THEY KILLED PEOPLE: After Vicious Campaign Against Ivermectin (“Horse Paste”) For Covid, FDA Claims That Never Happened

Lying, evil bastards. They pulled it off the shelf. I remember calling every pharmacy in  the  New York area. You could not get it. People were dying and you could not get the most effective treatment for Covid. That’s what the Democrats did. There was a directive issued doctors could not prescribe Ivermectin for Covid. They penalized doctors who did. You had to get it on the black market. Those of us who tried to get it. – know.

They killed people.

Now they are saying that didn’t happen. They can say anything and they can do anything and they get away with it. Unscathed.


Post Mid-Terms: Yesterday’s Right Wing Conspiracy Theories Are Today’s Legacy Media News Stories

Look at what’s drop after the election.

We are under a most powerful, dangerous domestic threat – Democrats and their axis of control in media, education, entertainment etc. Make no mistake, this is election rigging, as well.


Bankrupt Cryptocurrency FTX Funded Fake Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine Studies

This isn’t the swamp, it’s hell. The scale, size and magnitude of the Democrat conspiracy to take down and destroy America is unfathomable.

How many people died without these lifesaving treatments? How many suffered in unnecessary lockdowns. How many injured and died in the aftermath of the controversial vaccines? This is a massive human rights crime on an unimaginable scale.


“Ukraine Effort”: Billions to Ukraine Was Laundered Back to Democrats Via FTX

American provided government funds to invest in FTX, which in turn donated to Democratic candidates.

The biggest corruption scandal of its kind, ever, and the media hasn’t written one column inch. We don’t have a media, we have a Democrat propaganda machine. A Constitutional Republic cannot function with a state run media.


Pelosi Crows: “When People Talk About Inflation…Change That Subject!”

Fully knowing the Democrat party of treason has the enemedia completely on side, the Democrat Speaker of of the House, Nancy Pelosi, gave the Politburo their marching orders; when confronted with the daily horrors Americans face “change that subject!” knowing full well the media will follow like the running dogs they are.


The Left’s Next Public School Quest: Sexualizing Autistic Kids

There is now a depravity and sickness of the soul that is now not just celebrated on the left but offical Democrat policy. Sexualizing children and especially vulnerable disadvantaged children was once relegated to the worst fringes of society and the dark recesses of prisons. The Democrats have normed pedophilia and worse still, institutionalized it.


Emails Reveal: DHS Sec Mayorkas LIED, He Knew Whipping Allegation Was False BEFORE Spreading The Vile Lie

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas knew the narrative that Border Patrol agents whipped a group of Haitian migrants was false hours before he denounced the “horrifying” incident, newly released emails show.

These people are evil. And they hate you. And they have immense power.

Vermont Girls’ HS Volleyball Team BARRED From Their OWN Locker Room After Opposing Transgender Student (With a Penis) Who Uses It and Who ‘Made Inappropriate Remarks’ To Them

Look what the Democrats and their feminist running dogs are doing to our girls……
‘I feel like for stating my opinion — that I don’t want a biological man changing with me — that I should not have harassment charges or bullying charges. They should all be dropped,’ Allen said.

MADMAN: Newsom Signs Bill to Allow Minors From Other States To Get Castration, Breast Removal “Gender” Surgeries WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT

The Democrats war on the family, the basic building block of civilization, is part of their war on G-d. This is a deep state culture that is embracing degeneracy, depression and death.

Eliminating parental authority, paves their way to absolute control and autocracy. The Democrats war on the family, the basic building block of civilization, is part of their war on G-d. 

The case against this horrendous surgery is a whole other matter. Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers.

It All Started with Obama: Barack’s Fist-F**king “Safe Schools Czar” Pushed Books that Encouraged Children to Meet Adults at Gay Bars for Sex

Long time Geller Report readers know full well the sexualization of our public school children is nothing new. It all began with Obama. Remember, he appointed Kevin Jennings,founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight
Education Network) which sponsored the conference that produced the notorious “Fistgate” scandal (in which young teens were guided on how to perform dangerous perversions including “fisting”) to head up “Safe Schools” efforts at the Department of Education.

POLITICAL MURDER: Democrat Who Murdered Teen Acted On Biden’s ‘Republican Extremism’ Rhetoric, Cited It To Justify His Act

No media coverage of this political murder.

41-year-old Shannon Brandt chased young Cayler Ellingson through the streets after a local dance.
Cayler Ellingson, 18, called his mother for help saying he was being pursued. He was found dead. Brandt mowed down 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson early Sunday morning over what he later claimed was a “political argument” over whether the teen was part of a Republican group.

The Democrat party of treason mean to take us out. They want us dead.

U.S. Military Runs Low On Ammo, Biden Regime Gave It To Corrupt Oligarchs in Ukraine

Just because the enemedia isn’t reporting on it doesn’t mean it’s not a major crisis. On the contrary, it invariably means that it is.

United States defense officials say reserves of some munitions are “uncomfortably low” due to the support for Ukraine’s military. Last week President Biden announced the largest aid package since the invasion totaling three billion dollars in security aid.

Geller Report