Iranian-Backed ‘Sleeper Cell’ Militants Hibernating in U.S., Positioned For Attack


Militants backed by Iranian dollars are operating secretly in quiet spots across America, new intel shows.

And they’re working behind scenes to launch a large-scale attack on the United States, congressional members were just told.

In 2015, the warning was that ISIS had planted sleeper cells in America:

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Iran’s stepped up its in-country threat, though.

Former White House officials told Congress in recent hearings that such a scenario is in the works now — and that Washington, D.C., powers need to take aggressive action to stop the attacks before they occur.

The Washington Free Beacon has more:

Iranian-backed militants are operating across the United States mostly unfettered, raising concerns in Congress and among regional experts that these “sleeper cell” agents are poised to launch a large-scale attack on the American homeland, according to testimony before lawmakers.

Iranian agents tied to the terror group Hezbollah have already been discovered in the United States plotting attacks, giving rise to fears that Tehran could order a strike inside America should tensions between the Trump administration and Islamic Republic reach a boiling point.

Intelligence officials and former White House officials confirmed to Congress on Tuesday that such an attack is not only plausible, but relatively easy for Iran to carry out at a time when the Trump administration is considering abandoning the landmark nuclear deal and reapplying sanctions on Tehran.

There is mounting evidence that Iran poses “a direct threat to the homeland,” according to Rep. Peter King (R., N.Y.), a member of the House Homeland Security Committee and chair of its subcommittee on counterterrorism and intelligence.

A chief concern is “Iranian support for Hezbollah, which is active in the Middle East, Latin America, and here in the U.S., where Hezbollah operatives have been arrested for activities conducted in our own country,” King said, referring the recent arrest of two individuals plotting terror attacks in New York City and Michigan.

“Both individuals received significant weapons training from Hezbollah,” King said. “It is clear Hezbollah has the will and capability.”

After more than a decade of receiving intelligence briefs, King said he has concluded that “Hezbollah is probably the most experienced and professional terrorist organization in the world,” even more so than ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Asked if Iran could use Hezbollah to conduct strikes on the United States, a panel of experts including intelligence officials and former White House insiders responded in the affirmative.

“They are as good or better at explosive devices than ISIS, they are better at assassinations and developing assassination cells,” said Michael Pregent, a former intelligence officer who worked to counter Iranian influence in the region. “They’re better at targeting, better at looking at things,” and they can outsource attacks to Hezbollah.

“Hezbollah is smart,” Pregent said. “They’re very good at keeping their communications secure, keeping their operational security secure, and, again, from a high profile attack perspective, they’d be good at improvised explosive devices.”

Others testifying before Congress agreed with this assessment.

“The answer is absolutely. We do face a threat,” said Emanuele Ottolenghi, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies who has long tracked Iran’s militant efforts. “Their networks are present in the Untied States.”

Iran is believed to have an auxiliary fighting force or around 200,000 militants spread across the Middle East, according to Nader Uskowi, a onetime policy adviser to U.S. Central Command and current visiting fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

At least 50 to 60 thousand of these militants are “battle tested” in Syria and elsewhere.

“It doesn’t take many of them to penetrate this country and be a major threat,” Uskowi said. “They can pose a major threat to our homeland.”

While Iran is currently more motivated to use its proxies such as Hezbollah regionally for attacks against Israel or U.S. forces, “those sleeper cells” positioned in the United States could be used to orchestrate an attack, according to Brian Katulis, a former member of the White House National Security Council under President Bill Clinton.

“The potential is there, but the movement’s center of focus is in the region,” said Katulis, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.

Among the most pressing threats to the U.S. homeland is Hezbollah’s deep penetration throughout Latin America, where it finances its terror activities by teaming up with drug cartels and crime syndicates.

“Iran’s proxy terror networks in Latin America are run by Tehran’s wholly owned Lebanese franchise Hezbollah,” according to Ottolenghi. “These networks are equal part crime and terror” and have the ability to provide funding and logistics to militant fighters.

“Their presence in Latin America must be viewed as a forward operating base against America’s interest in the region and the homeland itself,” he said.

These Hezbollah operatives exploit loopholes in the U.S. immigration system to enter America under the guise of legitimate business.

Operatives working for Hezbollah and Iran use the United States “as a staging ground for trade-based and real estate-based money laundering.” They “come in through the front door with a legitimate passport and a credible business cover story,” Ottolenghi said.

The matter is further complicated by Iran’s presence in Syria, where it has established not only operating bases, but also weapons factories that have fueled Hezbollah’s and Hamas’s war on Israel.

Iran’s development of advanced ballistic missile and rocket technology—which has continued virtually unimpeded since the nuclear deal was enacted—has benefitted terror groups such as Hezbollah.

“Iran is increasing Hezbollah’s capability to target Israel with more advanced and precision guided rockets and missiles,” according to Pregent. “These missiles are being developed in Syria under the protection of Syrian and Russian air defense networks.”

In Iraq, Iranian forces “have access to U.S. funds and equipment in the Iraqi Ministry of Defense and Iraq’s Ministry of Interior,” Pregent said.

The Trump administration has offered tough talk on Iran, but failed to take adequate action to dismantle its terror networks across the Middle East, as well as in Latin American and the United States itself, according to CAP’s Katulis.

“The Trump administration has talked a good game and has had strong rhetoric, but I would categorize its approach vis-à-vis Iran as one of passive appeasement,” said Katulis. “We simply have not shown up in a meaningful way.”

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6 years ago

The truth is ANY nut can do incredible damage. We had one doing it for 8 years. Whether to your infrastructure, your company, public venues, shopping malls, etc.

But they (lieberals and Demoncaps) have made concealed-carry difficult in most states and have discouraged gun ownership.

So, wherever you go, be prepared to sacrifice yourself at the altar of lieberalism. But, as for me and my house, we shall be fully armed. 😉

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago

Look, there is a boogy man jihadist iranian hiding behind every tree. There seems to be a need in some goverment circles to divert and distract. Now think about it realistically, what could a few terrorists do? Duplicate 9-11? Start an armed insurrection? Or say allisfubar and get shot by the police.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

The Iranian muslums blew up a Jewish community centre in Bueno Aires in the middle of the day in 1994 killing 85 people and injuring 300:

It’s suspected the Iranians were behind the assassinations of an Italian and Japanese translator of the Satanic verses carried out in IT and JP respectively

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

We’ll see after an EMP attack.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

They aren’t, a couple of shots into a transformer and the system can be shut down. Or, some isolated transmission tower insulators shot off, same result. Then there are remote oil pumping stations all over the country, another soft target.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Back to the stone ages we go!

6 years ago

A generation of Iranian terrorists have become fluent in Spanish in the terrorist infested triangle region of S. America. Brown skinned and dark, they pass easily for Latino. Think about THAT. Drug money and terror money – it is all just money to the greedy bastards who sell out our country to look the other way.

6 years ago
Reply to  poetcomic1

Mexicans and MUSLIMS are working together to get drugs over our border and human sex slaves. BOTH hate the U.S.. On they border they have found ISIS leaflets, prayer rugs and other Islamic information.

Chris Wolf
Chris Wolf
6 years ago

We need an off-the-shelf plan to arrest obama immediately if and when these sleeper cells reveal themselves, along with Jarrett, Rice, Brennan, etc, etc, etc.

Chris Wolf
Chris Wolf
6 years ago

So, after a quarter century of appeasement and eight years of obama treason by aiding and abetting the enemy, it’s now Trump who is failing to defend us against Iran, according to the Washington Free Beacon.
In 2017 Trump found himself literally surrounded by enemies foreign and domestic, everywhere from North Korea, to the thoroughly compromised treasonous American media, to Congress, which likewise is infested with jihadis and fools.
Among the myriad things Trump is doing right, and brilliantly beyond the imagination of every mediocre, self-interested politico and bureaucrat in our “leadership,” is his prioritizing of battles he’s fighting so to leverage success against success to restore rightful order, Pax Americana and the authority of Judeo-Christian Civilization to the world.
The eradication of the islamic state of Iran will take a while.

6 years ago

i hope they do, and i hope it’s awful. maybe that will wake up america; if not, nothing will

6 years ago

You have to ask WHY this is allowed – “Iranian-backed militants are operating across the United States mostly unfettered…” and why are we NOT deporting them?

Can we really trust the FBI, CIA and other law enforcement to do their jobs? Do we have to wait for a Muslim attack BEFORE we do something?

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

It’s highly likely that, even following attacks, that anything will be done. Just as any other moslem mass murder … the government and media will paint it as a cause for “islamophobia” and there will be special protections given to moslems.

6 years ago

Something WILL happen but can we trust our FBI and other law enforcement to do their jobs?

Trump will make changes to the Iran agreement. With Mc Masters gone, the MUSLIMS cheerleader, this will happen soon.

Crystal Waters
Crystal Waters
6 years ago

So Obama knew this before he sneaked them plane loads of cash. Why isn’t he under arrest for treason along with Hillary?

6 years ago
Reply to  Crystal Waters

Uranium One will get Hillary…the swamp seems to not want to deal with the Muslim problem…

Crystal Waters
Crystal Waters
6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Whitewater should have gotten Hillary
Benghazi should have gotten Hillary
Vince Foster’s records in her living quarters should have gotten Hillary
Stealing the White house furniture should have gotten Hillary
Bleach bit and basement servers should have gotten Hillary
Running a billion dollar money laundering scheme should have gotten Hillary
Selling the power of her office should have gotten Hillary
The fifty some suspicious bodies lying in her wake, should have gotten Hillary
This woman must have blackmail material on everyone in D.C. and I would bet that her connection to the Lolita Express has something to do with that.

6 years ago
Reply to  Crystal Waters

because the swamp is controlled by muslim oil money. i also figure the persians were threatening to expose him for who he really is, and the money and weapons were just an extortion payment

6 years ago

Yeah go for it Iran. Give us a reason to rain holy hell down on your sh*thole country. Think Saddam Hussein and Iraq. This time we will do it right the first time.

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
6 years ago

Oh my !!!
7-Elevens, Filthy gas stations and NY city cabs will blow up around the country !!!

comment image

6 years ago

I’m not sure but I did send this as a tip to Ms Geller. Maybe it’s just a coincidence but if it’s not SEND HER TIPS! I also posted it off topic under

#MeToo: New Yorker Accuses Rape Victim of Islamophobia in Service to Rape Jihadist Tariq Ramadan

The more news gets out in multiple places the better!


With Muslim cheerleader, Mc Master’s gone, I expect to Trump to make some changes to the Iran agreement. That is when these sleeper cells will come alive.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
6 years ago

It would seem as if there is a simple solution to this threat. Simply publish the names, addresses, both residential and business, of all ireenians …. have a three day season …. no need to issue any type special licensure or tags (although tags and weigh-in stations would be a nice feature). Problem solved before it becomes a problem.

6 years ago

We should NEVER take in people we are at war with or have a troubled relationship. I make an exception for Jews and Christians since they are the primary targets for Muslim terrorism.

6 years ago

Did you forget they have special “protections” that you and I don’t have? Sarcasm off.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Mainstream newspapers publish the names and addresses of those with CHLs and CCWs. What’s the big deal about ireenians? If they weren’t moslems, there wouldn’t be any special “protections”. No sarc to turn off.

6 years ago

I have long suspected that America’s unwillingness to confront Iran, which dates to the Reagan years, is based on a fear that Iran is in a position to cause mass casualties to Americans both abroad and here in the US. Iran will never cease being a threat until we stop its advance in the Middle East and in this hemisphere. It may behoove the US not only to go after the sleeper cells with every means at its disposal, but also to move US forces to friendlier and more strategic territory, away from Afghanistan and Iraq to (if the Kurds and Israel would agree) Kurdistan and the Golan Heights. While this would be seen as increasing hostilities, it would actually be countering planned aggression by Iran and Russia (and possibly Turkey).

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
6 years ago
Reply to  cochato28

It dates back further than Reagan. It started when ireene declared war, on the United States of America, November 4, 1979, when Jimmie “The Worthless One” Carter was president.

6 years ago

I remember Carter… those LONG gas lines….he was a mess.

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Oh yes. It was so much fun getting gas on days when your license plate ended in either odd, or even numbers.

6 years ago
Reply to  cochato28

Obama made them more of a threat with his Iran agreement. Be boosted their economy with all that money he sent to them and NO ONE STOPPED him.
The swamp could care less.

6 years ago
Reply to  cochato28

Dems were paid by Iranian lobbyists to support Nuke deal

And their holdovers still support it , including the scumbag Mc master who was thankfully kicked out
along with Tillerson

6 years ago
Reply to  cochato28

Iraqi Kurdistan is already semi-self-governed and enforcing islamic blasphemy laws and persecuting Christians.

Jane Dowe
Jane Dowe
6 years ago

Our government doesn’t have the common sense, the Christian beliefs or the balls to do what needs to be done.
It’s up to We, the People. See something, say something –and if necessary, sh00t “something”.

6 years ago

Iran would pay a much higher price if such attacks occurred. Certainly the US would execute a decapitation strike as opposed to retaliating against Hezbollah or Quds.

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