Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg meets Never Trumper “Conservatives,” while decimating pro-Trump, anti-jihad sites like Geller Report

Potemkin meetings.

None of these “conservatives” have been targeted by Facebook. On the contrary, these Never Trumpers have been richly rewarded. But the optics are ‘Zuckerberg works with conservatives’ when in fact, his company is decimating them


Pamela Geller, Breitbart: On Trump and the Jews, David Horowitz Is Right

JINO RINOs. Geller: On Trump and the Jews, David Horowitz Is Right, By Pamela Geller, Breitbart, May 17, 2016: David Horowitz is under heavy fire from the Republican establishment for his article “Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew,” in which he points out that, as the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump is “the only obstacle…

Geller Report