Pubescent Voting Bloc: Nancy Pelosi, ‘We’re Collecting Thoughts About’ Lowering The Voting Age


The infantilization of millennials is a hallmark of the Democrat party. President Obama went so far as to keep “children” on their parents’ healthcare until the ripe old age of 26. But mob rule needs morons and the party of treason can rely on the enemedia to advance their totalitarian agenda.

American schools have been taken over by the left. Therefore, it makes sense that the radical Democrats would want America’s young people to vote, while they are being indoctrinated by activist educators.

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Lowering the voting age, open borders, and abolishing the Electoral College means permanent political power for the Democrat Party, and the end of America as we know it.

The Republicans must not just win in 2020: they must rout.

“Nancy Pelosi: ‘We’re Collecting Thoughts About’ Lowering The Voting Age,’ by Kerry Picket, The Daily Caller, March 19, 2019:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi explained to reporters Monday what kind of steps she may consider to lower the federal voting age to 16 years old at a press conference in Ferguson, Missouri.

“We’re obviously collecting thoughts about it. Just because someone has a good idea — any of us — doesn’t mean it’s going to the Floor next,” Pelosi said. “It means you go through the process. You build consensus. You build a crescendo. That’s another club I’m starting: the crescendo club.”

She added, “You have an idea? Let’s see how many people you can convince. Let’s see what the other views are that we can enhance this.”

Pelosi, at her weekly presser last Thursday, told The Daily Caller she always supported lowering the voting age. The Democrat-proposed legislation, known as the “For The People Act” (H.R.1), included a debate over a failed amendment intended to lower the voting age to 16 years of age. The amendment was defeated 126-305, but H.R.1 passed.

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Bradley Lexvold
Bradley Lexvold
5 years ago

Pelosi, ” We’re collecting thoughts.” Yah, that’s not going to inspire millions of different memes.

5 years ago

Ask insurance companies why RATES are SKY HIGH for teen drivers!

Bradley Lexvold
Bradley Lexvold
5 years ago

Pam’s right about the embarrassing insinuation of expecting 26 year olds to ask to be on their parents health care. I’ve known many 26 year olds with 5, 6, even 7 kids. To expect them to ask to be on their parents health care is a slap in the face. They have no shame. Nothing is sacred to them but willful ignorance and its exploitation.

5 years ago

They want them to be helpless children when it is convenient. It helps to make them more government dependent. Government is the replacement for parents. The last thing they want is, independent critical informed thought or a strong independent individual.

Bradley Lexvold
Bradley Lexvold
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

When you sign a birth certificate, you’re handing them over to the state and they legally own them. Not lawful, but legal. Corrupt beyond repair. This is how they justify everything they do, unlawful conversion, and it ends by being informed properly, then organizing and reclaiming all your birth rights.

5 years ago

When I was 18, I was automatically terminated from my parent’s health coverage.
It wasn’t a crisis. I never thought anything of it. I went to college without it. You are at prime health when younger. There is no reason to be on your parents healthcare plan.

5 years ago

TEENS were eating Tide detergent pods as a “challenge”. Just brilliant!comment image

Tide Pod Eating Challenge Overwhelms Poison Control Center
Featured 01/17/2018
comment image

5 years ago

President Trump Notes “Strange” Candidate Platform: Lower voting age, eliminate electoral college, increase SCOTUS Justices…March 20, 2019 by sundance image

Bradley Lexvold
Bradley Lexvold
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

And I thought it was empty.

5 years ago

The LEFT knows exactly what they are doing.
Hormones surging! Rebellion in full swing.
They are pumped up with Marxist indoctrination and ready to passionately vote for it.
DEMS know what they are doing.
Ask an insurance company why RATES are so HIGH for teen drivers.
The logic and reasoning part of your brain doesn’t level off till you are about 25 or so.
So what is driving these kids are EMOTIONS based on Marxist and Islamic propaganda.

ace wheeler
ace wheeler
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

This is an interesting photo. What do you suppose she is doing here? Any guess is a good one. This is 3rd in line for the Presidency. Looks absolutely insane to me!!

comment image

5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

They have different versions of this on the Internet and it’s Hillaryous!

Liatris Spicata
Liatris Spicata
5 years ago

‘We’re Collecting Thoughts About’ Lowering The Voting Age

I am reminded of Ben Franklin’s reply when, durng the Constitutional Convention, a woman inquired as to what kind of government they were preparing to give Americans. Franklin’s reply was a prescient:

A Republic, if you can keep it

Few things make more clear to me how little Democrats care about the future of United States of America than that this proposal merits any consideration whatsoever.

5 years ago

Peelosi is so brain dead that she should be a candidate for infanticide.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Actually she is not. She is patient, sly and knows the ropes.
She is not as sharp as she used to be but she knows what she is doing.
She may have a touch of dementia but that isn’t stopping her.
She will do anything required to keep that gavel in her hand and remain Speaker of the House.

ace wheeler
ace wheeler
5 years ago

“collecting thoughts?” That must be a daunting task? Take all of about 5 seconds!

Mental midget and all around pervert Nancy Pelosi!

comment image

Bradley Lexvold
Bradley Lexvold
5 years ago
Reply to  ace wheeler

That pic is weird and creepy.

ace wheeler
ace wheeler
5 years ago

I didn’t take it.

5 years ago
Reply to  ace wheeler

Neither did I 🙂

5 years ago

Argentine peronist strategy in 2016. Backfire on their face.

Jay Wizzy
Jay Wizzy
5 years ago

Lowering the age for voting but not telling the voters the truth.
Republican Trump meanwhile is on my indictment-list for not boycotting Saudi Arabia & Nigeria but instead selling them arms abetting the biggest mass-murder of our times (Nigeria) & slavery of Africans, torture of atheists, forcible declitorization, rape & other crimes.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
5 years ago

This is the slippery slope that many warned about decades ago when the voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 in 1971 via the 26th Amendment. One commentator aptly noted about this proposal that it was nothing more than a “power grab” designed to increase the Democrat voter base. But so, it turns out, was the 26th Amendment (the vote of the 18-24 age group, in all elections since 1972 except for 1988, went to Democrats in Presidential contests). But the deal killer here is that a vast majority of 18-24 year olds – as well as the younger in Gen-Z – without question, support socialism. This is proof of just how much indoctrinated and radicalized they are in what passes for an “educational” system – and why they have no business setting foot in a voting booth. (That, and the fact that 18-24 year olds are top-heavy in the ultra-violent Antifa movement, and before that Occupy Wall Street.) While the problem of infantilization of the younger generation has become epidemic since the Clinton era, it has actually worsened since then. Besides, never mind the maturity level (or lack of same) in 18-24 -year olds – 16- and 17- year olds are, as that writer noted, “too immature, inexperienced and irresponsible . . . racked by raging hormones and adolescent rebellion against authority. They lack the emotional, psychological and mental development necessary to make fully informed and responsible decisions.” It may not be a coincidence that Madam Pelosi cited 26 as the cutoff age up to which young people could still remain on their parents’ insurance – it is at 25-26 that the human brain becomes fully developed and formed. It is for that reason, plus their (supposed to be) having more life’s experience, as well as a job and other responsibilities, that I have come to the conclusion that the minimum voting age should actually be RAISED – to age 26. (The writer advocated raising back to 21, but as that age group is high up among registered Democrats and thus supportive of socialism, I respectfully disagree.)

And that’s not even counting the last 100 years of young people being foot soldiers / shock troops in the most destructive political, social and cultural revolutions in history (a partial list): the Young Pioneers (ages 8-14) and Komsomol (ages 14-18) of Stalin’s Russia, the Brownshirts and Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany, the Red Guard in Mao’s China, Che Guevara’s executioners in Castro’s Cuba, the Khmer Rouge (and resulting killing fields and “mountains of skulls”) of Pol Pot’s Cambodia . . . also thinking of the 1968 Paris riots and the bedlam that same year outside the Democrat Convention in Chicago. Believe me, there is NOTHING exemplary about ANY of the above.

5 years ago

Of course they want the age lowered…the ignorant libturds are indoctrinating the new class of ignorant libturds to vote dumocrap! Anytime you see an interview with a college level libturd they have no clue about facts or what is really going on in the world. All they can do is repeat the libturd BS spewed from other ignorant libturds.

5 years ago

It is proven women, Negroes and children have the lowest IQ. Not surprised Nonsence Pssylosi came up with this bright idea or at least approves of it.

Then we will be ruled by MORONS creating a nation of IDIOTS. Historians will be left scratching their heads of how a mighty nation was ruled by mentally-ill people is quite funny.

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
5 years ago

How would you like to be a heart patient in a hospital staffed by 16 year-olds?

Kids 16 years of age account for 7% of licensed drivers but are involved in 25% of the yearly traffic accidents. I am a certified driver safety instructor and keen to such statistics.

5 years ago

They are sounding desperate.

5 years ago

Hmmm. Lowering the voting age to 16, and raising the tobacco age to 21. Sounds hypocritical. I don’t condone smoking and chewing, but something seems backward.

T Strole
T Strole
5 years ago

Well looks like she got her botox fix,, helps with those close up shots. Get another closeup in 3 weeks and post with this one for a good laugh. Look back on her pictures this past month, you can see the scaring and face damage from so many treatments

William Wilhelm
William Wilhelm
5 years ago

Just think back to when you were sixteen. What was most on your mind? Getting you license to drive, who is so and so dating, and will our school beat our rivals in sports. Even though we had civics is school,(something no longer taught) we only new what our parents said about politics to be truth. Maybe next the liberals will want to lower the draft age to sixteen. Could your child be next?

John Acord
John Acord
5 years ago

Our republic can be saved and endure for another 200 years with one simple change to our constitution and its not to lower the voting age,but to extend voting privileges to only those who pay property and federal taxes, are not on state or federal welfare, and have proper voter identification. Unfortunately, it will take a civil war to make this simple, all encompassing change.

5 years ago

The American voter is indolent, fat, complacent and grossly ignorant of matters concerning his own government, and the BolshieCrats want to give voting rights to puerile slugs? Our blessed republic has decayed, and may soon die.

Lyle Hartman
Lyle Hartman
5 years ago

Well over a half century public education dumbing down our kids and indoctrinating them with Marxist propaganda and now they’re ready to vote. Good little comrades.

5 years ago

Great, maybe she will become totally senile before she is done collecting her thoughts.

Ómar Guðmundsson
Ómar Guðmundsson
5 years ago

Sick woman.

5 years ago

so… let me get this straight… teens are old enough to go into the military at 18 but not old enough to be responsible to own a firearm. But teens younger than 18 are old enough and wise enough to vote but not old enough to buy tobacco products but old enough to kill their own babies without parental input or consent but not old enough to get other medical treatment without consent. (Then again, most of the impact of an abortion in comparison is on the baby and not on the “host”–host because in the eyes of the Left, a baby in the womb is nothing more than an inconvenient parasite).

It seems to me the only thing consistent about all that we know about teens from the Left is the inconsistency. But when you reject reality and science for feelings, what more can we expect?

5 years ago

then also make them of legal age to be drafted, sued, charged for all crimes and incarcerated or subject to the death penalty….

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