Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Defending Shariah in America

Please go over to The American Thinker and read my article on the latest cultural jihad:  Defending Shariah in America Pamela Geller Washington Post whitewashes Muslim campaign to re-educate "misunderstanders" of Shariah  America, apologizing to brutal murderers for disposing of terrorist messages in a quran, is Shariah law in America. America, Judge Martin dismissing the…

Former Kos Kid: What Is Right About Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer

This is wonderful. Heads will be exploding across this great country of ours. I understand and respect Eric Allen Bell's intellectual journey. I am glad he has reasoned his way through the darkness. It is difficult. The loss of friends, work and professional support is stinging, but also revealing. They were not his friends, not…

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution….

70% of American Muslims Say US Should Impose Sharia: Legalized Polygamy

“I believe the government should legalize polygamy because it is lawful in Islam. It would enable all the wives to have the same legal status." — Muslima in an Islamic polygamous marriage …nearly 70 percent said they believe that the U.S. should legalize polygamy…42 percent of those surveyed said they were either in, or knew…

Calling All the Dregs of the Earth #occupywallstreet

The pathetic and dangerous attempt at revolution by the occupy Wall Street welfare statists "assume all the advantages of capitalism are here to stay and then undermine everything that makes capitalism possible in order to redistribute the wealth. Welfare statist want the power to hold a gun over everyone head, and they want to retain…

AFDI-Designated Threat to Freedom SPLC Hides Subversive Commie Ties

The communists over at the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of the gravest threats to freedom in the United States, as named in the AFDI Threats to Freedom Index, is yet again trying to suppress the truth about its subversive and dangerous ties. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) defames and attempts to marginalize conservative,…

911 Freedom Rally: Text of Speech by a Former Muslim, Michael Paul

I thought Atlas readers should see the full text of former Muslim and human rights activist Michael Paul's remarks. Freedom Rally Speech 9-11-2011, Michael Paul I am here today, not to speak against Muslims, but to talk directly to those who adamantly demand to build a mosque here at Ground Zero and name it the…

Pamela Geller, WND: Father and son jihadists

Father and son jihadists Pamela Geller, WND Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Christmas underwear bomber, is back in the news, claiming that he is being wrongfully imprisoned and should be immediately released. He has a point: Based on Barack Obama's and Eric Holder's pro-Islamic policies, prosecuting Abdulmutallab is Islamophobic and intolerant. A devout Muslim, Abdulmutallab intended…

Pamela Geller, Big Government: The AFDI Threats to Freedom Index

The AFDI Threats to Freedom Index by Pamela Geller, Big Government Freedom is more embattled in America today than ever. My group, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), has begun tracking the activities of numerous active groups that are threats to freedom in the United States today on our Threats to Freedom Index. We plan…


Interesting how much credence the left is giving the hate organization SPLC. Over at the leftwing blog, TPM Muckracker (would be nice if they got my name right, but why split hairs?): Pam Geller On 'Hate Group' Label: 'A Badge of Honor' Pamela Geller is pretty worked up about the Southern Poverty Law Center's says…

Human Rights Organization SIOA Vows to Fight Far-Left Propaganda Group’s ‘Hate Group’ Designation

NRO on leftwing propaganda smear. Atlas readers, did you vote no? Southern Poverty Law Fraud Center Jeff Dunetz over at News Real Blog has a detailed history of these destroyers. Human Rights Organization SIOA Vows to Fight Far-Left Propaganda Group's 'Hate Group' Designation Reuters Over at Yahoo News:  A prominent national human rights and advocacy…

Then-President of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Islamic Declaration ……

I thought it might do some good to provide more background on the whitewash of the jihadist history of Bosnia and who and what the players were at the time of the US deployment of troops to fight for the Muslims there. Alija Izetbegović served in the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina until 2000. During…

Times Square Deadly Car Bomb Part of Global Jihad: Arrests in Pakistan

The leftwing jewicidal clowns who enjoy exalted idolatry at the venerable, silly and slowly dying media dinosaurs like the Washington Post are crafting a fantastical narrative to explain Muslim Faisal's Times Square jihad. It was Fannie Mae! Economic jihad! The lefty traitors want to give him a bailout! The economic crisis meets terrorism by leftwing…

Saturday Night Cinema
The Joyless Street

The film that brought international fame to both Pabst and Greta Garbo, The Joyless Street is a stinging indictment of the soulessness of Weimar-era Vienna. In the wake of World War I, the newly impoverished middle class becomes the prey of both black marketeers and the decadent upper classes. This whirlpool of economic ruin and…

Pamela Geller Interview, Right Side News: Muslim Terror in Mumbai, A year later

conducted an in-depth interview with me on the heinous Islamic terror attacks on Mumbai one year later. Part Four: The Conceptual Drivers For Mumbai Alyssa Lappen On Thanksgiving 2009, as police worldwide continued arresting Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) collaborators and Home Box Office plans to release a film quoting a Pakistani terrorist mastermind the victims, families and…


Please listen to David Littman, historian, Human Rights commission NGO Geneva. He is a leading authority on human rights and the capitulation of the UN to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. And the Egyptian 'stache said, you must not speak of sharia! Read this document: PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF ALL HUMAN RIGHTS, CIVIL, POLTICAL,…


UPDATE January 2009: The “Atlas says that Barack Obama is Malcolm X’s love child” charge has gone viral among leftists and lizards. The only problem with it is that it is false. I am not the author of this post, and I posted it because the writer did a spectacular job documenting Obama’s many connections…

Termination of “Israel”- Qur’anic Fact

Islamic Jew hatred. It's in the Koran. This from an Islamic English website. The Termination of “Israel”- a Qur’anic Fact By Sheikh Abu Al-Waleed Al-Ansari,Translated by Abu Al-Waleed Al-Hamawi It is evident that Allah has Promised to subject upon the corrupted Children of Israel His believing servants who will afflict them with a horrible torment……

CPAC Musings: Atlas’s Perch

Hating leaving CPAC yesterday but real life insists. As for the CPAC experience there is nothing like being in a well established hotel, bar right, with thousands of like minded souls. The conservative movement is very much in sync. The palpable excitement and headiness of the convergence were quickly dashed when Romney exited stage right….

Democrat ’08: Communist Manifesto

Over at Free Republic.  they are discussing 45 Goals of The Communist Party. “Political Parties: A Buyer’s Guide” by George Soros. If you haven’t seen this, I am runnung it again. It ismust see. Atlas Shrugs: THE HISTORY OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS mdd says "Looks like the Soros Plan,The Hilary Plan,The Usama PlanThe Islam PlanThe Putin…

EUREKA! Giuliani Says NO to PLO State!

Woo-tay Ru-day! Seeing the NY Sun headline, written by the best Middle East reporter on the scene today, Eli Lake, made my day. I have my reservations about Giuliani but he is so right on this issue. Unafraid to stand with the civilized man – in the war against the savages. I am in awe….

United Democratic Nations

And looking around I can’t help thinking that if Churchill had to face the obstruction and opposition that Bush now faces, that we probably wouldn’t have won the war. Bernard Lewis, 9/11/06 Hudson Institute Watch the video of his compelling speech below. Download BernardLewis91106.wav Mr. Lewis, an influential postwar historian of Islam and the Middle…

Soros Stealing America

What Soros wants, what he intends to do is to take power in America. George Soros  called defeating President Bush "the central focus of my life" and a "matter of life and death. More here Soros is a terrible figure undermining the very foundation of America. His treachery looms darkly over the great American landcape….

Sometimes it’s hard to be a Woman _ Tammy Wynette

On a lighter note. From  the repressed, depressed, and obsessed; A very creative way to shorten their commute… Four Saudi women teaching in a remote village school have married their driver so they can live closer to work. Full Story   And on a more serious note  To the Oppressed; Afghanistan–Overview. The U.S. commitment to…

Geller Report