WPIX TV Interview with Pamela Geller on Daisy Khan /Rauf Cancellation of Cordoba Event Exploiting 911 Tragedies for Shameless Promotion

I was interviewed earlier today concerning our victory over the shameless and vicious Ground Zero mosqueteers, who had intended to exploit 911 stories to further their grotesque supremacist Ground Zero organizations, Cordoba and ASMA, in a coldblooded act of shameless self-promotion. "We're so relieved," 911 family member Rosaleen Tallon said Wednesday afternoon. "We don't want…

911 Families Publicly Denounce Rauf and Daisy Khan’s Cordoba Event Exploiting 911 Tragedies for Personal Gain

The 911 Family members have issued this press release on Daisy and Rauf's jihad. 9/11 Family Members Question Cordoba Initiative Event WHAT:  9/11 Family members to attend " Performing Tribute" play sponsored by Cordoba Initiative and ASMA.                WHERE:  Cordoba Initiative / American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA) and Interchurch Center, 475 Riverside Drive, NYC,…

“The Era of Extremism is Over,” Declares Daisy Khan in 2008

Doha Debate Islamic Extremism (part 1 is here): Are Muslims failing to combat extremism? Daisy Khan debates the question. Her position is opposed this idea of this question. I kid you not. I like her look here: modern muslima, as opposed to her recent incarnation as a mother superior. (Video hat tip gulchgirl) April 2008….

Salon Joins Daisy Khan: It’s all Geller’s Fault

Salon does a slam piece on me today and parrots Daisy Khan placing all the blame for the national grief, pain and anguish caused by the Ground Zero mega mosque at the feet of moi. As if .….. Yes, Salon declares with a straight face that "the controversy was kicked up and driven by Pamela…

Allahu Fubar: Daisy Khan on the ‘divine hand’ at the mosque near Ground Zero, dismisses 9/11 family members pain …”We expected some families might need some hand-holding”

The callousness toward the pain and grief this has caused millions is radically intolerant. The unmitigated gall is ………….. breathtaking. If you are having trouble viewingDaisy Polygamy Khan. hat tip Tim Daisy Khan: there is a "divine hand" in the Ground Zero mosque project: "the building came to us"…it "will be symbolic" Note also that…

An Appeal to the Humanity of Imam Rauf and Daisy Khan

Perhaps Rauf and Daisy don't get to see the missives I receive by the hundreds from Americans suffering from the jihad attack on America. They need to know. They need to understand the pain. If they did, they would never build such a source of pain and grief. Dear Pamela, Thank you for the articles…

Dear Imam Rauf and Daisy Khan……………A Heartfelt Plea

Dear Imam Rauf and Daisy Khan, The remains of another seventy-two people were discovered on Friday not far from where you plan to build a thirteen-story Islamic center and mosque. Here we are, close to ten years after the largest jihadist attack ever to take place on American soil, and bodies, corpses, are still being…

911 Mega Mosque: The Joy Behar Show with Pamela Geller and Daisy Khan

More deception. Here’s more on Rauf’s Muslim Brotherhood ties. GABRIEL: The imam who is basically spearheading this, is his father came out of Muslim Brotherhood, the oldest terrorist organization in the world. He was with the Muslim Brotherhood with Ayman al-Zawahiri, the second man of Al Qaeda. He was kicked out of Egypt —and sent…

Daisy’s Con

Ground Zero mosqueteer Daisy the Khan is still trying to peddle her special brand of poison-laced snake oil. Opining on Oliver Stone's idiot boy's conversion to Islamo-Christian-Judaism (it's all that crystal meth, I'm sure), Khan condescends to explain, "this is what happens when u experience islam w/o prejudice." lml Islam is prejudice …. against kuffar,…

CANCELLED! Daisy’s Con Could Not Stand Scrutiny and Scorn by 911 Family Members Who Objected to Play Sponsored by Taxpayers for Ground Zero Mosque Group

Due to the overwhelming response for free tickets to “Performing Tribute” tonight’s performance has been canceled.  The venue is not big enough to fit everyone who wished to attend and a larger venue was not available.  I apologize for the inconvenience. 911 Families Publicly Denounce Rauf and Daisy Khan's Cordoba Event Exploiting 911 Tragedies for…

Ground Zero Mosquerade: Rauf and Daisy’s Theatre of the Vicious

Hvae you seen the latest from the bloodsuckers?  It takes a special kind of wicked to dream something like this up. Rauf and Daisy the Khan have found the few 911 families that do not despise them and, using taxpayer dollars (which is their jizya specialty), have found their way to a new low with…

Daisy Shrugged

Covered Daisy. The con this month in MORE magazine. The dhimmedia is so completely in love with its own delusion and deception that they herald and laud the mosquerade of Daisy the Khan, of Ground Zero mosquetrosity infamy. If you read the lengthy MORE magazine piece, even a five-year-old could discern the conflicting assumptions, positions…

Mosque Masquerade: Malice or Mendacity? More Daisy Cons and Lies

Earlier today on Christiane Amanpour's abhorrent offering to Islam, we were subjected to Daisy Khan making fun of Ayaan Hirsi Ali for having to have security guards. Daisy the con claimed that she too received threats, but she wouldn't have guards because "this was America," and she didn't want to cost the taxpayer money. Why…

Khan’s Latest Con

Last night on Keith Olbermann, Daisy was working the con. Watch the video here. The lies just don't stop. Using her willing leftwing shills Keith Undershtupper and Think  Progress, Daisy Khan said that "we do not want to take away from the solemn day of 9/11. Our Center is not about 9/11." Really? Why then…

Wife #3, Daisy

The younger Rauf didn't follow his father's path into religion until later in life. He studied physics at Columbia University and in New Jersey, and dabbled in teaching, sales and real estate. He married, first to an American who converted to Islam, and a second time to a Malaysian woman. He has two children from…

Daisy the Con said it

I see the morphing mosque story continues to …… morph. First it's a prayer space, then it's a mosque (a prayer space is a mosque); the radical Imam said there would be no foreign funding, now a huge portion will be foreign funding; the radical Imam advocates for tolerance, but in his book he advocates…

Daisy and Me……………….

Daisy Khan quoting John Lennon. By Gd, they think we are stupid. Notice how she no longer calls it  "Cordoba Initiative" but park51 — now that we know that Cordoba is symbolic of Islamic conquest over the West. One would wonder why the Muslim leadership would want to call this Cordoba, site of the caliphate…

Reuters Coverage: NYC “Leaving Islam” Freedom Buses
Pamela Geller vs. 911 Mega Mosquer Daily Khan

This is interesting. The video above is Reuters coverage of the "Leaving Islam" freedom buses that has been broadcast repeatedly on international television. It is a fairly evenhanded report, though the headline is adhering to sharia (Islamic) law, "NYC bus ads anger Muslims." What about apostates and former Muslims? Don't they matter?  Wouldn't a headline "NYC…

ADL Top Dog Apologizes For the Orgs’ Opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque

The ADL was right then, and you are wrong now. And you’re not just wrong in falling for the slick lies of sharpies who have sold you a bill of goods about Muslim victimhood and a fictional mosque of reconciliation. You’re wrong in demonizing and defaming those who stood up against this sinister project at the time, and who have done the work the ADL should have been doing in raising awareness of Islamic antisemitism and fighting its growing influence. In that great struggle, the ADL has always been on the wrong side, and still is, to your everlasting shame.

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: “Cosmo Goes Sharia”

Read this. Are these the role models for young American women? What a disgrace. Young American women submitting to misogyny, patriarchy and hatred. Think of the trailblazers who came before just to get to this …. “Cosmo Goes Sharia,” By Pamela Geller, Breitbart, October 28, 2015 Cosmopolitan magazine last week published an interview with Brooke…

Pamela Geller, Breitbart: “CNN’s War Against Truth”

CNN (the crescent news network) is waging jihad against the truth …again. Don't miss my latest article for Breitbart (here) on the despicable special they did on the "war within Islam." What war is that? "CNN’s War Against Truth," by Pamela Geller, Breitbart, January 21, 2015 In the wake of daily jihad attacks (thwarted or…

June 6th — Never Forget the Fight for Freedom

Today is the 70th anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1944, the day the allied forces launched combat operations on the beaches of Normandy to utterly defeat totalitarian supremacism. 150,000 allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of French coastline. Today is a day to remember and celebrate. Yes, relish our victories and learn. (Photos thanks…

Republican Congressman Mike Rogers to Keynote Muslim Brotherhood-Tied Group’s Event Honoring Ground Zero Mosque Imam

What is Rogers thinking? If he is thinking at all. He epitomizes the cluelessness of the Republican Party on these issues. As I reported at Atlas back in 2010, Rauf was “a key figure  in Malaysian-based Perdana Global Peace Organization,” which “helped sponsor the pro-Palestinian activists who clashed violently with Israeli commandos” on the jihad…

Developer kills plan for ‘Ground Zero mosque’

Photos of my AFDI/SIOA rally protesting the Ground Zero mosque on 9/11/10 The New York Times has a big write-up on the latest developments on the now-scrapped Ground Zero mosque plan. All of you who fought that 15-story mosquestrosity with us — kudos to you.  We fought back and we won. Sharon Otterman, the writer…

Another Historic D-Day Anniversary: Ground Zero Mosque Offense

Ground Zero mosque protest, June 6, 2010, El Marco photo Atlas readers should be proud. Today is D-Day, the 69th anniversary of the day when Naziphobes crossed the Atlantic to defeat the most brutal and vicious ideology on the face of the earth at that time. Today is another D-day anniversary. Three years ago today,…

Radio Free Europe @RFERL Heather Maher Shills For Hamas-CAIR’s Deceptive #MyJihad Whitewash Campaign

Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty once stood for freedom against Soviet Communist tyranny. Now they've reduced themselves to a propaganda arm for the latest tyranny to threaten the free world: that of Islamic supremacism. Their article here runs interference for Hamas-CAIR's cynical #MyJihad campaign, which is intended to make Americans complacent about the jihad…

US Political Prisoner: Police arrest Muhammad moviemaker

The Muhammad filmmaker, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, was arrested. Whatever the pretense, he is a political prisoner, he is being jailed for blasphemy. This is Obama sharia enforcement in America. Obama brought down the gavel on free speech iat the UN when he said,  "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of…

Fake Pammie G!

A number of readers have been emailing me about a character that was fashioned after me on the uber-left HBO's series, "The Newsroom." I thought they must be reading too much into it. But they were right. Never underestimate Atlas readers. I just saw this over at Jihadwatch — another example of how desperate and…

Geller Report