It’s February, and More Turks Have Entered the U.S. From Mexico This Year Than In All of 2021

In these enlightened years of Biden’s handlers’ administration, the “Southern border” has become more of a concept than a reality, as anyone, literally anyone, no longer how long his criminal record or extensive his terrorist connections, can cross into the United States in hopes of a new life of peace, prosperity, and high living off the American taxpayer.

Border Patrol Union Chief Says if Biden Weren’t President, He’d ‘Arrest Him For Aiding and Abetting’

Why is a Democrat President exempt from rule of law.? Why, for that matter, is a political party who has demonstrably broken the law repeatedly and orchestrated the greatest election theft in history., exempt from redress? How is it, that this greatest of nations, has such a deep and terrible flaw?

Geller Report