Time Is Not on Europe’s Side: Crisis Magazine


Pew Research Center recently presented a new study that shows the sweeping of European nations with Muslim infiltration — and sad to say, but even if the borders were suddenly shut, the region’s demographics would still dramatically shift.

The findings were that the Muslim share of Europe’s population will continue to increase, well into the future, with or without migration.

It’s a true collapse of culture.

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Crisis Magazine has more:

The Pew Research Center is out with a new study of Europe’s growing Muslim population. The first thing to notice is that Pew’s estimate of the current Muslim population for several countries is not much different from estimates of ten years ago. For instance, Pew says that the current size of the Muslim population in France is 8.8 percent, but ten years ago it was widely reported that the Muslim population of France was already at ten percent. Either earlier estimates were way off, or Pew is employing rather conservative standards of measurement.

Whatever the case, the most interesting aspect of the study is not the estimate of current population, but the projection of future population. The Pew report says that the Muslim share of Europe’s population will increase even with no future migration.

The study provides three different scenarios—one for zero migration, one for medium migration, and one for high migration. Under the zero scenario, the Muslim percentage of France’s population by 2050 would be 12.7 percent, but under the high scenario it would be 18 percent. For Germany, the low scenario would result in an 8.7 percent Muslim population and the high scenario would translate to 19.7 percent. The high migration measure would yield 17.2 percent for the UK, 18.2 percent for Belgium, 19.9 percent for Austria, and 30.6 percent for Sweden.

Since a number of observers of the European scene are predicting much higher Muslim percentages by 2050, it may be that even Pew’s high estimate is on the low side.

Conversion and Emigration
Let’s examine some elements that may be missing from their calculations. One missing factor is conversions. Although the Pew study briefly mentions conversion rates, it views this as a negligible factor in determining the future Muslim population. Since not much is happening on the “religious switching” scene, Pew assumes that not much will happen in the future.

But given the right conditions, conversion rates can accelerate rapidly, and a trickle can turn into a flood. For the first twelve years of his “ministry,” Muhammad never had much more than a hundred followers. Then he migrated to Medina, and conversions to Islam took off. Conversions continued to accelerate after his death as Muslims swept into the Near East, North Africa and Spain.

As the Muslim portion of the European population continues to increase, there will be increasing pressures—and incentives—to convert. In his novel, Submission, Michel Houellebecq provides a convincing description of how one man—a middle-aged professor at a French university—succumbs to the temptation to convert to Islam. Without a strong commitment to anything other than maintaining his position in life, the professor sees no reason why he shouldn’t take advantage of the benefits—career advancement, money, and multiple wives—that come with being Muslim in a rapidly Islamizing France.

Another factor that is missing from the Pew projection is emigration. People who work for research firms aren’t the only ones who make projections into the future. Ordinary people also make calculations about what will happen five or ten years down the road. And if what they see is increasing crime and violence, a good many will be tempted to leave.

In the 1960s and ’70s, “white flight” from the cities to the suburbs resulted in massive and rapid population shifts in the U.S. Something similar will likely occur in Europe—except that many of the suburbs are already spoken for. Of the numerous suburbs that ring cities such as Paris and Brussels, many are Muslim no-go zones, or are on their way to becoming so.

Where will non-Muslims go? Some will immigrate to Israel, some to North and South America, and some to Eastern European countries with miniscule Muslim populations such as Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic.

The Importance of Will
Just as conversions can accelerate after a tipping point has been reached, so can emigration. But there’s also a third factor that seems to have been left out of the Pew Center’s calculations. It’s difficult to measure, but it may be the prime factor in determining which culture predominates in Europe. The crucial factor is will. If they want their culture to survive, people must be willing to defend it, and they must be willing to bring children into the world who will carry on the culture.

You can call it “will,” or “cultural confidence,” or “fighting spirit,” but whatever you call it, Europeans seem to be losing it. The problem begins in school. As Melanie Phillips noted eleven years ago in Londonistan

The British education system simply ceased transmitting either the values or the story of the nation to successive generations, delivering instead the message that truth was an illusion and that the nation and its values were whatever anyone wanted them to be.

So when some of the schoolyard tots grow up to be cops, it’s understandable that they might be more interested in defending multicultural values than traditional ones. Consequently, crimes against multicultural ideology have gone to the head of the list. In the UK, police have turned their attention away from ordinary crimes such as robbery and assault, and are focusing instead on thought crimes against Muslims. These days, you stand a better chance of arrest if you criticize immigration policy on Facebook than if you lob a brick through a storefront window.

The new form of policing makes life more difficult for the average citizen, but somewhat easier for the police who are so busy patrolling the Internet that they don’t have time to patrol the neighborhood. Of course, it’s not just time they lack, but also will. A survey of Swedish police reveals that 80 percent of them are thinking of finding another profession. Apparently, they can’t get used to the firebomb assaults on police stations, and the gang attacks against police patrols.

If the police lack the will to resist Islamization, it’s understandable that ordinary people are disinclined to take chances. Outside of the cinema, caped crusaders and wonder women are in short supply. When danger lurks, most people prefer to shelter in place. Thus, polls show that European women are increasingly afraid to go out after dark. In some parts of Sweden, when women venture outside to jog, they are now accompanied by police.

In Europe, prudence rules the day. On buses, passengers look the other way when fellow passengers are harassed. In the UK, a vicar banned the hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers” for fear of offending non-Christians. In Sweden, many towns have cancelled the traditional Saint Lucy Day celebration in case it offends Muslims. In Belgium, the cross on the miter of Sinterklass (Saint Nicholas) has been removed “in order not to exclude any child.” In France, Paris and Lyon have cancelled the traditional Christmas markets.

All of the above can be explained away with one prudential excuse or another. But sometimes there is simply no excuse. In Rotherham, England 1,400 teenage (and younger) girls were raped by Pakistani gangs over a fifteen year period. Police knew about the crimes. So did city council members. So did social workers. Yet nothing was done about the situation for fifteen long years. Yes, there were excuses—fear of being thought racist or Islamophobic and so forth—but nothing that could possibly justify this colossal abdication of adult responsibility. The Rotherham officials seem to have been lacking in a fundamental human response.

Protecting vulnerable children is a fundamental response. So is self-defense. A documentary on the Islamization of Europe contains footage of a teenage boy being challenged to a one-on-one fight by a Muslim youth of about the same size and age. The native European boy seems perplexed and when the Muslim starts throwing punches, he cowers and covers, and makes no attempt to fight back. Whether the video tells the whole story of what transpired is hard to tell. But the boy’s passive reaction seems indicative of a larger problem in Europe.

The Pew study tells us that Muslims currently make up 4.9 percent of Europe’s population. That doesn’t seem like much, but many Europeans already seem cowed. What will the situation be like in 2050, the endpoint of the study? By that time, according to the researchers, the Muslim population of Europe may be as high as 14 percent—nearly three times the current figure. As the population shift accelerates, so, in all probability, will the European descent into dhimmitude. ,,,

The other thing to notice is the age disparity. The median age of Muslims in Europe is 30, but the median age for non-Muslims is 44. In Germany and France the median age discrepancy is sixteen years. Or, to take another Pew statistic, 49 percent of non-Muslim Europeans are over the age of 45 whereas 77 percent of Muslims are 44 or under. If there’s not much fighting spirit left in Europe now, what will it be like in the future as Europe’s non-Muslim population continues to age well beyond fighting age? The Pew study’s high forecast for Sweden in 2050 is a 30 percent Muslim share of the population. That means that about 70 percent of the population will be non-Muslims. At first glance, that still seems like pretty good odds for the non-Muslims, until you stop and consider that a great many of those seventy percent will be living in nursing homes.

It seems almost uncivilized to put the matter in such primal terms as fighting-aged vs. aged, but, then, the survival of a civilization depends on the ability and willingness of its citizens to engage in that primal activity known as reproduction. And close to half of non-Muslim women are already past child-bearing age. As the native European population continues to age and as the spirit of resistance continues to decline, the Catholic Church’s warnings about population control, which were once dismissed as unenlightened, may soon be seen in a whole new light.

In the Time Machine, H.G. Wells depicts future humanity as having evolved into two breeds—the passive, child-like Eloi, and the brutal Morlocks who feed off them. Mark Steyn notes that Well’s science fiction society is a good analogy for what’s happening in Europe today: “You bomb us, run us over, decapitate us—and those who survive light candles and exchange flowers and sing songs.” The only thing Wells got wrong, says Steyn, is that he was off by 800,685 years (The Time Machine is set in 802,701 AD).

The Pew study also seems to have a problem with timing. The tenor of their report suggests that Europe has plenty of time to sort things out. Moreover, the report contains reassuring bits of data which seem designed to quell fears. We are told, for instance, that Muslim refugees are perceived as less of a threat in countries that take in the most of them. Supposedly, this means that once you get to know your new Muslim neighbors, you’ll see that they’re just folks. But it could just as well mean that these are the countries where people feel least free to speak their minds to pollsters—countries where you can be arrested if you say the wrong thing about immigration.

Give it a little time, and all will be well? And then, when 2050 arrives, Pew can take the pulse of the population again to see what’s up. But time has a habit of marching on a little more quickly than we anticipate. When you combine the current rate of Muslim population growth with the rapidly declining morale of non-Muslims in Europe, it may already be game over by the time that 2050 rolls around. You don’t need to be in the majority in order to dominate.

At one point, the Pew report hopefully points out that even though the Muslim population could triple by 2050, it would still be considerably smaller than the population of Christians and other non-Muslims in Europe. Maybe so. But if that larger population is largely made up of graying Eloi-types, the numbers won’t matter. Will and determination count for more than percentages.

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6 years ago

This is what happens when you allow Left/liberal/feminazis to run schools/colleges and govt.

Europeans will go down as dumb dodos who did not know how to react or recognize threat even after watching other dodos being slaughtered.
stupid species like the dumb left/Liberal pro-muslim will die and blame everyone else but their stupidity !

Send them Free coupons for Iced coffee in one of these top 3 chains with muslim staff they make special Islamic spiced coffee http://bit.ly/2snziZ8

Left/Liberals Love it ! Psst …don’t send them the article link till they drink the Iced coffee. LOL !

6 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

Fucking idiot.

6 years ago
Reply to  emma

will that stop jihadi attacks ? If yes say it every day !

6 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

I stand by my comment.

6 years ago
Reply to  emma

What comment? Your original self-proclamation? Actually, emma, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. If you work on your issues, diligently, things will get better .. or at least there is hope of such.

6 years ago
Reply to  Achmed

Actually scumbag, you should mind your own business. Now go play in front of a few large, heavy lorries.

6 years ago
Reply to  emma

Hello there, emi. With your use of “lorries”, I take it that you’re one of the moslem loving, moslem worshipping, islamophiliacs, from the UK (United Khalifate). Or, is it worse, FAR worse, are you an outright moslem, the vilest of ALL creatures?

6 years ago
Reply to  Achmed

Maybe “she’s” a transgender.

6 years ago
Reply to  IzlamIsTyranny

I don’t think that emi has undergone the surgery. Perhaps some radical hormone treatments .. but no slice and dice, as of yet. It’s too much of a little sissy-ass …

Trump can't ban islam
Trump can't ban islam
6 years ago

it’s the will of mohammad. it is written. europe will be islamic. US foreign policies were a total disgrace, as US armies bombed the middle east for decades, just to lose europe to islam. muslim in france will get access to the nuclear codes, nukes. The european (islamic) army will rise. Muslims in USA are also growing and gaining power and lands…. you can run, but you can’t hide. Islam will dominate

CNN is Fake News
CNN is Fake News
6 years ago

Your fatuous threats merely hasten the demise of your filthy cult. Thus far we, the normal people, have not taken your dirty and disgusting doctrines and ambitions seriously. Those days are coming to an end. You stupid sand-goblins are hated by ever more people all across the world. We shall crack open a beer and a ham sandwich as we set you all upon each other so that you die horribly at one another’s hands in the manner of your dirty cult.

6 years ago

LMFAO – Well said!! And, after the beers, we’ll piss on the graves of those ragheads after our hogs have their way with them.

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
6 years ago

look, a goat in heat over there!

Es werde Licht
Es werde Licht
6 years ago

You know nothing about Europe.
Native people are sick of Musels. At Christmas time there will be a new goverment in Austria and when they keep their promises then in 3 years the half of this sc*m in Austria will be deported or leave voluntary.
And dont think you have UK or Germany in your pocket.
Patriotic forces get louder and stronger every day. What 2 years ago was unthinkable to say ( “Musels as majority are primitive trash” ) gives the people ( exept lefties ) now a smile ( and they want to pay your drink ).
Just wait until the dam breaks. Then I dont want to be a Musel in Europe.
And your repulsive behaviour guarantee that the dam will break.

6 years ago
Reply to  Es werde Licht

I have long held the contention that all that need be done, to reduce the moslem population, was to cut them off of the public dole. Pew Research, two years ago, estimated that 80% of ALL moslems, living in Western Europe (that’s not just “refugees”, or “immigrants”, that is ALL moslems) were on government assistance. Face it, a boar hog (male moslem) cannot even feed itself, much less provide for its brood sows (female moslems) and their litters.
Provide NO food, clothing, or shelter … much less healthcare and cash stipends .. they would die of starvation .. or of exposure to the elements. Nothing else need be done. The moslem problem solved.

Autumn Cote
Autumn Cote
6 years ago
Reply to  Achmed

Would it be OK if I converted this comment into a stand-alone article for Writer Beat? There is no fee; I’m simply trying to add more content diversitxy for our community and liked what you wrote. I’ll be sure to give you complete credit as the author. You can learn more about Writer Beat by checking out my profile or just say “sure” and I’ll handle the rest.

6 years ago
Reply to  Autumn Cote

Go for it. Achmed Mohammedan would be pleased. By the way, “Achmed Mohammedan” … that moniker really makes the moslem kids angry.

Autumn Cote
Autumn Cote
6 years ago
Reply to  Achmed

Many thanks for your contribution to Writer Beat! I published the article from the full name or Achmed Mohammedan.

6 years ago
Reply to  Autumn Cote

“Achmed Mohammedan” will REALLY make the moslem kids angry. “mohammedan” really rips ’em.

Autumn Cote
Autumn Cote
6 years ago
Reply to  Achmed

I just realized Disqus blocked my effort to send you the link to your article. To find it do a Google search on the following: How to solve the Moslem problem by Achmed Mohammedan

6 years ago
Reply to  Autumn Cote

LOVE the profile picture. It upholds the most recent DNA studies, giving irrefutable proof that moslems, the vilest of ALL creatures, are the descendants of the cross-breeding of monkeys with pigs. Quite the “comments” that followed. Why …. why … why … “moslems are the veritable salt of the earth” and “blood in the streets”. TOO funny. Simply hilarious!

Autumn Cote
Autumn Cote
6 years ago
Reply to  Achmed

I though you’d like it. If you wish to engage your commenters please use the following login credentials:

email – mohammedan (at) writerbeat (dot) com
password – writerbeat

6 years ago
Reply to  Autumn Cote

Thank you, very much, Autumn Cote. How does one respond to the comments. There’s a boxed x, but no reply. I simply want to ask, Stone-Eater Friedli, what it is like being married to a clitless female.

Autumn Cote
Autumn Cote
6 years ago
Reply to  Achmed

I see you figured it out. To the extent don’t want everyone on Disqus to know your access information, kindly send me an email and I’ll reply back with confidential access info.

6 years ago

Long before your predictions have their slightest chance to succeed, the muslimes will be nuked ’til they glow. And your pedophilic ‘prophet’ will cease to exist and fade into oblivion, consumed by the fires of Hell.

6 years ago

Nope , no nuclear bombs for you or any other islamite . There will be European hands on the switches , and Europe will get over blowing itself to hell just about the time you realise all your children are hermaphrodites .

Joy Daniels Brower
Joy Daniels Brower
6 years ago

Well, I probably won’t be alive when or if this happens, but I’m counting on the American people – that is, the right-thinking patriotic American people – to resist this dreaded scourge and plague of pisslam to be defeated, just as Charles Martel defeated them in Europe hundreds of years ago (although the ancestors of those brave and just warriors are currently committing national and cultural suicide!), and just as the Ottoman Empire was finally defeated and contained after World War I. But throughout modern History, Islam keeps raising its very ugly head again and again. One day, the world will finally say (as they did to Hitler!), “No mas!!” But it definitely will be, “Kill or be killed!” There is absolutely NO accommodation of militant, anti-human and VERY ugly pisslam! They simply just be TOTALLY ERADICATED from the face of the Earth!!

6 years ago

Pisslam will dominate……goats’ rectums, and very little else, as always.

6 years ago

Hello, Trump can’t ban islam. The problem with the USA (United Sharia of America) is the rules of engagement that the previous two Administrations placed upon its military. During Desert Storm, as it was in Kuwait, there were really no “rules of engagement”, we could kill what we saw. It wasn’t smart bombs that brought about the immediate surrender .. it was the USMC killing moslem, after moslem, after moslem. Those vile creatures could not surrender fast enough.

6 years ago
Reply to  Achmed

Europe is beyond salvation and does deserve salvation. It is a huge sewage filled with blood of Jews they burned. They will never be able to escape the punishment of becoming slaves of Muslim scum. Nevertheless, the Muslim scum including the European slaves will be neutronized and obliterated. It must start from neutronizing Mecca and its disgusting stone. After that the whole ISLAM will decompose in 1 year and only millions of slaves will be left. They will die out in neutronized lands in a few years after.

Dan Knight
Dan Knight
6 years ago

Islam doesn’t need that much to cause massive disintegration of culture, law, order, and justice – not to mention the economy.

Hate to quibble – but no analysis of the problem is ‘close’ unless the impact of Left-nazis is considered.

Leftnazis put natives last, whites last, Christians last, and so on and so on.

And they are not just teaching touchie feelie Leftism in the schools – they are teaching an obscene level of HATE and RACISM against whites and European cultures. From cherry picking the record, silence on non-white crimes, blaming the victim, exaggerating the crimes Leftists committed and blaming that on all whites b/c a few were Leftists – and on top of that adding pure, unadulterated Big Lies cut out of whole cloth … these give children an extremely negative view of their own heritage, tradition, culture, religion, people and land.

And the alternatives out there fulfill the prophecy – that if you believe in nothing, you will believe in anything. These kids suck up alternatives that are pure crap and grow up to believe in Leftism and singing kumbaya – and that’s what they will do until the Left – the LEFT – NOT ISLAM – destroys them OR is destroyed.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
6 years ago
Reply to  Dan Knight

Actually, a Jewish group had a more apt description of such cultures that take this path: A society that allows this is, in the end, one that stands for nothing, believes in nothing, and is nothing.

6 years ago

Not on Israel’s side, either, I believe Can’t be much helped, but forewarned is forearmed?

6 years ago
Reply to  flowerplough

Or India’s.

6 years ago

Pew statistics on immigration are unreliable. The situation is worse than their statistics would indicate.

6 years ago

This is true. Pew Research is notably leftist/islamophiliac leaning. However, even Pew places the percentage of ALL moslems, on the public dole in Western Europe at 80%.

6 years ago

A very good article, I urge all to study it.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago

So far no real resistance on the islamic colonization of western europe, The fact that the welfare programs of these colonized nations encourages foreign take-over should be a starting point to the control of the national destruction taking place. But, as western europeans are too thick to see the obvious, they will watch their countries be destroyed with a stupid look on their faces.

6 years ago

This article is excellent and pointed out a critical point. I always wondered how authorities as in Rotherham could allow the most vulnerable of their citizens, young women, to be sex-slaved by muslims and do nothing. As the article states, the police, their superiors, politicians, social workers etc. all came through the same left wing school system as we are doing in Canada. Their mind set is now multiculturalism is good, muslims are just people where criticizing them is racist and bigoted. This is exactly what my leftist friends state when I point out what islam is doing to our society.

Stephen Honig
Stephen Honig
6 years ago

The doctrine of Islam is: Submit to Islam or be killed, tortured, rape and enslavement.
This is the word of Satin as stated in the Koran.

michael schimanski
michael schimanski
6 years ago

The French and every country in the world were worned about these slimes and there plans for world domination . The slimes themselves tell all countries what there plans are and then the stupid ass-holes of these countries seem supprised when it happens . Stupid is as stupid does , one of the truest statements ever .

6 years ago

Consider the underlying reason for Western stupidity ; 2 Corinthians 4:4 “… in whose case the god (Satan) of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”
There are consequences when people/nations reject God. Scripture history is full of examples.

6 years ago

“won’t go because it’s too dangerous too enter”
uhhh…that is the most laughable sentence ever uttered. I’m a layman, and could give you 50 options for their removal within 48 hours, alive or dead. The only dearth is of willpower…I wouldn’t even need milspec toys, just a large group of tough men willing to take out the trash.
She’s good though and getting better, colder, more ruthless ;o) It is the only way they will “pull their heads out”, “wake up and smell the coffee”, etc…the only other option is death, genocide, etc.

6 years ago

There will be a greater amount of people converting especially males who will take up four wives and allot will take on young females as wives

The men will put sex before their brains

Worst part of will be harder to tell who is the enemy with mixed races

6 years ago

Well done video

6 years ago

Yep, the only thing that will save Europe now is a religious war of genocide.

But the Western Europeans don’t have the will to live anymore so it ain’t going to happen.

Eastern Europeans like the Poles and Hungarians are a different story. But they’ll become like Islands in a sea of Islam eventually and succumb too.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!