King Salman’s Lies

Behind the flag of the sword and shahada (much like the ISIS flag), King Salman declared, “Islam is the religion mercy and tolerance and co-existence as confirmed by brilliant precedence. In its prosperous times Islam provided the best examples of co-existence and harmony among followers of religions and cultures. Good for Muslims, horrible for Muslim for non-believers who were forced to live under dhimmitude, jizya or subjugation of the unbelievers. No mention of the hundreds of millions slaughtered in jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations and enslavements.

End of Year Surge: Two New Campaigns in Counter-Offensive for Freedom

When you and your family hear of the daily acts of jihad both here and abroad, where do you turn? If you are like most knowledgable freedom lovers, you come here. You support our work. Why? Because you know that no one is doing the work we are doing, going on the offense, exposing the agenda of the enemies of freedom. And you also know that your contribution will fund the fight in defense of freedom by dedicated, indefatigable freedom fighters. Your contributions have helped make scores of ad campaigns and initiaives possible.

Bosnia’s US Embassy Attacker: “I have been a victim of those who were telling me it was necessary to fight for Islam, to lead jihad”

The Muslim being re-tried for attacking the US Embassy in Sarajevo in 2011 has apologised for his “stupid act.” He said he made “a stupid mistake.” What mistake, exactly? Embracing Islam as a teenager during a prison term for bank robbery in Austria? Or getting caught?


Atlas 2011 Year in Review: Overcoming Overwhelming Odds

As we approach the end of the year, Atlas readers can pause and reflect on a year of hard work and magnificent victories in pushing back against the encroachment on our freedoms, the insidious creep of sharia and the growing islamization in the workplace, public school and culture. By far our greatest victory was the…


Ground Zero Mosque Number #1 News Story in 2010, Rasmussen Reports — Atlas Readers Change History!

We will be heard.   Photo: El Marco WE DID IT. Excelsior! Upwards of Eight Thousand Protest 911 Ground Zero Mega Mosque on D Day June 2010 Historic 9/11 Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero Rally September 11 Massive Media Distortion of Massive Rally in New York City When you showed up at my AFDI/SIOA…

Geller Report