Ghazis and Nazis Takeover of Obama-Endorsed OccupyAmerica Movement
Keffiyeh Day at Occupy Wall Street! And BDS at #OWS

It was only a matter of time before the pro-jihad Jew-haters would find a leftwing movement with legs that they would leech onto. What better perverted movement than the Obama-endorsed Occupy zombied movement. Tomorrow, the aspiring annihilationists adopt the wearing of the icon that Yasser Arafat made famous, the keffiyeh, symbol of Jew-hatred and Islamic…

Keffiyeh: Symbol of Jihad and Genocide in Public School

It’s the new swastika. Terror tied CAIR imposed their hate in public schools. It is despicable that symbols of hatred and incitement to violence would not be banned on school grounds. It is a symbol of Jewish genocide and Islamic supremacism and domination. It was the de riguer article of clothing du jour in the…

A Keffiyeh by any other name would still reek

Why doesn’t the Jewish libtard sell swastikas or KKK robes. Sheik yer mami has the tale of the dhimmi Jew here. NSW Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Vic Alhadeff told The AJN “it’s a non-issue”. “Most people would be unaware of its connotation for Muslims and Jews, and it’s therefore, clearly being worn as a…

Atlas Vlogs the Keffiyeh at the Israel Day Parade

   Watch in higher quality here The parade – gorgeous weather, gorgeous, faces, gorgeous nashuma. Not a keffiyeh in sight (see previous posts on the Dunkin Donuts keffiiyah brouhaha here, here, and here And then the annihilationists and Jew haters show up — cloaked in the keffiyeh She’s ashamed, she covered her face. This fat…

Geller Report