ElBaradei Gets Tough: Play Nice in the Nuclear Sandbox

Isn’t this the same nobel peace prize winning shmuck that just said Iran is only months away from having nuclear bombs. Independent Online: The head of the UN nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei, has appealed to both Iran and the West to refrain from escalating their dangerous game of brinkmanship, [he is treating both as they…

Wanna win the War on the Jihad? Kill the Messenger

It was the custom in Ancient Greece and later in Rome to employ messengers to carry the news throughout the city/state/empire. This news was not always to the liking of the recipients but the laws decreed that these messengers where to pass unharmed from place to place and city to city to deliver whatever message…

How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash

Check this moxie out………..Hillary said this yesterday as quoted from The New York Sun: Abandoning Moderation, Clinton Lashes Out at Bush Senator Clinton, dropping her recent attempts at moderation, launched a scathing attack on Washington Republicans yesterday, lambasting President Bush as someone who sold out America’s economic viability to the government of China and accusing…

If Advertisers can Sue Google for Overcharging, can the Jews SUE FOR INCITEMENT TO MURDER?

So advertisers are “quietly” suing Google (among others for “overcharging”). My question is if the advertisers can sue over SRP, can the Jews sue for INCITEMENT TO COMMIT MURDER, ACCESSORY BEFORE THE FACT, CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT ETC. If I was a lawyer, I’d be all over it In today’s Wall Street Journal;   A group…

Geller Report