Great Britain: MI5 Security Chief warns of ‘intense’ terror threat, Islamic ‘terror attacks are hatched in a matter of days now’


Just what you want to hear from the chief of MI5, the country’s Security Service, the United Kingdom’s domestic counter-intelligence and security agency and part of its intelligence machinery alongside the Secret Intelligence Service, Government. Their job was once to keep the people safe and direct national security policy to keep terror out of the country. Now their mission seems to be to prepare the people for terror, violence and murder.

Gone are the days of Winston Churchill, “We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”

They’ve surrendered.

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The West has completely lost its way.

Great Britain: Terror attacks are hatched in a matter of days now

By Ben Farmer, Defence Correspondent, The Telegraph, 17 October 2017:

Terror attacks cannot be completely prevented in a free society, the head of MI5 has said, as he warned plots were now harder to spot and being hatched in just days.

Andrew Parker said the country was now facing an intense threat from violent Islamist extremists who were devising plots at a tempo he had not seen before in his 34-year-career.

The director general of the Security Service made a rare public appearance to outline the severity of the threat after four jihadist attacks that have killed 36 people since March.

 A dramatic increase in the menace this year had seen attackers hatch plots in a matter of only days, he said.

Mr Parker also warned that internet firms were inadvertently helping terrorists conspire and they now had an ethical responsibility to help stop these worst excesses of criminal behaviour.

He called on tech firms to help the government tackle the “dark edges” of the online revolution, which was giving an advantage to violent extremists and enemy spies.

Mr Parker said the “dramatic upshift” in Islamist threats in 2017 meant there “is more terrorist activity coming at us more quickly and it can be harder to detect”.

Speaking in central London, he said MI5 and the police had stopped 20 plots in the past four years, including seven since March, and would “continue to find and stop most attacks”.

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6 years ago

Actually it would be easy to stop, but the corrupt, decadent, Machiavellian EU elites have been bought and paid for by Muslim gold.

Kalambong Kalambong
Kalambong Kalambong
6 years ago

>… the corrupt, decadent, Machiavellian EU elites …

Sorry, it’s no longer the ‘the corrupt, decadent, Machiavellian EU elites’ since more and more of the moslem savages have joined their ranks (Londonistan’s mayor, for example)

They are now ‘the corrupt, decadent, Machiavellian moslem savages’

6 years ago


6 years ago

Dumb Left/Liberal Brits elected the present day scumbag “Leaders” so they deserve what they get.

Muslims are united in their goal of occupation , domination , terrorising and subjugation and practice Islamic Art Of Occupation & Ethnic Cleansing Without Killing

while infidels are clueless and disunited.

6 years ago

So has the UN, with Operation Ratlines to bring on
many hundreds of thousands war criminals including the Muslim Waffens SS.

We lost Daphne Caruana Galizia who was blown up for breaking the news omn Panema Papers the other day thanks to the CIA recruiting the founders father through Operation Paperclip. The founders father was a Muslim Waffen SS corporal

6 years ago

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Michael Garfinkel
Michael Garfinkel
6 years ago

Yes, it could be stopped, mostly, but It wouldn’t be “easy.”

We all know that it won’t be, because the leaders in Western Europe are non-entities, little better than nameless dwarfs.

Except Angela Merkel, who has shown that she is dangerous.

6 years ago

The entire dying atheist West is on the same railroad to the islamic 7th century, some countries aren’t as close to the end of the line yet.

6 years ago

Look what the UK let in – and they have to keep telling themselves its ok and keep doing it.

6 years ago

There will be no more terror attacks ,just more “car accidents ”
More “mentally disturbed man ” committing knife attacks .
More lone wolfs
More minor “parcel of living in a big city” accidents

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
6 years ago

Days, hours, months or years,…. what difference does it make if British authorities and elites ignore the threat that is, ISLAM !!!!
Just another ISLAMIC attack away from more makeshift teddy bear and flower memorials !!!!

comment image

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
6 years ago

Bullshit, they have been working on this for 1400 years – the muslim invasion is as predicable as the ocean tides

6 years ago
Reply to  Halal Bacon

If not for the nazis and communists, the disgusting murderous ideology islam would disappear. EU is now in charge to destroy Europe and made it an islamic sharia country.

6 years ago
Reply to  tjke

The nazis haven’t been relevant in decades.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago

Censor talk, and inaction, that is the western european stance on islamic terrorism.

6 years ago

Even if what he said is 100% true, why would he reveal that his own gov is completely inept at stopping the problem. He just opened the door a little wider. What is it about that London fog. Does it contain some sort of drug that keeps the people apathetic and unconcerned?

6 years ago

Tome for large groups of people to organise themselves to burn down Mosques full with Muslims as they have done it to Christisns too many times. They attack we burn them out. Come on you returned soldiers your the defense of Enhland, train others but security must be tight.
Do not forget to take out all the lawyers, judges, politicians that defended Islam

6 years ago

I would suggest men willing to fight this abhorrent cult, purchase large numbers of niqabs and attack these inbred sub humans where they gather. This will really confuse the ones that survive and the CCTV cameras will show what looks like a bunch of women with no facial recognition.

6 years ago
Reply to  rickyoo

Make it harder for Muslim males killing those covered in Niqabs, they may kill their own wives and out of fear drive into Muslim women

6 years ago

Absolutely. Dissolve EU it is a terrorist organization. By the way, if you have been in Belgium, you could see the name of an Italian communist Altiero Spinnelli just above the entrance. The present EU is a Left fascistic, muslim organization, totally corrupted.

6 years ago
Reply to  tjke

Barcelona Declaration allowed Muslims to enter the West

6 years ago

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at you Brits anymore. What is wrong with you?? I’m beginning to think you are more CrAzY then the Moslem.

It’s almost as if you wish to DIE!! Look, your Prince Hairy does not even want to marry a white virgin girl anymore. The other one did.

That tells me HALF of you will die in the coming judgment.

6 years ago

Britain was stupid to stop Russia taking back Turkey from the Muslims

Crimean War: Coalition vs Russia (1853–56): France, UK and Ottomans declare war on Russia, over controversy concerning protectorate of Christians in Ottoman Empire. France and Russia both claimed to be the protectors of Christians in the Holy Land, with France asserting Roman Catholic authority, and Russia asserting Eastern Orthodoxy authority. Russia temporarily lost naval bases in Black Sea upon its defeat, which were returned shortly thereafter.

6 years ago

The man who blocked Dussia taking Turkey.
What has it cost many millions of lives. Armenian, Greek ans Assyrian Genocides, and probably WW1, 2 and Russian Revolution, besides the Fourth Crusader by Catholic Crusaders saking, raping and killing nany Orthodox Christians in Constanrinople
Benjamin Disraeli

6 years ago

Can I ask you AC to put your points to him directly in London, it might help you know.

6 years ago
Reply to  Poppey

The mother Queen must do that. Diane’s dead, you know and Charlie ain’t worth a darn.

6 years ago

Economic ruin has ALWAYS been at the forefront of Islamic strategy WRT the west. Forest fires, compensation claims, insurance fraud, massive welfare theft, massive influx of false refugees, organized crime etc., etc., ad infin all combine to distract and overload the security/police from the fact that they are ORGANIZED normal Islamic actions. FGS maybe the idiot politicians should just read the al Qaeda manual (if it is still online as it used to be) it says it all there. If anyone ever wishes to know what is happening, all that you have to do is read a translation(if you have no Arabic) of the Al’Qaeda/ISIS speeches. It is ALL there as are the blatant deceptions of the Palestinians(in Arafat’s early speeches). The fact that western leaders TOTALLY ignore these Blatant sources says far too much about their intentions.

Jim Austin
Jim Austin
6 years ago

It’s hardly likely that the British will be all that vigilant in defending against Moslem terrorists give that their main concern is to protect the fragile egos of Moslem terrorists.

Randy Claywell
Randy Claywell
6 years ago

It seems that in Britain all that you have to do to get fired is to make an honest statement about Islam. Isn’t he afraid of the same?

6 years ago
Reply to  Randy Claywell

The truth is no longer a defence in English law, and has not been for about 20 years.

Randy Claywell
Randy Claywell
6 years ago

The West is bending over backwards to protect the feelings of these people even after they have proven that their goal is to finally conquer Western civilization. They have been conducting invasions and slave raid for almost 1500 years. Since all that these people understand is terrorism then let us terrorize them in return. What would terrorize them the most? Islamic rapist should be castrated using a knife dipped inlard. Is sentenced to even hours in jail their jail umiforms should be made of pigshin that is dyed bright pink. Every form of punishment must revolve around pork. Those who refuse to fealty to and assimilate into any nation must be ousted and exiled. These “migrants” who disappear must be considered exactly what they gave proven themselves to be: an invading army. It must be decided as to which is more important, their “sensitivities” or you survival.This is a war of genocide. Act like it.

6 years ago

When you read between the lines of his statement, you start to understand he’s saying in political code speak “We’re slowly being overwhelmed”, give us more money.

As the nations security “Fireman” he has an impossible job, why, because the political class is taking back handers from the gulf states to further the Islamic assault upon Britain at every level – while the same political class bang on about “Hate crimes” against the terrorist perps.

He was talking to the political class and certainly not the people directly affected by Islamic terrorism, we know what we would like to do but it’s illegal.

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
6 years ago

Until the people of the West decide that they have had enough and are willing to unite against this threat, we will always be vulnerable to Islamic terror — from within our own borders, no less.

Randy Claywell
Randy Claywell
6 years ago

The liberals have shown that their aim all along has been tge destruction of Western Civilaztion. These idiots seem to really believe that the muslims will thank them.

6 years ago

UK PC police are one sick joke. They have become the protectors of the enemy and the enemy of the non Muslim public.

6 years ago

If MI5 and the UK government really cared about protecting the population, then the 32,000 suspected terrorists would be rounded up with their families and shipped out of the country, but that would not be PC, would it Theresa May.

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