization American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), its Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) program and the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force (VAST) will be hosting the first-ever human rights conference dedicated to…

FOX News: Geller VS cair

I was on FOX news tonight. Kimberly Guilfoyle was subbing (thank gawd) for Geraldo the clown. They had me on to discuss the 911 mega mosque at Ground Zero, and who was my adversary? Niwad Awad, Hamas supporter and founder of the unindicted co-conspirator, Hamas-linked, Muslim Brotherhood front CAIR. Awad was quoted as saying at…

Clinton’s War in Bosnia

Everything that man touched turned to shit. Thank you Bill Clinton. Islamist base in Balkans raises security concerns for Europe G2, PAID ONLY As concerns mount over Kosovo becoming a base for Iran and Islamic extremism should it go independent, similar alarms are being sounded again for neighboring Bosnia-Herzegovina. The effect would give Iran and al-Qaida…

Geller Report