OIC Demands Action Against Free Speech

How bad have things gotten? How weak the West? We shall see. Some fringe pastor burns a book and the Muslim world is set to explode. Terry Jones burned a Qur'an. So what? My sentiments on this subject are clear. This church's burning of the Qur'an does a grave disservice to the cause of spreading…

Global Jihad Alert: Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Seeks Takeover in Libya

There they are, the ghouls are at the ready. The Organization of the Islamic Conference, the world's most influential and evil cabal. Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Ihsanoglu for Libyan Transition Council EID AL-HARITHY JEDDAH: The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, has called…

Islamic Supremacists Siraj Wahhaj and Amir Abdel Malik Ali To Hold Muslim Brotherhood linked Fundraiser

Emboldened and brazen, Islamic supremcacists raise money for jihad, aka "Islamic charity." Much thanks to Obama: Acting on Obama's Vow: Jihad Funding and Islamic Charity — Atlas Shrugs… ….in the United States, rules on charitable giving have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation. That’s why I’m committed to working wwith American…

Pamela Geller, Front Page Magazine Interview:
Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood

Check out my interview with Jamie Glazov, Frontpage Magazine's editor and author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling book, United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror, and his new book, Showdown With Evil. We discuss "The Muslim Brotherhood’s Penetration of the Obama Administration" (here): FP: Pamela Geller, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Well,…

Needed CPAC Insurgency: Oust Keene, Khan, Norquist ….

CPAC's Suhail Khan addressing Muslim Brotherhood front the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), co-conspirator in the largest Hamas funding terror trial: “The early Muslims loved death, dying for the sake of almighty Allah, more than the oppressors loved life,” said an impassioned Khan, who wiped away tears throughout his speech. “This must be the…

“The grave human tragedy of the Christians in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, has worsened dramatically”

All that American blood and treasure in Iraq …. for the sharia. Breathtaking. Note this as well: Women's rights steadily eroding in Iraq as Islamic supremacists gain power Dire reportage from the singular and exceptional human rights champion, David Littman. "The grave human tragedy of the Christians in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, has…

London is home to organizational arm of Hamas in Europe

London is home to organizational arm of Hamas in Europe Jihadwatch hat tip Roy B Hamas is a jihad terrorist group, but to disallow it a presence in London would be "Islamophobic," now, wouldn't it? "London is home to Hamas hub, says Israel," from AFP JERUSALEM — Israel's defence ministry has accused a London-based Palestinian…


UPDATED SEATTLE BUS AD CAMPAIGN Here is the ad AFDI/SIOA will be running in Seattle to counter the blood libel campaign against the Jewish people that is currently running in Seattle. The Seattle Mass Transit is now trafficking in blood libels. "War crime" libels against US allies. Even the murderous Muslim Hamas leader admitted that…

Bat Ye’or: The OIC and the Modern Caliphate

The world’s leading scholar on Islam in the West and Islamic anti-semitism, Bat Ye’or, has penned a seminal piece on the OIC in a recent American Thinker. Read it and then read it again. Bookmark it. Much of what you see on the ground, the imposition of Islam on our public square and secular institutions,…

Atlas EXCLUSIVE: Imam Rauf Exposed Off Mic, “I’m the head coach of this strategic initiative, and the President of the United States, or the President of Malaysia, or the President of England, is a player to bring in for particular plays”

The chasm between Islam and Jahiliyyah is great, and a bridge is not to be built across it so that the people on the two sides may mix with each other, but only so that the people of Jahiliyyah may come over to Islam. Sayyid Qutb, Milestones, 263. With all the talk about “building bridges”…

ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: Imam Rauf’s Sharia Puppets: Madeleine Albright “is now pushing [my] ideas in many places, she is in constant communication with me, and on the issue of Hamas, America should really engage with them”

The chasm between Islam and Jahiliyyah is great, and a bridge is not to be built across it so that the people on the two sides may mix with each other, but only so that the people of Jahiliyyah may come over to Islam. Sayyid Qutb, Milestones, 263. With all the talk about “building bridges”…

Then-President of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Islamic Declaration ……

I thought it might do some good to provide more background on the whitewash of the jihadist history of Bosnia and who and what the players were at the time of the US deployment of troops to fight for the Muslims there. Alija Izetbegović served in the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina until 2000. During…

Nuremberg II: **Crickets Chirping** in Newsrooms Across the World

Huge props to Julia Gorin, who is keeping Atlas readers updated on the exposure of the lies and libels used to demonize the Serbs and lure the US into fighting with Muslims against the Christians in the Balkans. Another trial of a "butcher" by civilizational butchers, and more shocking revelations. The more light is shed,…

Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day

Holocaust Day (Yom HaShoah in Hebrew) is Monday. I, for one, am sick and tired of the fetishism of dead Jews and the endless memorials to holocaust victims while the world rubs its hands in gleeful anticipation of holocaust the sequel. I am sick of the false narrative. The role of Islam and that of…

Obama, Fighting the Mufti’s Jihad Against the Jews

The Muslim dream   Nazi Palestina The massacre of Jews by Muslims in Hebron in 1929. One of many jihads in Hebron. Hebron 3/16/2010: Muslims (R) scuffle with Israeli troops during a rally against the presence of Jewish people in the West Bank city of Hebron February 25, 2010. In a historic reversal of American…

Pamela Geller, Frontpage Magazine Interview: Grover Norquist, Stealth Jihadist

Check out my interview with Jamie Glazov over at Front Page on stealth jihadist Grover Norquist. Here's an excerpt, but go and read the whole thing. FP: This is mind-boggling. This is a conservative conference and one would think conservatives are interested in national security and protecting our liberties and American lives. Why do you…

Bosnia Muslim Nazis, The Return

Had World War II gone on longer, had Hitler only been a better planner, etc. etc. etc., one could certainly make a legitimate claim that Nazi Germany could have forged an even more deeply rooted alliance with Islam, which would have changed the entire paradigm of the North African Campaign, that of the entire Middle…

Islamic World Rewrites History, Denies the Holocaust and Rehabilitates Hitler

As I continue to research the Muslim world’s role in the Holocaust and their leadership’s partnership with Hitler (Rasem Khallidi, The Mufti of Jerusalem, his Turkestan, Caucasian, Azerbijan, Bosnian quislings, Rashid Ali Kailani), the documents are more damning than imagined. The partnership of the Muslim world with Hitler and the Axis is shocking. Expect the…

Righteous Rush vs. Fetid Foxman

I have for years derided Jews in America and Jewish lay leadership for tolerating and supporting clear and present gangrenous enemies of the Jewish people among our senior ranks. It is the sickness of the soul. The liberal Jew worships at the church of human secularism. These lost souls are married to their liberal dogma….

Atlas Exclusive: Diversity and Religious Visas Continue to Increase From Islamic Terror Sponsoring Nations

I have been documenting the increase of outrageous and dangerous "diversity" and "religious" visas. Back in June 2009: DIVERSITY VISA NUMBERS: IMPORTING JIHAD IN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS and April 2009: "Diversity Visas" and "Religious Visas": Importing Jihad, I reported the advancement of this  importation of jihad. Below I show the employment, diversity, all types…

The Mufti of Berlin: Arab-Nazi collaboration is a taboo topic in the West

(here). In a previous post at Atlas here and in his article at American Thinker entitled "Kabaa rage," Bostom writes of "conspiratorial Jew hatred, as part of the warp and woof of Islam's foundational text and history  manifested itself repeatedly for more than a millennium prior to the advent of Nazism. Invoking 'Nazis' does nothing…

Lappen Interviews Geller: Part III The Evils of Islamic Political Ideology

"The oppression of non-believers exists in every Islamic country. Shari'a law is oppressive. All those terrible acts committed in the name of Islam—honor killings, clitorectomies, death for apostasy, death to hypocrites—all happen under shari'a law. This is not under in any way, shape or form compatible with Democratic law. There's no such thing as a…

“Diversity Visas” and “Religious Visas”: Importing Jihad

Changes. President hopeychange wasted no time in opening up the visa regulations, beginning with "religious visas." Before, whoever wanted to enter as a supposed missionary needed to demonstrate his/her affiliation with a religious institution for at least two years. Now they changed it to almost no proof at all. "Missionary" Christians come and go, and…


Oliphant Cartoon 'Hideously Anti-Semitic' Teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy Israel surrounded by ginormous Islamic supremacist lands that rapaciously devour the world and regurgitate it into an airless sharia bound prison ….. all anyone can talk about is the JEWS. To my righteous Christian friends, the evangelicals, my Sikh friends, my secret Muslims who write to me…


BLUEPRINT FOR US SURRENDER TO ISLAM: THE US MUSLIM ENGAGEMENT. President Hussein is more than comfortable with this deal with the devil as he seeks to institute an Islamo-Christian ethic, destroying the very foundation of this great country – the Judeo-Christian ethic. Never mind that Muslims go after and annihilate the Christians in every country…

Serbia: Kosovo Invests in Suicide Vests

Julia Gorin has more on the coming Islamic state of Kosovo. Clinton and the democrats' war. Another stroke of military genius. American men and women actually fought for the jihad and the installation of a militant Islamic state in the heart of Europe. Kosovo Invests in Suicide Vests Julia Gorin “What is a Palestinian?” and…


Julia Gorin  has reported  again and again that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Muhammed Atta  held Bosnian passports and/or were veterans of the Bosnian war: And most recently (back in June) how Bosnia Helped Fund the 9/11 Attacks on America. Trifunovic has also found new links between Bosnia and the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the…

Fjordman Essay: A History of Optics, Part II

The latest series of essays from Fjordman tracks the  development of optics in the West and in the Islamic world. Here is  part 2 of his  multi-part history of optics. Part one ran over at Jihad watch  here. We are such sticklers for historical accuracy over here at Atlas, how delicious we should continue the…

The Pictures That Fooled The World – Yugoslavia Death Camp Hoax

You must first view the video: The Pictures That Fooled The World – Yugoslavia Death Camp Hoax The dheath camp of Karadcic was fake it was staged by a western left camera team, from England.(hat tip Lucky Bee) And read Media Cleansing, Dirty Reporting: Journalism and Tragedy in Yugoslavia by Peter Brock and David Binder …


Raw transcript (I will correct when i get back to NY)….much love and thanks to Liam and KGS You da best! You must get her latest book Shackled Warrior, Israel and the Global Jihad -buy it here UPDATE:  Here's the MP3 file folks were clammering for. hat tip eretz Pamela Geller: Hey it’s Pamela we’re…


Holocaust Day (Yom HaShoah in Hebrew) is today, Thursday, May 1. Holocaust Day commemorates the over six million Jews and heroes who died under the Nazis. In an age of holocaust denial and revision, worldwide recognition of Holocaust Remembrance day is  essential. Never in my lifetime did I imagine that this day would become an…


UPDATED 11:40am: HEADS UP! Mayor Bloomberg and Schools Chancellor Klein: Shut down KGIA now! Help us get the word out that American won’t stay silent in the face of  radical Islamism imposed by stealth in our schools.  Join the debate about the Khalil Gibrain International Academy (KGIA) controversy. Jeffrey Wiesenfeld, who was quoted in yesterday’s…

“Yaser’s Girl”, A Mom from Hell

Current myspace profile picture for honor killing ma I wanted to find out more about the mom of a beast that raped her two little girls, ages 7 and 8 (even after she signed an affidavit attesting to the rape). I wanted to know more about a mother  that dragged her girls back to that…


The Stop the Madrassa Coalition held a press conference yesterday to call for the closing of the failing Arabic school in Brooklyn. Frankly I am not surprised the school is failing to deliver a quality education to our students. Bottom line? Teach reading, writing, math and history. Keep religion and "culture" out of the public…

BUSH: Imam, thank you very much

I will appoint a special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. This is the first time a President has made such an appointment to the OIC. (Applause.) President Bush Rededicates Islamic Center of Washington  To underscore America’s respect for the Muslim faith here at home, I came to this Center six days after…

Thomas Jefferson’s Quran

The Democrats are congratulating themselves that terror-tied Hakim Muhammad (Keith Ellison) is destroying American tradition and using the ‘Thomas Jefferson’s quran’ for his swearing in ceremony. Terror-tied CAIR is doing jihadi victory dance sending out this alert with the following ABC News article; The first Muslim elected to the U.S. Congress, attacked for planning to…


ATTENTION FLORIDA READERS! Tonight, a protest will be taking place in front of the Commission Chambers of Pompano Beach City Hall, at 100 West Atlantic BoulevardBrigitte Gabriel writes with this alarming development — further proof of  the Muslim Brotherhood project; Islamist Center of South FloridaBy Joe KaufmanFront Page Magazine,| July 11, 2006 Radical mosques are…


Nidra Poller: Baked on the Premises How much richer and smarter are we in the Atlas sphere now that alliance. Nidra will be giving us the real 411  from the French street, the Arab French street, and the French Jews (they have no street.)"Baked on the Premises" – the sweet smell of a  French truth…

Harvard and David Duke of One Mind

David Duke claims vindication by Harvard Dean. VIDEO here:American White Supremacist David Duke Addressing Damacus Demonstration in Support of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad: My Country Is Also Occupied by the Zionists VIDEO here American White Supremacist David Duke: Israel Makes the Nazi State Look Very Moderate This is rich, really rich. On Friday I eviscerated …

Terror Training Camps/Recruitment In US Prisons

The recruiting for Islamic jihad has been going on in the prisons for years and is well documented. The Saudís also have a special program aimed at converting blacks in prison. In a well-documented June 2002 article in the Washington Times, Cal Thomas noted that the program is funded by Saudi Arabian money through the…

Geller Report