Facebook Removed 2.5 MILLION Pieces of ‘Hate Speech’ in Just Three Months

Absent from the report is a precise number of how many accounts and pages have been banned or suspended from the platform over “hate speech,” and how many have been mistakenly suspended and then restored. Facebook often mistakenly suspends the accounts of prominent conservatives only to restore them later — the most recent example being Islam critic Pamela Geller.


Facebook Enlists Eric Holder’s Law Firm to ‘Advise’ on Anti-Conservative Bias

We need anti-trust legislation and we need it now. It’s war. People do not understand what is at stake and what they have lost. Social media is the public square and our First Amendment rights should be first and foremost. Either we go quietly into the cold, dark night or we go to war.


Comprehensive new report shows ‘troubling’ social media censorship of conservative views

“War is being declared on the conservative movement in this space and conservatives are losing — badly.” On Monday, the Media Research Center released a comprehensive report detailing the suppression of conservative opinions on major social media platforms. It lists the conservative blog Legal Insurrection, foreign policy commentator Pamela Geller, conservative columnist Michelle Malkin, video bloggers Diamond and Silk, Dennis Prager’s PragerU series

Geller Report