The ‘Moderate’ Muslim Scholar Industry


The idea of a “moderate” Muslim society is one of the left’s largest and loudest tools to generate talk that those who speak in harsh terms about Islam are either tin hat conspiracists or outright biased against the religion.

But fact is: “Moderate” and Muslim aren’t really words that mix well.

This is moderate?

This is a fabrication of the Muslim apologist society. And it’s one that leads to even more radicalization.

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Read this essay, from the Gatestone Institute:

When I was new to the United States, a so-called “moderate” Muslim scholar pulled me aside and gave me some “friendly” words of advice:

“In the West, there is a trend unfolding. If you follow it, you will find great success, more than you can imagine. It is very easy, all you have to do is stick to a few simple rules. No matter what your personal views are, you must be a Muslim apologist — an apologist for radical Islam — and present yourself as a ‘moderate’ Muslim scholar. If you can accomplish this, they will lap it up. You will never want for anything again. You will easily gain wealth and become the most in-demand ‘moderate’ Muslim scholar in the West!”

It sounded reasonable enough. “As you have the advantage of being from the region,” he continued, “you will come across as authentic.”

His advice was accurate. There is a huge industry of so-called “moderate” Muslim scholars, who are actually apologists for Islam. This industry began to grow after the catastrophe of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and from there, expanded.

There seems to exist a symbiotic relationship between the mainstream media and liberal organizations on one side, and the “moderate” Muslim apologists on the other.

It is these “moderate” Muslim apologists, commentators, and organizations that are creating — directly or indirectly — the rise of Islamic extremism and with it, terrorism. They provide a window for all sorts of acts of evil to take place: from raping women and children to blowing up public places or running people over with vans. These are the people who are preventing any positive changes or reforms from taking place. By not criticizing these extremists, they are not only failing to address the underlying problem of extremism and Islamic terrorism; they are also stealing attention away from the root of the problem.

If you scrutinize the uptick in recent terrorism, their approach leads to even more radicalization. There appears to be a direct correlation between the expansion of this “moderate” Muslim apologist industry, and the increasing rate of terrorist attacks in the West. If officials were actually interested in saving lives — rather than just in cozying up to the Muslim vote to keep their jobs — they should jump at the chance to reveal the truth behind fundamentalist Islam and Islamic terrorism. If not, they should be voted out of their jobs.

The West, unfortunately, encourages these “moderate” Muslim apologists to keep on advancing these false views: that one must not blame extremists, that nothing is the fault of the Islamic teachings, that all of these radical and that Islamist terrorist attacks “have nothing to do with Islam.” More doors and opportunities keep opening for these apologists to get cash. The Muslim apologists are handed megaphones, invited to international forums, handed book deals, given scholarships, and offered jobs with elite but false titles such as “Islam and Counter-Terrorism Expert.” With such incentives, why would anyone ever stop?

Meanwhile the real scholars of Islam, such as Robert Spencer, who are trying to warn the public about these apologists, are called “Islamophobes,” poisoned, often fired from work, censored on social media and barred from entering democratic countries such as Great Britain.

It does not even matter that many of these so-called “moderate” Muslim apologists in the West may never have lived in an Islamist state or experienced first-hand what it is like to be ruled by extremists. The majority of them seem to have been born and raised in the West under a democratic system of governance where they can freely voice their opinions and practice their religion without fear of prosecution. The concepts they talk about — such as sharia, jihad, or the “true” interpretation of Islamic teachings — are as foreign to them as they are to any other Westerner.

I have lived for years in these places in the Middle East and seen with my own eyes the cruelty and abuse that takes place under extremist Islamic law. I have heard the screams of families as their loved ones were tortured and slaughtered for the simplest acts — singing, dancing, voicing an opinion, or simply being a non-Muslim — all of which are crimes.

If we play the game of misinforming and misleading people about Islamism, by making irrelevant analogies to whitewash the violence and terrorism which are generated by Islamic fundamentalism, we are indoctrinating the literally millions of innocent children who will be either the perpetrators or victims of the next radical Islamic terror attacks — including Muslims.

With the lure of money and fame tempting so many, unless we begin to wake up to the damage they are doing to their victims, their families and the whole of society, it will not stop.

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Sing On
Sing On
6 years ago

What about our Muslim coworkers who tell us to cooperate with Muslim terrorists so we won’t get hurt? That is called Islamic friendship.

6 years ago

Islam is spiritual excrement.

6 years ago
Reply to  peakpower

Muslims are like flies, attracted by the stench of shi%&

Liatris Spicata
Liatris Spicata
6 years ago
Reply to  Thorsten

Muslims are like flies, attracted by the stench of shi%

It may earn you “likes” on this site, but you can present more insightfully than that, Thorsten.

6 years ago

Why go to the trouble?
The metaphor works well with Islam.

Liatris Spicata
Liatris Spicata
6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Right, felix- there is no need for insight when dealing with a complex historical and contemporary challenge that Islam poses. What could ever give me that crazy idea?

About what I would expect from you.

Trump can't ban islam
Trump can't ban islam
6 years ago
Reply to  peakpower

Islam belongs in USA now. there are about 10 MILLIONS of MODERATE MUSLIMS living in USA and…….. GROWING!
one day americans will wake up with the prettiest moderate sound for many, the moderate muslims calling from their minarets and it will be normal then.

6 years ago

A civil war is one way to get rid of people who are a nuisance. Muslims do it all the time. The Turks drive out all the Greeks from the Byzantine empire. The knife cuts both ways.

6 years ago

“Moderate” muslims only make out with goats. The rest of the mozzzlems, like yourself, go all the way and have sex with goats….

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago

There is no such thing as a moderate muslim, there never was, there never will be.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

It’s a very effective lie and it’s interesting to note that the kafir that promote it aren’t moving to any muslum states to test their faith in it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

should muslims follow your definition of how muslims should be ???

who are you ??

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago

No, they should stop being muslims and become human. Better than every muslim that ever was, which says nothing as there isn’t a pig, dog, or monkey that isn’t superior to every muslim that ever was.

6 years ago

so-called ‘moderate’ Muslims
-> wishy-washy Muslims, ‘… and punish the Hypocrites’

… who only convert cause of high (50% of income) ‘jizyah’ 9/29 protection money & for not being discriminated by Muslims (NOT because of believe allah)

Liatris Spicata
Liatris Spicata
6 years ago

But fact is: “Moderate” and Muslim aren’t really words that mix well.

This is rather meaningless verbiage. But the fact is: there are indeed moderate Moslems. It’s just, to the extent they are “moderate”. they really are not very observant, dutiful adherents to Islam. “Religious” heritage is merely one of many influences on human behavior, personality, and motivation.

6 years ago

If there are “moderate” muslums why aren’t there any “moderate” muslum states?

Trump can't ban islam
Trump can't ban islam
6 years ago

Islam belongs in USA now. there are about 10 MILLIONS of MODERATE MUSLIMS living in USA and…….. GROWING!
one day americans will wake up with the prettiest moderate sound for many, the moderate muslims calling from their minarets and it will be normal then

Liatris Spicata
Liatris Spicata
6 years ago

there are about 10 MILLIONS of MODERATE MUSLIMS living in USA

A number you undoubtedly pulled out of thin air, or some dark place!

6 years ago

piss-lam belongs deep in the bowels of hell, right alongside alla and mo-HAM-head. The minarets will go right up your azz. Just the way your favorite goat humps you….

6 years ago

There is no such thing as a “moderate” Muslim.
There never had been and never will be a “moderate” Muslim.

0349 JAT
0349 JAT
6 years ago

Never trust a muslim who claims they are a moderate muslim.
There is no such a thing as moderate muslim.
All muslims read and live by the same stupid book.
The radical muslim cuts off the heads. The moderate muslim sharpens and hands him the knife.

6 years ago

Sooner or later we will have bite the bullet once and for all. Defeat Islam at home and abroad, by defeating any Muslim country that stands in our way. The surrender to be unconditional. Then re-draw the map of the ME. Make a couple of Christian states, that will be part of NATO. As part of the surrender terms, all Muslims in the West to be re-settled in countries that are to their liking.

Liatris Spicata
Liatris Spicata
6 years ago
Reply to  DP111

There are ways what you suggest is appealing, but it ain’t gonna happen. The borders of ME nations are for the most part not rooted in the history of the region- rather, they were drawn by decisions made in European capitals. Abysmally and Christians and other minorities have been treated by Moslems, your idea of ME borders would have made good sense a century ago.

But instead of attempting the all-but-impossible, we should seek to tame the Islamic beast. Nobody knows what Islamic temperament will be in 200 years, but the West May be able to encourage reformist elements. Crown Prince MBS may be an example of that. For a brief but thoughtful perspective about him and what he represents, and the mentality he would have to contend with, I recommend this:

6 years ago

Gee, after 1400 years of uninterrupted persecution/slavery/slaughter of the unbeliever in islum I can’t help but have the utmost contempt for your belief in a reformed islum. Why don’t you get the ball rolling from within the confines of any muslum state of Dearbornistan, Michigan? Go ahead and put on your big boy panties and make it happen pal.

0349 JAT
0349 JAT
6 years ago

Just look at the last 1400 years.
When have the muslims lived in peace with anyone anywhere ?
Wherever islam has touched the earth death, destruction. fear and misery has followed.

6 years ago

So where is non-radical islum practiced? Which f’ing muslum states don’t:
1. systematically persecute the unbeliever in islum
2. enforce islamic blasphemy and/or heresy laws (including under other auspices).

6 years ago

Whenever Majid Rafizadeh, who writes for Gatestone including this article, my comments questioning if he still identifies as a Muslim never get posted. He has asserted that Islam can be reformed. Gatestone never publishes my comments questioning him as to whether he has devotion to Islam in ANY form and if he still self-identifies as a Muslim in spite of his criticism of Islam. I can’t find out if he is an apostate. Just as bad as “moderate” Muslims are the “reformers” pretending that there can be a “kinder and gentler” form of Islam. Questioning reformer Dr. Zuhdi Jasser for the same issue only got me blocked from his twitter account. Reformers are “heretics” according to the true followers of Muhammad. Reformers deceive infidels into thinking that Muslims can remake Islam into whatever they want it to be to make it palatable to the West. Thus, they are part of the problem by trying to pretend that they can cleanse Islam of its sinister fascistic political ideology. Islam creates Muslims; Muslims don’t create Islam.

scott kuehl
scott kuehl
6 years ago

“Moderate Muslim” is an oxymoron. Islam could only be “moderate,” whatever that means exactly, by abjuring the life and acts and tenets of “the Prophet,” an apostasy tantamount to Christians arguing that Jesus didn’t exist or, if he did exist, that he wasn’t the “son of God,” born of a virgin, who was resurrected after his crucifixion with his soul leaving his defunct and decaying body and ascending to Heaven, and renouncing an afterlife in which the souls of believers live for eternity in heaven while those of sinners are tortured in Hell, and other myths and doctrines. If so, Christianity would no longer be Christianity and, similarly, Islam would no longer be Islam.

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