“Can’t We Talk About This?” Theo Van Gogh’s Last Words …..


Breitbart breaks the news:

First Look: Pamela Geller Bus Ads for ‘Can’t We Talk About This? The Islamic Jihad Against Free Speech’ (Exclusive)

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Thanks to a Muslim hate group, my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), can run our pro-freedom ads again in New York City.

AFDI has tangled with New York City’s Metropolitan Transit Authority on more than one occasion. They refused to run our ads, we sued multiple times, and we won multiple times. So for the first time in NYC transit history, the MTA banned political and issue related ads: the Geller ban.

But then a Muslim hate group wanted to run ads for their political film despite the ban, so they, too, sued the city, claiming that their political movie, The Muslims Are Coming, was not a political or issue related ad. They sued and they won, and all I can say is thank you.

Because of this Muslim lawsuit, we can run our ads again. And so we have. And they are brilliant.

My new ads announce the imminent release of Can’t We Talk About This? The Islamic Jihad Against Free Speech, a shocking new film and follow-up video series detailing the concerted effort by international organizations to compel the U.S. and other Western countries to curtail the freedom of speech and criminalize criticism of Islam.

Featuring exclusive new interviews with me, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders, Mark Steyn, Douglas Murray, Ezra Levant, Lars Vilks, Garland Muhammad cartoon contest winner Bosch Fawstin, and many other heroes of freedom, this web series will be the first ever to expose the war on free speech. It is certain to shock the American public and awaken many. These interviews reveal events at Garland and its aftermath that have never before been made public, and demonstrate how far advanced the war on free speech really is.

In this film, we’re setting the record straight about our Garland free speech event, at which we were not only targeted by Islamic jihadis but apparently by the FBI as well. But we’re doing much more as well: we’re telling the whole, as-yet-untold truth about the war on free speech.

Hollywood will never tell this story. The media will never tell this story. Our public schools and universities will never teach our children what happened. The truth must be told.

Can’t We Talk About This? is a follow-up to AFDI’s acclaimed 2011 documentary, The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks. This much-needed new web series gives viewers the inside story of what happened in Garland and why, and lays out the full and appalling details of the all-out assault on the freedom of speech that is taking place today – and why this may be the most crucial battleground today in the war for the survival of the United States of America as a free republic.

The web series also features seldom-seen news footage and revealing details not only of the Garland event and the jihad killers who wanted to wage jihad there, but also of the many other battlegrounds in the war for free speech that led up to the Garland attack, including the death fatwa issued in 1989 by the Islamic Republic of Iran against Salman Rushdie for his supposed blasphemy in The Satanic Verses; the assassination of Theo Van Gogh by a Muslim on an Amsterdam street in November 2004 for his alleged blasphemy; the Dutch newspaper Jyllands Posten’s cartoons of Muhammad, published in September 2005, which touched off international riots and killings by Muslims – and most disturbing of all, calls in the West for restrictions on the freedom of speech; the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s years-long struggle at the UN to compel the West to criminalize “incitement to religious hatred” (a euphemism for criticism of Islam); and the U.S. under Obama signing on to UNCHR Resolution 16/18, which calls on member states to work to restrict incitement to religious hatred.

Can’t We Talk About This? also covers lesser-known skirmishes in the war against free speech as well, such as Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris’ “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day” in 2010, after which Norris was forced to go into hiding and change her identity after threats. And it traces what immediately led up to the Garland event – most notably, the January 2015 massacre of Muhammad cartoonists at the offices of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine in Paris and the subsequent “Stand with the Prophet” event in Garland, at which Muslim groups gathered in the wake of that massacre not to defend free speech, but to complain about “Islamophobia,” while AFDI members and supporters protested outside.

We set out the media firestorm that followed the Garland event, as well as the attempts to kill me, and explain why the event’s detractors were all missing the point: the freedom of speech doesn’t apply only if you like the message; it applies to everyone. And if it is gone, so is a free society.

Can’t We Talk About This? tells the whole horrifying story of how advanced the Islamic war on free speech is, and how close leftist and Islamic authoritarians are to final victory and the death of the freedom of speech and free society.

Don’t miss the exclusive advance screening of Can’t We Talk About This? on September 5 on VIMEO. And if you’re in New York City, watch for our truth-telling ads. And please help us meet the massive expenses of our truth campaigns: contribute here.


Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of PamelaGeller.com and author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter here. Like her on Facebook here.


Pamela Geller/AFDI

The Truth Must be Told

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6 years ago

Thanks Pamela!!!

Handsome Jack
Handsome Jack
6 years ago

Well done!

6 years ago
Reply to  Handsome Jack

She is best Left/liberal/jihadi hunter. THEY dodge she hunts them down ! LOL !

Here’s Hilarious take on CNN and their Anti-Trump Propaganda http://bit.ly/2wFirQA

Warning : You may end up with LYAO !

Trump can't ban islam
Trump can't ban islam
6 years ago
Reply to  Handsome Jack

too little, too late. no, you can’t talk about this. islamophobia has no place in modern society. Islam belongs in the west now. We must get used to see mosques here and there. Muslims will be america’s new workers, chefs, taxidrivers, cops, politicians…………. rulers

6 years ago

Now, hold on. You’re getting ahead of yourself. They all must start out as sewer cleaners. And maybe after 30, or 40 years, they can move up to sewer inspectors. Even that may be asking too much of them.

Trump can't ban islam
Trump can't ban islam
6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

muslims aren’t mexicans. muslims are LEGAL immigrants and HAVE RIGHTS. Muslims CAN’T BE DEPORTED. islam belongs in usa now

6 years ago

At least a Mexican knows what soap is used for.

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

………and most Mexicans I know are very hardworking with a
strong work ethic. Even more so than some Americans.

Edward Cline
Edward Cline
6 years ago

You’re not serious, are you? I can ban Islam from my life. Or is that statutory blasphemy? “islam belongs in usa now.” Shouldn’t that read, “USA belongs to Islam now”?That is, after all, the whole point and purpose of Muslim immigration to the USA. Why move to a free country to escape Muslim ruled countries in which there is no freedom in order to make everyone else defer to Islam? Islam is a totalitarian ideology.

Dutch girl
Dutch girl
6 years ago

Islam has no place in our western society where The quran is calling for murdering non muslims. I like to live my life without the quran interfering with it. It´s a backward religion not capable of love for other people even their own. killing their own childeren because of a kiss! I don´t ask for your dead but your ¨Holy¨ book asks you to kill me… thats asking for war. Go back to Mekkah and stay there! Please?

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
6 years ago


6 years ago

May the Lord be with you, Pamela, and may His divine protection, comfort, and peace envelope your soul. Joy to you!
You and the other warriors for liberty and freedom are forever in my heart and prayers…. that’s forever and always.
Thank you for being here, now, for such a time as this.
Your other name must surely be Esther. Shalom!

Harrie Mossel
Harrie Mossel
6 years ago
Reply to  Bronish


6 years ago
Reply to  Harrie Mossel

my neighbor’s half-sister makes $69 an hour on the internet. she has been out of a job for 12 months but last month her pay check was $16142 just working from home five hours per day. ➤ go➤ here

6 years ago
Reply to  Harrie Mossel

Amen, again!
Asking God to protect you, dear Pamela.
Blessings on all patriots,
Marianne Ricci-Wilson {please pray for us here in Houston.}

6 years ago
Reply to  Bronish

Ms. Geller is the Iron Lioness of Zion!

6 years ago

A lot of cowardly, sniveling sell-outs are getting REALLY really tired of you Pam. You are the Duracell rabbit of Freedom.

6 years ago

No, it doesn’t need to change. It must stay exactly the way it is with all its gore and horror. Not for sensationalism but, to get people angry at what is happening right on our own soil. To wake people up. It’s got to stay just the way it is.

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

Showing the truth about Islam (heads being cut off) is child abuse in your opinion? We must protect the children at all costs is your mantra? Let islam teach their children to decapitate at a young age (by actually allowing them to participate in it) but make sure our children are not allowed to know the truth about an evil cult. Do you also believe allowing a child to play with a toy gun is child abuse? I am thinking you might be a plant by the islamic side. They would like nothing better than to have our children “protected” from the reality of their hate.

Until muslims stand up en masse and denounce the evil being done in their name AND stand up and fight back against it (with arms if need be) I will make sure my children know the truth about islam and muslims in general. That includes being extremely wary of them and knowing that their god allah says it is ok to lie and deceive anyone who is not muslim. NOT teaching them the truth is child abuse (in my opinion). Allowing children to be shielded from the truth is not helping them. Especially when the muslim hating the infidel is in our own neighborhoods.

Do you suppose Jewish parents told their children nothing about the German army and the atrocities they committed to protect them? Or would it have been wiser to tell the children to hide from any German soldier you saw? I contend telling them nothing only endangered them more. That is child abuse, when you intentionally hide something from a child that could save/protect his life. We are in the same situation now with the muslim and their hate for all things not muslim.

6 years ago
Reply to  buck

Your obsession with “traumatizing” children is ludicrous. The children that would become adults in your world would all meekly bend their neck to the knife or just stand there looking dazed saying:”i don’t understand”. Is that what you want? Meek, naïve, ignorant adults with their heads in the MSM clouds and not a clue?Childhood is MEANT to be a training ground for adulthood and yes some fun. You obviously have no run into any child soldiers in Africa that is for sure

6 years ago
Reply to  buck

See my response to another post below. Your “protect the children at any cost and because it may upset them” is immature and typical of leftist thinking. You must agree with the safe spaces the children at colleges need if they might possibly hear something upsetting. The little darlings must not know the truth because it may upset them and then what? Oh no, cannot have upset child because….? Your fairy tale world is only adding to the snowflake population we have now. Don’t you worry though, there will be enough children who will be prepared to protect your child who will be standing in a safe space when the hordes attack.

S. Tupperman
S. Tupperman
6 years ago
Reply to  buck

I see a lot of division and confusion here on how to deal with the horrors to come thanks to the “religion of peace.”
if only….if only they (the muslims) would accept that religion’s place is in the church (or synagogue, mosque, or pagoda) and the intimacy of the home, all wouldbe fine, but that is not the case. they want to dominate ALL areas of life, public and private…OR ELSE!
Instead of quarrelling about the publicity poster of the film on Theo van Gogh’s last words and the exposure to violence (inevitable in our times it seems) our civilization (that means all of us) should get our act together and be prepared, The battle between Gog and Magog (Good vs. Evil) won’t be sof and the survivers (if any) will be utterly traumatized. This battle of good vs evil has already begun.

S. Tupperman
S. Tupperman
6 years ago
Reply to  S. Tupperman

sorry for the typos…)

6 years ago
Reply to  buck

Dear Mrs. Hussey Jewer,
today’s children are exposed to much worse violent material on TV, films, video games showing extreme violence and gore. The poster is innocuous compared to all that. I suspect that most children and teenagers look at it with indifference…
On the other hand I have always wondered what the effect on children (and adults!) was when public executions were mass entertainment. I am sure you know that watching christian being devouredby hungry lions was a show in ancient Rome. Let’s jump to 18th century France when people enjoyed watching people being beheaded by the guillotine I wonder what the effect was on the children back then when “only” 52 heads in half an hour “show” being chopped off was “disappointing.”
The last public execution in France took palce in 1939, it was a German serial killer who had been condemned to death and when the head fell, many women ran to drench their handkerchiefs in the blood of this Eugen Weidmann. The authorities were so shocked that the executions took place inside the prisons. It was in 1981 that the death penalty was abolished in France.
I have never witnessed an execution or a murder, but now in my old age I am still traumatized by watching animals being slaughtered (hens, a turkey and a cat I loved and that my mother hated.) I am an old man now but I still cry because of that and I am not ashamed to admit it.
If you have children, do not allow them to watch a turkey being beheaded or a hen, nor any cruelty to animals.
Maybe G’d had a purpose by allowing me to watch the horror I now remember with repugnance. I love animalsand I don’t eat any meat because of that. I am not a catholic, but i do like St. Francis of Assisi because he loved these G’d’s creatures he used to call “our little brothers and sisters” or something like that. (The 4th of October, St. Francis’ Day is also Animal Day in some countries but I can’t spoil my Cocker Spaniel and my cat more than the rest of the year on that day! Every day is St. Francis’ Day for them and for me!)
The poster of the film is nothing compared to the horrors of the past I described to you. I am well aware of what IS thugs and other muslim terrorists do to people. I absolutely refuse to watch those video clips.
But do talk to your children, tell them why you abhor violence. Tell them what effect violent movies and games can have, if not now (when they become numb) then later in life.
It is a good thing that we are becoming more humane in some countries, but the process is alas too slow. (I am not very optimisticabout the followers of the “prophet” become more civilized and humane though…the way they “offer” tame and docile sheep to their deity is utterly repugnant …)
Be well.

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

Not even close. Sorry to disappoint you. “Hypocritical?” No, it’s not “Hypocritical” at all to call out the violemce of Islam. You are one of those Muslim apologists that, when they come for you, will defend them for attacking you because someone, somewhere insulted the dirty prophet. Turn off CNN amd wake up, you foolish drone.

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

Listen here, we are in no way “traumatizing them.” Don’t know how you picked up this utter nonsense but, that’s the kind of apologist mindset that is allowing them to continue their evil. You really need to stop drinking the Kool Aid. No non-muslim is exposing any muslims to “extreme violence.” Perhaps you should go to Afghanistan, or Pakistan. Get to know them real good. Break bread with them. See if you come back with those same sentiments. My money is that you won’t

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

First, I am nowhere near being a dirty muslim. Second, children should not be exposed to violence, of course, but they are. But, back to the original idea; the poster ad. If you and your children are so sensitive and are such snowflakes that you come unraveled looking at a bloody poster, perhaps you should unplug your computer, phone, tv and every other electronic device and go live off the grid in some cave. If our children never hear about, or see the effects of violence, how are they going to cope with it out in the world once they leave your parental oversight. Sounds like you are setting your children up for future problems.

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

If you think “really scary looking tattoos” on people is part and parcel of children’s nightmares, you really are out of it. I’m sure you and your fellow snowflake friends cry in your coffee about the horrible abuses ‘scary tattoos’ are putting on children. And if you are giving in to your children who are “traumatized” by a tattoo, you are doing them a disservice. No one is arguing in favor of violence. I am not ‘desensitized’ to violence, I just do not gravitate towards it like you do. And sorry to disappoint again but, we ARE different from them, the muslims. We, the west, are not engaged in a war to kill everyone who we don’t agree with. They are.

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

The whole point, I’m quite sure, of Pamela’s ad, was to ‘sensitize’ people to the growing muslim threat. Not to ‘desensitize’ anybody. It was to show the abhorrence of violence. Like Auschwitz still stands to show that people will never forget and to show true evil, so too does this ad

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

No dear, you have the problem. You have droned on and on about fu*king tattoos here incessantly and in your twisted world, how they are responsible for all kinds of childhood abuses, etc., etc. What you need is not a keyboard to unload your convoluted dogma but, a one-way trip to your nearest state hospital, with complimentary shock therapy and domino’s at free time. A person with a tattoo does no harm to you. What do you suggest, outlawing tattoos? Good luck with that. Perhaps those with tattoos (I’m not one of them), would suggest that unbalanced types like yourself should not be allowed to spew your twisted theories on child-rearing, since you are clearly a snowflake and are probably raising snowflake children. Instead of wasting your time moaning and bitching about a movie billboard, perhaps you should focus more on what message Pamela is trying to get out with said ad.

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

Knew you had to have some exposure to the mental health world. Too much exposure, in fact.

Cellestial Fenner
Cellestial Fenner
6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

You need professional help. Personality disorder

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

I watched Night of The Living Dead when I was 8 years old, while I was scared, I didn’t feel traumatized.

Edward Cline
Edward Cline
6 years ago
Reply to  IzlamIsTyranny

Tell all that to the dead children of Beslan, many of whom were raped and murdered. The 13th anniversary of the Beslan massacre was two days ago. Who murdered and raped them and their teachers? Chechyan Muslim terrorists. Where have you been?

6 years ago
Reply to  IzlamIsTyranny

I watched with a friend on Halloween. The movie traumatized us less than the power outage in the middle of the movie.

6 years ago
Reply to  IzlamIsTyranny

“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.”
If you’re not willing kill muslums and muslum collaborators then you might as well give up now.
Long live Burmese Buddhists and Burmese cats!

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

A picture like that “traumatizing ” kids? FGS! Wake up! You live in LaLa land. Most would be mildly curious at best.

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

“…how is us traumatising them talking about these things, exposing them to extreme violence and abuse in the name of self preservation any different to what they are doing?!”

You said it yourself; TALKING ABOUT THESE THINGS is very different from DOING THESE THINGS. If you believe talking and explaining how something is evil is the same as doing then you have a very immature perception of parenting AND reality.

Your “protect the cchhiillddrreenn” at any cost will only make the children quivering snowflakes like we see now all over the United States. You know, the ones that need a safe space because they heard something that upset them. It is people like you that are giving us the next generation of spineless, ignorant and selfish children. We can’t have any child lose a race or get a bad grade so let’s make them all “winners” and forget about grades to avoid upsetting the children. GROW UP and realize being honest with a child is not child abuse. Hide and minimize/marginalize the evil to believe you are protecting them is only going to make them the snowflakes we now see sprouting up all over.

You are no different than the leftists who will appease, apologize, surrender to anything that scares them and refuse to stand for what is right. That is why I wrote before, you are either a muslim trying to convince the evil masses that they need to coddle the children so your children can slaughter them without a fight; or a leftist, with your attitude if the children don’t know and I act ignorant maybe the muslims will think I am their friend and leave us alone.

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

I am boggling at your comments. What are you doing here? Do you have a clue? Or are you another “psychologist” who is childless?

6 years ago
Reply to  Michelle

Her comments are all over the map and make no sense, so she must be in the mental health field.

Kalambong Kalambong
Kalambong Kalambong
6 years ago

Kudo, Pam!!

6 years ago

While THEY teach little children to actually DO it. No ma’am.

6 years ago

What world do you live in? Overprotected children have minimal capacity to survive and much as we like to idealize children and childhood it is supposed to be survival training for life as an adult. Do you actually have ANY children? Leftist nonsense!! In an ideal nonviolent world I could agree with you but unfortunately it is not and never will be.

6 years ago
Reply to  Michelle

Having absorbed all the thought-provoking posts, I’m intrigued by the lengthy exchanges between A/ the allegedly “out-of-touch overly-protective snowflake” Tamara (with her “8 children” and relevant professional experience) and B/ santashandler et al (Pamela Geller advocators and allegedly Islamic “realists”). Both conflicting world-views, in essence, long for a Utopian outcome, whilst avoiding totally (to my surprise) the inevitably-contentious religiously-sanctioned prophetic scenarios. Both the judaic/christian and the moslem faiths’ scriptures and traditions are locked into irreconcilable ‘EndTime’ showdowns, predicting the respective annialation of all non-believers. Those ideological motivators need informed extrapolation before mature analysis can come close to this blog.

6 years ago
Reply to  cosmos

Let’s see just how Utopian is a Sharia world and then your politics, your once religion (or non religion) and your philosophy will mean nothing. My aim is the survival of western civilization and indirectly mankind as the west is the core to our currently accepted standards of humanity( have you lived in Asia. Africa or anywhere non-western?) and once it is undermined and destroyed then ISIS style barbarism will be the norm and you can say goodbye to book, art & music. Personally your point is trivial and simply blurs reality. Not all who are anti-islam have religious dependency.

6 years ago
Reply to  cosmos

I don’t know if I buy into your equivalence between Christianity and islum atheist. In islamic theology — at least Shitite theology — Yeshua, aka. Issa, is to come back to this earth and lead muslums in a worldwide slaughter of the unbeliever. In Christianity, Yeshua isn’t coming back to slaughter anyone fool.

6 years ago

Congratulations Ms. Geller! Another blow for freedom of speech!

6 years ago

Would you rather see a picture of the dead Theodore Van Gogh?

6 years ago

Will the left get the point? (No pun intended)

Mal M
Mal M
6 years ago

Well done, Pamela.

Ichabod Crain
Ichabod Crain
6 years ago

This is a brilliant campaign! The perfect question to ask – like the little boy who asked why the emperor wasn’t wearing any clothes. Why can’t we talk about this elephant in the room?

Edward Cline
Edward Cline
6 years ago

Congratulations! Pamela!

Edward Cline
Edward Cline
6 years ago

No, the picture is perfectly startling. It’s perfect. It’s a knock-off of the theater poster for “Anatomy of a Murder,” designed by Saul Bass, and was very effective. Please, Tamara, stop being an offended snowflake.

6 years ago
Reply to  Edward Cline

The movie poster was not put up to ‘help muslims abandon their beliefs.’ You are seriously checked out. The poster was to let people know the true nature of islam. The violence, the evil. Everybody on here can see that but you. Have you thought about that, Ms Snowflake? If you think it’s affecting your kids, move to the north pole. I certainly don’t want any of your snowflake children defending me or my country as they would need more safe spaces than the military allows.

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

Leftist? Wow, you really do have your head screwed on backwards. Sorry, I’m nowhere near being a ‘leftist’ though if that fits with your narrow, square paradigm, go for it. There is no rationalizing with types like you. Perhaps there was some deep trauma in your childhood that keeps making you go back time and time again. You could never figure out what it was, why you were so empty and clueless. So, you got into the mental health field to figure it out. It obviously didn’t do you any good. Keep looking though. Just don’t look at gory posters. They seem to be a trigger for you.

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

Just playing your game. Too much for you? But, your following the snowflake script to a “T.”

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

My whole point, was that Pamela’s poster was not offensive and shouldn’t be changed in any way. Your idea that it was and that it would cause harm to children, was the basis for all of this. We live in a violent world. Keeping the truth about it from your children will only leave them ill-prepared for when they become adults and do actually have to come to grips with violence. Do you really think Pamela is advocating violence

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

Well, you can say all you like about how it’s inappropriate for children, etc. What you are suggesting is that we whitewash all the violence. That’s EXACTLY what the left wants. There is a reason for memorials. There is a reason Auschwitz still stands. There is a reason a memorial stands today in Munich honoring those athletes taken by Islamic violence. And yes, the left is the enemy. But so is islam

6 years ago

Great victory Pam. Keep up the good fight.

6 years ago

Everyone knows you can’t talk to allah – you have to have a vision to communicate with it.

6 years ago

This is why muslums ultimately win any debate about the nature of islum anywhere they have power — they have the ultimate rebuttal to any con positions.

American 1st.
American 1st.
6 years ago

Keep up the great work Pamela, there are many of us who refuse to be silenced! I will never surrender my RIGHT to FREE SPEECH! God bless you and all the other brave souls who are fighting this evil plague call Islam the religion from hell, that is trying to spread across the globe.

6 years ago

Muslums frequently use non-verbal communication techniques to interface w/the kafir al najjis — incl. rape, beatings and homicides. It’s very effective.

6 years ago

I can agree with some of that but I do disagree totally with placing children totally above adults, Certainly they should be placed first but let’s not be too naïve about children as even in psychologically kind families some of them will be total mongrels and despite the psychological/family excuses that many may well have, they still will be mongrels inflicting themselves on everyone else. The obsession with healthy psychology for children is a new fad as before WW1 childhood prostitution was the norm for the working class ALL over the world and while I am not saying it is right(far from it), it does not seem to have damaged mankind much as it had been occurring for all history. The desire to have a stress free fairy floss world for children is ridiculous as it makes no attempt to help them cope with the rigours of adulthood.

smart guy
smart guy
6 years ago

Islam is a terrorist religion. There are evil religions, such as Satanism which includes human sacrifice. The Moabites practiced human sacrifice. Baal worship included human sacrifice. Easu married a Caananite, the Edomites continued to practice Baal worship. The American Indians worshipped a god who was appeased by the torture that was inflicked on prisoners. His name was Okey. the worship of Okey was deliberately exterminated by the early settlers.
You must have no other god.s against my face. That law is meant as a national law, so that if Christians violate that law they are breaking one of the Ten Commandments. The refusal of Congress to declare Islam as a terrorist religion is an act of treason against the Mayflower, since the purpose of escaping from religious persecution back in England is what led to the Pilgrims voyage to America. In 1608 is was a felony to be in possession of a Geneva Bible.

6 years ago

And to think Van Gogh was still trying to suck up to the muslum bastage even as he breathed his last. It’s beyond pathetic.

6 years ago

God bless you Pamela. We appreciate all you do.

6 years ago

I am looking for the link to the movie…is it on here? i want to watch it.

6 years ago

Are there any “can we talk about this?” T shirts?

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!