Biden Reclassified the Russia Collusion Docs That Trump Declassified To Aid/Abet DOJ’s ‘Criminal’ Probe Against Trump

“Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” – Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe …

‘Show me the man, and we’ll create the the crime.’ Democrats in post-Trump America.

Former National Intelligence Director: ‘The past six years we have an FBI and DoJ that have literally become the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party’

Never before in American history have we seen corruption of this kind and on this scale. Even when the nation was hopelessly divided in the run-up to the Civil War, the government didn’t become a tool for the persecution of the political opponents of the ruling party. That has only happened in these latter days,…

Attorney General Garland, FBI Director Wray Threaten, Condemn Any American Who ‘Attacks Integrity of the FBI’

This is a well worn tactic of oppressors. Playing the victim of those they are oppressing. framing their attacks as a defense. The Nazi party executed this propaganda play relentlessly whining and moaning about their oppression by the Jews.

Border Flood Numbers: Another Month Over 200K, 5th Month In A Row

Previously, we only saw one month over 200k and that was in 2000. We have also passed FY21 numbers (which was historic) and we have 3 months left this fiscal year.

Populations are flowing through borders everywhere so that nationalism will not exist. People will be dished food, housing by the central government. People will have no rights and no choices. This is world war three, unlike any other war. Dark ages are coming back again.

UK Government Report: Vaccinated account for 94% of all COVID-19 Deaths Since April, 90% of Which Were Triple/Quadruple Jabbed

We know it’s bad. But as data, (deliberately withheld by the Democrat-media-axis) becomes available its worse than we thought.

Despite the danger, the Democrats are ramping up totalitarian edits and mandating our children and babies get injected with this poison.

Army Cuts off Unvaccinated Soldiers From Service, Threatening Pay and Benefits

How better to purge our military ranks of the brave, rational, steadfast, and true?  The vaccine is dangerous especially to young men. The vaccine mandate decimated our airline industry, expect the same of the military – and that’s the Democrats’ goal.

Supply Chain Crisis: 70,000 Self-Employed Truckers in California Forced Off The Road Under New Democrat State Law

Tens of thousands of independent California truck owner-operators will be forced out of business.

The Democrats war on the hard working American ratcheted up another unimaginable notch. But this time, it not only puts the small businessman out of business, throw in massive shortages (food, supplies etc.), supply chain issues etc. It’s a catastrophe

Sadly, the U.S. Supreme Court denied a review on whether California Assembly Bill 5 (AB-5) violates the Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act of 1994 as it applies to self-employed truck drivers.

Geller Report