Newsweek on New AFDI “Moderate” Ad

  More national exposure of our ad campaign over at Newsweek. 100 of the “moderate” bus ads (below) went up last night in San Francisco. “James Foley’s Image Pulled From Controversial Ad Campaign,” By Stav Ziv, Newsweek, October 1, 2014 A controversial ad campaign launched in New York City this month and criticized by some…

CBS News: “Anti-Islamic Group Creates Ad Controversy In Philadelphia”

This CBS News report uses all of the buzzwords that Islamic supremacist terror-tied groups like Hamas-CAIR demand. “Anti-Islamic.” “Islamophobia.” “Anti-Muslim.” It’s incredible. Heads are rolling, and the enemedia is carrying water for the most savage ideology on the face of the earth. Anti-Islamic Group Creates Ad Controversy In Philadelphia Cherri Gregg reports on some controversial…

The Jewish Week: “Pamela Geller-led Group Sues MTA Over ‘Killing Jews’ Ad”

Just for knowing our “moderate” ad goes up on 100 San Francisco buses next week. Our lawsuit was filed in NYC last week and we are about to file a lawsuit against San Francisco transit for refusing our Hitler/Mufti al Husseini ad. “Pamela Geller-led Group Sues MTA Over ‘Killing Jews’ Ad”, The Jewish Week, 10/08/14,…

“The Forward, a radical pro-terrorist, anti-Israel paper read only by a handful of aging lefties while sipping their stale broth” @jdforward

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, takes on the Jewicidals at the Jewish newspaper, The Forward and joins a very small exclusive club that stood in defense of truth and freedom. Islamic scholar Robert Spencer let it rip here. “Memo to Liberals: Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood are ISIS,” October 6,…

National, International Coverage of AFDI anti-Hamas Ad

The good news is that the ad in question is getting published all over the world: “‘Killing Jews’: Pro-Israeli activist sues MTA after anti-Hamas ads turned down,” Russia Today, October 02, 2014 Photo from A pro-Israeli group has filed a lawsuit against New York’s transportation authority after it refused a bus advertisement campaign that…

Watch VIDEO Pamela Geller on Sean Hannity Discussing Yale Inviting Terror Sheikh Who Advocated Killing of U.S. Soldiers

It was another face-off with Michael Ghouse on the Sean Hannity show last night. It was amusing to listen to Ghouse boast about how he has defended me (!) and free speech, somehow forgetting that he attacked our ads, wanted them removed, and suggested they caused murder. So watching Ghouse invoke freedom of speech in…

Daily Mail on AFDI Ads: ‘Clearly, it’s not all Muslims, but there is a problem in Islam and we are prohibited from talking about it. Which is why our ad campaign is so essential.’

As I explained yesterday, we honored a request by the Foley family and modified one of the ads in our series of jihad-awareness ads that went up today in New York City. Read the full story here.  The replacement ad will be up this week. We did not receive a “cease and desist” letter. The…

.@NYDailyNews: Rajdeep Singh “Messenger of Hatred”

The New York Daily News ran this vicious article attacking our ads and me today, even as a mass jihad plot against NYC subway system was thwarted. The mainstream media runs this tripe on an endless loop. Do they ever give us the platform or opportunity to respond in their pages? Never. It’s why our…

NEWSWEEK’s “Controversial” Coverage of AFDI’s Anti-Jihad Ads

The media cannot help but call vicious antisemites and jihad supporters to comment on our ads. Linda Sarsour (“Zionism is racism”) commenting on Islamic supremacism is like asking a pornstar to opine on chastity. Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty “Controversial Anti-Muslim Ads Coming to New York City Transit”, By Stav Ziv, Newsweek, September 24, 2014 A controversial…

AFDI Lawsuit: Pennsylvania Transit “picked an unwinnable fight”

More coverage of our Pennsylvania lawsuit in defense of free speech. They got the ad wrong — we only submitted the Islamic Hitler ad. It’s the typical smear piece. The jihad-aligned media insists on calling us an “anti-Islamic” group. We oppose jihad and sharia. We don’t care what you worship. We don’t care if you…

What The Truth is Up Against

“This is irresponsible,” said Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, a former NYPD officer. “It is no different than sitting in a crowded room and yelling ‘fire!’” But there is a fire. Why didn’t their press conference address how the alleged misunderstanding of Islam represented by the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, etc., became so…

New York Magazine’s Hateful @teamcaroline: Third-Rate Yellow Journalist

Don’t you love how vicious these journalists are when “reporting” on my work? They are so courageous smearing and attacking defenders of truth and freedom. But they cower and tremble in fear at the idea of reporting on the real enemy. These “journalists” never direct their barbs towards the jihadists, the beheaders, the honor killers,…

VIDEO NBC News 10: Pamela Geller on AFDI’s Lawsuit Against Pennslyvania Transit Authority

How incompetent is the media? First, this NBC news report has the wrong ad. The entire news report is wrong. Secondly, the interview they have with me is from an old report — years old. But hey, that’s not what’s important. What’s important is that the media can use the word “anti-Muslim” repeatedly, even if…

AFDI Jihad-Awareness Ads “Encourage Islamophobia”

Our ads encourage “islamophobia”? Beheadings encourage “islamophobia.” The ethnic cleansing and slaughter of Christians under the sharia encourage “islamophobia.” Honor killings encourage “islamophobia.” Islamic Jew-hatred  encourages “islamophobia.” Kidnapping girls, gang-raping them and then selling them in slave markets encourages “islamophobia.” Islamic supremacism encourages “islamophobia.” Islamic imperialism encourages “islamophobia.” The brutal restrictions on free speech encourage “islamophobia.” Libeling…

Defamatory ADL Reverses Itself on AFDI Ads, But Continues Its “Racist” Attacks

The uber-left islamophiliac Guardian fails in its coverage of our latest ad campaign. They get much wrong. No surprise there. The notorious ADL was asked to comment — the ADL, which has condemned my ads in the past (along with Joan Rivers, David Yerushalmi and Israel at various times). Evan Bernstein, the regional director of…

New York Times: AFDI To Sue After MTA Rejects Ad That Refers to Muslims Killing Jews

One of our ads was rejected last month by the New York MTA. I had submitted five, and one was refused. I replaced the rejected ad with two others — the “yesterday’s moderate is today’s headline” and “Hamas is ISIS.” We have six ads running on buses and urban panels. “They’re wrong,” Ms. Geller said….


NY Daily News: “Shocking anti-Islam ad campaign coming to MTA buses, subway stations”

The NY Daily News headline screams, “Shocking anti-Islam ad campaign coming to MTA buses, subway stations.” Shocking? Shocking is beheading journalists with six-inch knives. Shocking is kidnapping hundreds of non-Muslim girls, gang-raping them and selling them at slave markets. Shocking is one million Christians being ethnically cleansed or slaughtered from Syria. Shocking is thousands of…


Pamela Geller, Breitbart: “In Canada, Defending Girls from Islamic Honor Killings Is ‘Racist'”

I will be appearing on Ezra Levant’s show “The Source” on SUN TV and Straight Talk with Jerry Agar on the same network today to discuss the lawsuit we filed against Edmonton in Canada for taking our ads after a handful of Muslims complained. Here is my affidavit. The ad was designed to provide Muslim…

Offensive Government: SIOA Trademark Application —-> Washington Redskins Ruling

In a bombshell decision this morning, the USPTO cancelled the Washington Redskins’ trademark registrations. According to Forbes Magazine, the Redskins are the third most valuable franchise in the NFL, behind the Dallas Cowboys and New England Patriots, and were valued at approximately $1.6 billion as of 2013. They have also broken the NFL’s mark for…

NY Daily News: “Muslim group fights back against Pamela Geller’s ‘Hitler’ bus ads”

Check out the New York Daily News article on hate group Hamas-CAIR’s deceptive ad campaign using a quran quote that refers to Christians and Jews who have converted to Islam (but they leave that little factoid out, of course). The notorious Ibrahim Hooper, who wants the “government of the United States to be Islamic sometime…

Truth Revolt: “Anti-CAIR Ad Defaced With Swastikas, Anti-Semitic Vandalism”

Good piece on the Islamic antisemitism defacement of our “truth about CAIR” ads over at Truth Revolt. “Anti-CAIR Ad Defaced With Swastikas, Anti-Semitic Vandalism,”  Daniel Mael, Truth Revolt, May 28 2014 “The vandalism demonstrates yet again the desperate insecurity and authoritarian tendencies of the foes of the U.S., Israel and freedom.” A new series of…

NY Daily News: “Anti-Muslim group sparks controversy by posting ads featuring Hitler on Washington, D.C. buses”

Here’s the thing — the media and various groups representing yesterday’s men are floored by the image of Hitler, but why aren’t they just as floored by the Muslim Hitler, the Mufti al-Husseini? He is as monstrous a historical figure as Hitler, and yet he elicits little to no reaction — further proof of the…

The Examiner: “Washington, DC bus ad resurrects memory of forgotten Muslim Nazi SS Division”

People are talking about the Mufti — excelsior! Perhaps they will begin to understand and explore Islamic history and the terrible toll that ignorance of that bloody history exacts. Once understood, the Islamic/Israeli conflict makes complete sense, the Hamas charter (citing Allah) makes complete sense, the jihad against the Jews makes complete sense. Read more…

Haaretz: “Anti-Muslim ads on Washington buses feature Hitler, mufti of Jerusalem”

Here is how an uber-left Israeli newspaper is covering our new awareness campaign exposing the root cause of the Islamic (“Palestinian”) war on the Jews. Anti-Muslim? Are all Muslims virulent Jew-haters? Apparently Haaretz seems to think so. That’s what their headline implies. “Anti-Muslim ads on Washington buses feature Hitler, mufti of Jerusalem,” Haaretz, May 19,…

Daily Mail: “Hitler’s face to appear on side of 20 buses for a month in Washington D.C. as part of controversial anti-Islamic ad campaign”

People are talking. That is a good thing even if the sharia compliant media is hostile. The truth is a powerful thing and so many folks are unaware of Islamic history and the role of Muslim world during the Holocaust. People will begin to understand the root cause of Israeli-Islamic conflict and it’s root cause….

Gail Sullivan’s Bigotry and Bias at The Washington Post @g_forcewinds

The bigoted Gail Sullivan kicks off her predictable piece today in the Washington Post  today on the SIOA trademark ruling with “anti-Muslim Pamela Geller….” under the headline “anti-Muslim group.” In this, Sullivan paints all Muslims with a broad brush. My work opposes jihad and sharia. Period. Clearly Sullivan believes that all Muslims support sharia and…

Jewish Journal Interview with Pamela Geller

Intrepid journalist Mike Hayutin has published the question and answer interview he conducted with me over at the San Diego Jewish Journal.  Read the whole thing here: Q and A with Pamela Geller by Mike Hayutin | May 2014 | 2 Comments By Mike Hayutin, San Diego Jewish Journal Pamela Geller, a First Amendment, human…

Boston Judge Sanctions Speech Restrictions: Denies Motion to Display AFDI ‘Tweaked’ ‘Pro-Israel’ Ad

In our ongoing fight for free speech with the city of Boston, we had filed a second lawsuit against the MBTA for their capricious and arbitrary flouting of the First Amendment.

Let’s be honest. If any town in America needs our pro-Israel ads, it’s Boston.

We resubmitted our pro-Israel ad, and instead of using the word savage, we substituted “those engaged in savage acts.” Ridiculous, yes, but we meant to make a point.

VIDEO: Pamela Geller Interview on ITV

Here is the video of my appearance on Indian television (ITV), discussing jihad and the sharia. I was supposed to debate a Muslim on the ruling in the NYPD surveillance case, but the Muslim cancelled prior to the show. Numerous attempts were made to get someone else from the Muslim community to debate, but no one would take me on.

The Washington Post: CPAC’s Uninvited

CPAC’s unending blunders and missteps are the subject of a snarky Washington Post piece today. Once again, CPAC’s uninvited is making more news than the event itself. The Washington Post is running a piece on the uninvited. Of course, yours truly is number six on the list. Atlas readers won’t be surprised by that.

Muslim Supremacist Professor at Berkeley Criticized for ‘Indoctrination’ of Students

Another requirement of Bazian’s class, entitled De-Constructing Islamophobia and History of Otherness, is for students to get reactions from “people of color” on ads critical of radical Islam placed by Pamela Geller, author of the blog Atlas Shrugs.

Geller said she believes Bazian is indoctrinating students.

“The very idea that he is surveying ‘people of color’ about my ads is ridiculous and offensive. Jihad terrorism is not a race. The Islamic oppression of women, gays, and non-Muslims is not a race. What has Hatem Bazian ever said or done in defense of the non-Muslim ‘people of color’ who are victimized by Islamic jihadists in Nigeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and elsewhere?” Geller said in an email to the Free Beacon.

Pamela Geller responds to the “oddly manic” Jonathan Kay in the National Post

It’s appalling that Kay demeans Harper’s pro-Israel stand. Opposing jihad is unpopular among elites; Jew-bashing is the cause du jour. Following the wolf pack are lemmings like Kay, selling out his people to stay relevant. Why do we never hear politicians being criticized in these same pages for being too pro-Islam? Too pro-Sharia? Perhaps because despite the fact that they have no spine, they want to keep their heads…and their paychecks, of course.

VIDEO: FOX News Boston discusses AFDI free speech lawsuit against Boston Transit in court this week

Last month, the Boston Transit Authority restored vicious anti-Israel ads that had been removed. They were taken down because of the fallacious libel they advanced. The Jew-haters strong-armed the MBTA to put them back up. We of course, countered the libel with truth. I submitted our pro-Israel ads to the MBTA, which were denied. Our message is that any war on innocent civilians is savagery. 9/11 was savagery. 7/7 in London. March 11th in Madrid. The jihad against the Jews is savagery.

The Boston Globe on AFDI Ads: Truth is “unnecessary incitement”

The Boston Globe supports the MBTA’s viewpoint censorship of our pro-Israel ads. “MBTA’s advertising dispute: Speech without name-calling.” Even their headline mocks their position. Hmmm, do you think our founding fathers meant that when they carefully and brilliantly penned our first amendment? “freedom of speeech without name calling.” How utterly ridiculous.

Video: CBS News on Media Coverage AFDI Free Speech Lawsuit against Boston

Last week, the Boston Transit Authority restored vicious anti-Israel ads that had been removed. They were taken down because of the fallacious libel that they advanced. The Jew-haters strong-armed the MBTA to put them back up. And they did. We, of course, countered the libel with truth. I submitted our pro-Israel ads to the MBTA last week. They were refused ……. we have filed suit.

Geller Report