Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: A Tale of Two Students: Ahmed the Clock Boy and Levi

In case you missed this piece at Breitbart: [the_ad id=”81586″] “Geller: A Tale of Two Students: Ahmed the Clock Boy and Levi,” Breitbart News, September 28, 2016: Sandy High Oregon High School student Levi Frunk has been suspended and will miss playing in his homecoming football game, because of a homemade phone charger he was…


Clock Boy Ahmed Mohamed Files Defamation Suit Against Conservative Media

This is a sharia suit. Clockmed and his family are suing people who criticized them. It is not illegal to disagree with someone, or to criticize someone, in the United States. They are trying to impose sharia blasphemy restrictions: do not criticize Islam. Do not criticize Muslims. This suit should be dismissed with prejudice immediately….


Ahmed ‘Clockmed’ Mohamed’s Family Demands $15 Million From City of Irving, School District and written apologies from the city’s mayor and police chief

Because going to the White House, meeting with world leaders at the UN, having a Clockmed proclamation day in NYC … and more is not enough for building a bomb-hoax and taking it to school. Now comes the sting  — grovel, kuffar! Imagine, Muslims exploiting the war that jihadists are waging against us and punishing…


Clockmeister Ahmed meets Turkey’s pro-Sharia PM at UN, claims Texas are “racist”

Meanwhile, as Ahmed goes around meeting the powerful and famous and is being showered with gifts by Microsoft and others, his family is claiming he was “severely traumatized” and has lawyered up. But didn’t he just say getting arrested was “kind of cool.”? The scam widens. “Obama’s ‘Cool Clock’ Muslim Boy Claims Racism to Foreign…


Irving Mayor: Ahmed Mohamed’s Family Blocking Release of Records; Obama Tweeted Support Even Before “Clock” Pic Released

As details begin to emerge (in spite of the family’s refusal to release the report), it appears that I was right from the very first. This was a set-up, one in which the President took part. Obama tweeted out “cool clock” before the photo was released. Who has such immediate access to the Oval office?…

Geller Report