Judenrat: Kapo Democrat lawmakers threaten to stop supporting Israel over the Western Wall law

The Judenrat strike again.Democrat Jews. Where do these rogue “Jews” get off telling Israel what can or cannot do? They want Israel to lose her religion. What good could that possibly do except weaken our people. Why don’t these lawmakers concerned with “pluralism” and “equality” make these demands on sharia, the most brutal and extreme ideology on the face of the earth. Why make an issue where there is none? Why don’t these lawmakers concerned with “pluralism” and “equality” make demands for equality and pluralism in Muslim countries. Why don’t these lawmakers concerned with “pluralism” and “equality” demand Islam be expunged of Islamic Jew-hatred, creed apartheid, gender apartheid and the status of minorities of Islamic rule?


Jewicidal ADL attacks Netanyahu’s condemnation of PA Jew-free state demand

Long time Atlas readers are well educated in the vicious, duplicitous anti-Jewish leadership of the ADL. The ADL has attacked me vociferous over the years for my pro-Israel ads, my zionism and my defense of Jews. They are the head kapos of an increasingly anti-Jewish American disapora led by leftist elites. Here is their Striecher-like…


Major Jewish Groups Bitterly Rebuke UCLA Over Departure of Student Leader Due to BDS Harassment

Major Jewish groups? Major Jewish groups are largely responsible for this failure of leadership and fortitude in the face of growing antisemitism rooted in Islamic Jew-hatred. Jewish leadership has quietly supported BDS (the 21st-century version of Kristallnacht) through groups such as the New Israel Fund and shunning voices of freedom. The UJA LA canceled a…


Joan Garson… And Yossi Beinart, President of Tel Aviv Stock Support Boycotts Against Israel

Joan Garson, the President of New Israel Fund of Canada (together with her husband David Baskin), is a significant donor not just to New Israel Fund, but also to Sikkuy, an Israeli NGO which claims to “advance equality between Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel.” And Sikkuy is yet another anti-Israel organization. According to NGO…


Loomis Chaffee School To Host Anti-Israel Event

The uber-elite Loomis Chaffee School is described as one of the best “college preparatory schools for boarding and day students grades 9–12.” The school is quintessentially preppy, WASPY, expensive – and hosting an anti-Israel event. The Loomis Chaffee School is a renowned New England boarding school located on a 300-acre campus in Windsor, Connecticut. Chartered…


Donors of Abraham Fund Worked To Defeat Bibi — and Abraham Fund Donors Include Alisa Doctoroff

  Our friends over at WND.com reported this week that among those in the Obama Administration seeking to harm Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was “a State Department-financed nonprofit based in Israel currently engaged in a major effort to get young Arab citizens to the voting booths in the Israeli election.” “As WND reported last…


Former Clinton Advisor Urges New Israel Fund Donors To Stop Hurting Israel

The UJA remains silent about the fact that Alisa Doctoroff, the President of UJA-Federation, is a NIF donor. Doctoroff is actively working against the Jewish State. Why is she still there? Donors must withdraw their support until these perfidious Jews are purged. The bi-partisan campaign against The New Israel Fund continued today, with an op-ed…

“The Forward, a radical pro-terrorist, anti-Israel paper read only by a handful of aging lefties while sipping their stale broth” @jdforward

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, takes on the Jewicidals at the Jewish newspaper, The Forward and joins a very small exclusive club that stood in defense of truth and freedom. Islamic scholar Robert Spencer let it rip here. “Memo to Liberals: Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood are ISIS,” October 6,…

Geller Report