Tucker’s Jihad: Promotes ‘Pastor” Who Cheers Hamas Atrocities


This is revolting.

Up until now, Tucker’s anti-Jewish bigotry has been nuanced and implied. The mask is off and it’s ugly.

If I could not see this Christian Palestinian pastor wearing a dog-collar I would have thought I was listening to a member of the PLO or the editor of The Forward.

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Why are the Christian Palestinians who live in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem not moving to Bethlehem? I suspect it’s because the Muslims are now in control there and are actively hostile to them and the whole idea of pilgrims coming to visit Christ’s birthplace is anathema to them particularly at Christmas. Also, mentioning Rashida Tlaib as a supporter of his “cause” does not endear me to him.

We all know that Palestinian Christians are one step behind Jews in Gaza when it comes to persecution. Actually, they might be one step in front because until October 7th. Jews were not permitted in Gaza.

If anyone was in doubt about Tucker’s hostility towards Israel this video will obliterate that doubt. He demonstrates incredible bias against Israel and American Evangelical Christians while failing to place any of the blame for the alleged plight of Palestinian Christians on the Islamic fascists who control so many Christian sites in the Holy Land. Excuse me while I vomit.

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20 days ago

I’ve been warning people about Tucker, Candace Owens, and Putin since 2022.

As I explained in another comment yesterday, Mr. Trump’s base has a division between the pro-Israel supporters like Ben Shapiro and the anti-Israel ones like Tucker, Candace Owens, & various populist/liberatarian youtubers.

Mr. Biden’s base also has a split between the pro-Israel supporters like Alan Dershowitz, youtubers like Destiny, etc. ; versus the anti-Israel Squad of Tlaib, AOC, and Omar.

20 days ago
Reply to  T D

There is a determined effort of late to destroy Ben Shapiro, the current top pro-Israel commentator.

This effort is led by Candace Owens and neo-Nazi sympathizers like Nick Fuentes, Kanye West. Tucker sympathizes with Ms. Owens.

And some populist Youtubers like Valuetainment are falling for or are joining Ms. Owens’ scheme.

As a result of this, some pro-Biden Youtubers, like Destiny, who are also pro-Israel have been defending Mr. Shapiro recently.



pod-casters like Joe Rogan or Candace Owens cannot be ignored since they pull millions of viewers, which can sway public opinion on Israel.

Last edited 20 days ago by T D
20 days ago
Reply to  T D

candace cannot be trusted and has a good rap but her real feelings do come thru and her inter-racial marriage seems odd and rogan is so obvious that it is easier to see what he really is

Last edited 20 days ago by Turtlebrat
18 days ago
Reply to  turtlebrat

If you look at who she married it does make sense: she married into the British aristocracy, lower echelon but still, the same people who produced the Mitfords

20 days ago
Reply to  T D

Rogan is not an Anti-Semite. He’s just an ignorant liberal.
Unlike Tucker, he’s willing to discuss things with those who disagree with him.

20 days ago
Reply to  Armaros

You might be right Amaros.

He does have pro-Ukraine and pro-Israel people on; but it seems the balance of his guests seem more towards being pro-Russia and anti-Israel.

BTW, you should see Coleman Hughes debunk Mr. Rogan on his accusing Israel of genocide. During their interview.

19 days ago
Reply to  T D

I saw that. He just had Branden O’Neil on who’s also a staunch Israel supporter.
Rogan is not Israel focused. He was bombarded with lies so he believed some of them. I don’t think he’s a bigot. He just thinks he’s Mr Open Mind and often he falls for BS.

18 days ago
Reply to  T D

I feel this Russia/ukraine thing has got to a unhelpful stage: from what I recall, here in uk at least, politicians and media were ramping up the rhetoric about Russia attacking Ukraine and creating a false scenario, months before there was actual war.( of course, to get the war machine going and manufacturing, organising who who get what payments) Basically the US, UK and eu were instigating a war and pushing for it. Putin was only happy to oblige. To take one side or another seems totally futile. The puppet head of Ukraine has helped destroy his own country.

18 days ago
Reply to  Cassandra

Putin wants to rebuild his version of the Soviet Union.

His immediate support for Hamas, Iran, Syria, and Hezzbolah is no coincidence; since the Soviet Union backed the jihadists during the cold war; while the US backed Israel.

Ukraine isn’t about Russia’s borders, it’s about Russia re-estalishing its empire’s hegemony even in Israel’s backyard.

18 days ago
Reply to  Cassandra

“Basically the US, UK and eu were instigating a war and pushing for it. ”

Mr. Putin was already instigating war with the west when he started supporting Hamas in 2006. then Iran, Syria, and Hezzbolah.

Russia brought back the Soviet National Anthem in 2001 (?) and meddled in the 2004 Ukrainian elections – an assassintion attempt almost succeeded.

In 2023, Putin signed a law re-establishing a soviet-style Youth movement. The inductees pledged their allegiance to Lenin and other figures.

19 days ago
Reply to  T D

I might suggest that Fox News’ Mark Levin edges out young Mr. Shapiro. Personally, I never miss an episode of “Life, Liberty, and Levin” and frequently watch each broadcast more than once.

19 days ago
Reply to  Bexarkat

Levin has a pretty good analysis. don’t agree with everything he says, but Mr Levin knows the the political layout pretty well.

He should however, create more short clips of his full shows like most Youtubers.
I never watch full hours of either Shapiro on the right or Destiny on the left. they’re just too long after you add them together. So the short clips help casual viewers.

20 days ago
Reply to  T D

Tucker hated Trump until recently when the choice became binary with Biden.
He mocked the election questions and refused to hear any evidence.
Then J6 woke him up as he made his documentary and started to see what the choices were.
He never liked Israel but never really rallied against it.
Now the cat is out of the bag.
O7 was God’s work in many ways because it revealed the true lines within humanity. Like the Holocaust did before. It also woke up Jews like never before since the Holocaust. He did at least condemn O7 and said he was shocked and terrified by it . Unlike Candace who unmasked herself like non other . That was revealing.
A heartless evil bitch

18 days ago
Reply to  Armaros

His father was cia so this Apple May not have fallen far from that tree.

From a Remote Location
From a Remote Location
20 days ago

It’s for things like this that he’s been known in some corners as “Schmucker” Carlson. Exactly.

And again, the issue of demographics and the tectonic shift thanks to the shrinking white and Christian populations and the massive rise in Third World-based populations in this country also play a role in this division.

20 days ago

comment image


Complete version of Tucker Carlson calling the US “evil”, “Shameful”, & morally “illegitimate” for not calling a ceasefire in Gaza.

Complete video clip includes part where the interviewer specifically asks Tucker about a ceasefire in Gaza. Other clips online are missing that part.

(An example of Tucker’s propaganda).

Last edited 20 days ago by T D
20 days ago
Reply to  T D

Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens also defend notorious groomer and sex trafficker Andrew Tate.

Andrew Tate is an Islamist and anti-Israel commentator.

Last edited 20 days ago by T D
20 days ago
Reply to  T D

Tate said that ISIS was true Islam and Bin Laden was a great Muslim
Tucker sat there admiring him while in the basement were women kept in bondage being trafficked for sex. Some beaten with belts and denied food.
It was grotesque and morbid.
Why would a man worth $100M move to Romania?
Because you can buy people there. Even women.
Then Tucker goes around calling Ukraine, ” a crappy little Eastern European country”
The very trafficking of women (girls mostly) run by the Russian, Albanian, even Ukrainian organized crime syndicates run through Romania. One of the reasons Ukraine wants to severe ties with Russia is to clean this shit up as it has been cleaned out of Poland, Hungary, CzechRep, Slovakia, and Croatia as those countries cut off Russia and the whole Soviet rot which brought this crap. They all had this problem with former Soviet based mafia clans running child and sex trafficking on their territories.
Romania is also fighting to get rid of this rot. In comes Tate and injects millions into the business. To the praise of Tucker and “I am a Christian Woman” Candace.
“Christ is King” long live the work of Mary Magdalene, I guess.
Literally vomit inducing.

Last edited 20 days ago by armaros
20 days ago
Reply to  Armaros

Don’t worry Australia has premier Peter adnan minauskas bringing in vile & dangerous HAMAS people to bring up south Australia economy (by welfare). A traitor 100% if ever there was. Islam people are in Christian churches as pastors, go yo catholic churches even maronite religion paid money to vstican to be recognised as catholic. Go figure. Money talks bullshit walks.

18 days ago
Reply to  Terry

Minauskas sounds Lithuanian, I wonder if he has the same heritage as the deputy pm in Canada?

20 days ago
Reply to  Armaros

Tate is a low life.

And based on what you said about him praising ISIS and Bin Laden, he’s even worse than I thought.

20 days ago

I never trusted tucker and now never will – he is in love with himself and is disingenuous and is a true anti-Semite type of conservative; ditto candace owens.

20 days ago
Reply to  turtlebrat

The Candace thing got even more sinister a few weeks ago, when she and others like neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes hi-jacked the phrase “Christ is King”

It was meant to frame a “Jews versus Christian” narrative.

The phrase itself “Christ is King” is NOT antisemitic, but the hi-jackers are.

20 days ago
Reply to  T D

She concocted a hoax leftist style.
That she was fired from DW for saying, Christ is King
Which is a total fabrication but was picked up by gullible Christian conservatives.
The woman is a snake, the kind of snake Trump told the poem of.
She wants to create hatred between Jews and Christians. She’s evil.
She used to be a leftist and called the Tea Party KKK.
Her tactics haven’t changed.

20 days ago
Reply to  Armaros

Yeah, it’s sad that some youtube channels have taken her side. She’s a master manipulator.

The Daily Wire though keeps falling for her traps; and they should learn how to handle meme wars better.

Shapiro has an edge on debating her, but I wish he’d take a week to prepare as to not underestimate her. She’s probably been getting debate coaching from Norm Finklestein whose debating skills are very good. Most con artists are. Finkle-twat hates Israel and he defends holocaust deniers.

Last edited 20 days ago by T D
18 days ago
Reply to  T D

Exactly. To me it was an affirmation of pure idolatry. But c is king is antisemitic, imo. In most Jewish prayers we refer to G-d as our king, so it’s a denial of G-d and the Torah.
She put that phrase out there on X and I think, Ben Shapiro got it right with his response. I don’t actually watch him as I am pro Trump and I don’t understand his silly attitude in that respect.

18 days ago
Reply to  Cassandra

The Trump base is divided between the pro-Israel people like Ben Shapiro and the anti-Israel people like Tucker and Candace.

Biden’s base is also divided between pro-Israel voters like Alan Dershowitz, Bill Maher, & Destiny; and anti-Israel voters like Tlaib, Omar, and AOC.

Mr. Shapiro is raising money for Trump. Not sure if Alan Dershowitz or Bill Maher are raising money for Biden.

20 days ago

Why didn’t the FBI/CIA take his money and cut off his legs after his trip to Russia?

He says some things that sound good, but so does a Muslim waging jihad of the mouth, and so does a Marxist, and so does a pitchfork behind a pulpit. He seemed to become a star outside the MSM too easily. He fires a lot of arrows but never hits the bull’s eye. I suspected his departure from the MSM was a very good con job. Fox News was a con job. Tucker looks like a shooting star to me. Maybe I’m wrong.

20 days ago
Reply to  Zeus

There is more than two sides to the fight. You can find “guilt” in every corner of the ring, and point to it to advance a fight. There is another side in the fight that always manages to stay hidden. The matchmaker manages to stay outside of the ring, and keeps our focus on the fight and the fighters in the ring. A terrible enemy is outside the ring pulling the strings so to speak. That enemy plays conquered. That enemy plays defenseless. That enemy plays friend. That enemy is a very good deceiver. That enemy uses very good deceivers.

20 days ago
Reply to  Zeus

The down voter wears a skirt and wets his bed.
Maybe he thinks I got his goat.
Maybe he’s just too dense to understand what I just said.
Maybe he knows exactly what I just said and he’s butthurt over it.

20 days ago
Reply to  Zeus

The Russia trip wasn’t a crime
The interview was actually informative.
His visiting of stores and burger joints was Durantyesque.
He totally made a fool of himself.
“They have revolving doors in Moscow, WOW”
Yeah, and they have electricity and paved roads too!
OMG what an ideal place!

20 days ago
Reply to  Armaros

“The Russia trip wasn’t a crime”
I know that.

They attack their political opposition with accusations of crimes. My point is they could have made the trip LOOK like a crime, but they didn’t.

I didn’t say the interview wasn’t informative.

I can think of better things to cover than life in Russia.

20 days ago

He was suspicious when he started to invite Tulsi Gabbard almost daily who blamed the Syrian civil war on Netanyahu.
Then his obsession that Zelenskyy, with the help of ( Jewish) neocons was attempting to erase Christianity in Ukraine.
A completely insane conspiracy theory.
Then having that antisemitic Col MacGregor on who regularly tweets ZOG theories on X
Then defending Muslim human trafficker Andrew Tate, and antisemitic Roger Waters .

Unfortunately there’s a correlation between russophilia and antisemitism these days.
Watch the Russophile a bit and the amyisemite will show soon.
Tucker has become a Buchanan 2.0.

He carefully edited the Kanye interview and covered up the ugly before running it.

The dual loyalty accusation against Shapiro was also ugly. Also uncalled for because like with Ukraine he used s lie for the premise. He does that quite often, actually.
Takes a lie like the left does and builds an argument around it and then presents it as fact and emotes over it refusing to hear any counter arguments.
He said that Ben wanted US troops in Gaza so he wants to destroy America to help Israel.
Ben never advocated sending troops to Gaza.
It was a lie. Since then he refused to debate Shapiro who offered to discuss the subject.

20 days ago
Reply to  Armaros

“Watch the Russophile a bit and the antisemite will show soon.”


20 days ago
Reply to  Martin1818

I’ve looked at that pattern for years; there is truth to that.

On the left and right.

18 days ago
Reply to  Armaros

Interesting that no one ever accuses muslims of dual loyalty or even disloyalty when they are blatantly anti American, anti Israel anti- West. Yet immediately without evidence they will use it as a stick to beat Jews.

20 days ago

There’s a new religion emerging and for a lack of a better term, we can call it Chrislam
Not my term, I saw it years ago on SM.
What Chrislam is basically dhimmi christianity. Christianity that argues that it is an ally of Islam in that Islam recognized Christ as a prophet. The Jews have not, so Islam is an ally while Judaism is a theological enemy. Candace and Tucker are falling into this ideology or theology. Many blacks also follow it like Jeremiah Wright’s church and others who praise Farrakhan while proclaiming Christianity.
Tucker said he respects Islam because it fears God. Sure, but it also considers Christians as dhimmis.
Candace regularly asserts that ” I am a christian woman” when attacking Jews and defending Muslim terrorism. ” As a Christian woman and mother I see the dead babies in Gaza” while she rubs her pregnant stomach. I would puke in her face if she was in front of me. Fake piety always betrays the sinner and the sinister. Babies in ovens or burned with blow torches are OK and “not my business because I deal with domestic politics”. But dead Gazans are genocide.
This has to be discussed more openly among christians because in some ways Islam is spreading among them as some back up faith.

20 days ago
Reply to  Armaros

Didn’t read all of your post. But the first sentence “Chrislam” is a good meme.

The alliance between fake Christians like Candace and fake Muslims or radical Islamists like Andrew Tate.

I might borrow your meme. “Chrislamist” also comes to mind.

I also call the Nick Fuentes, Kanye, & Candace network the “Hitler First” movement.

garry pollackD
garry pollack
20 days ago

We wud B better off if we read & studied more & opined—less… suggested “study material”…Rob’t Spencer’s Jihad Watch…

David Thrush
David Thrush
19 days ago

Sounds like Tucker has joined the GAB crowd, Andrew Torba and his cult following of Jew hating extremely anti Semitic fake Christians that subscribe to Replacement theology and Preterism. Torba regularly states “Christ is King” but it’s more of a political statement meaning, we are now the true Israel, we are now the true Hebrews. Anyone who’s read Romans 11 in its entirety can see the replacement theology crowd are scripture twisters.
These snakes twist the scriptures claiming they are now Israel, they are now the true Israelites. It’s similar to the black Hebrew Israelites who claim THEY are now true Israel. Both groups are EXTREMELY racist…It’s a twisted theology and is spreading rapidly.
Carlson is beginning to sound like the Gab crowd.

19 days ago

Tucker was a Fix news network employee. One reason why he should not be trusted.

19 days ago

Been “following” Tucker for many years and did not always agree with his opinions. This time he really blew it!

19 days ago

Many members of the clergy representing various Christian sects throughout the Middle East have supported terrorism over decency. Years ago one Archbishop (perhaps Marionite – I do not recall) was caught smuggling weapons to terrorists in Lebanon. More recently a nun supporting Hezbollah as national heroes in Lebanon was captured on tape. While this could be out of a sense of nationalism, or even religious survival, I suspect that it is more likely simply detesting Jews for surviving two millennia and their belief in “Replacement Theology.” If that is true, they should keep in mind, that once Christianity replaces Judaism, it’s not a leap to think that Islam will eventually replace Christianity.

19 days ago

Surprise Surprise NOT given Tuckers love of dictators like Viktor Orban of Hungary and Putin of Russia. Tucker openly supports the Russian Genocide of Ukrainians. So are you surprised he supports the genocide of Jews? Tucker is not only a useful fool as Putin has called him after their interview but he is also a gross anti semitic POS. Yet MAGA and Trump LOVE him.

John Acord
John Acord
19 days ago

There is one irrefutable fact, and that is that Trump and MAGA are 100% behind Israel. The objective in of MAGA is to find a new homeland for the Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank and to restore those areas to Israeli sovereignty; we must also free ourselves from encroaching Muslim extremism by recognizing the values of Islam are incompatible and irreconcilable, and any who adhere to it must also be deported regardless of their citizenship status.

18 days ago
Reply to  John Acord

What you call the west bank is Judea and Samaria, the core of Israel, the Jewish homeland. The leftist Israeli gov. has permitted Arab settlents, a slow invasion of the Jewish heartland as they most certainly have something to do with October 7th. Israel left Gaza in 2095, Gaza was Judenrein, but Israel is not Arab rein: why is this apartheid permitted? Of course we have seen wonderful Arabs who rescued partygoers on Oct 7th and who has their own families murdered by Hamas. So Gaza is a separate country, given by Israel in exchange for peace: Israeli land for peace. But there has been zero peace.

Andrea Plamondon
Andrea Plamondon
19 days ago

Not to play the devils advocate, as I truly believe Israel has a right to exist, and that Hamas is exploiting the conflict, but I did see a video of an Orthodox Jew spitting on the ground near a tiny, old christian nun, dressed in blue and white. She just looked at him. And I also lived among orthodox Jews years ago in Montreal and they were not friendly, but then neither were my Russian neighbors in a San Francisco Russian neighborhood. Also Orthodox Jews are not known to run around burning churches or slitting peoples throats. I also do have Jewish and Russian friends.

19 days ago

Individuals can act horribly, even Jews. They’re no exception in humanity and its faults.
But ask yourself the simple question.
Where in the Middle East are Christians safest, most prosperous, and where can they practice and celebrate most freely?
Bethlehem was majority Christian when OSLO put it under the PA control. And even the PA did an OK job recognizing the commercial value of the area as Christmas and Easter holidays flood the place with tourists and pilgrims. But once Hamas came to power in Gaza in 2006 they started to extend influence in the other territories and literally ran a campaign to cleanse the Christians out of Bethlehem.
Recall also the 2nd Intifada when terrorists occupied the Church of the Sepulture, destroyed it inside, desecrated the icons and artifacts and the monks and nuns sent out notes to the IDF to rescue them.

18 days ago

Are you surprised Orthodox Jews are not friendly after all the hate, harassment and physical attacks they endure, daily from non religious Jews as well as blacks and others?

17 days ago

I have stated that I don’t trust Tucker Carlson. This is scary because Tucker and Candace a forming a Hitler/Hamas wing of the Conservative movement. I am also beginning to feel some sympathy for Ukraine because of Tucker and Candace. Reactionary on my part? Candace with her Hitler and book burning nonsense and Tucker with his lets-help-Hamas stuff has made me a little that way..
Tucker with his lets-help-Hamas stuff has made me a little that way.

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