ISIS Bombs US Consulate


Obama’s foreign policy magic at work. Not worries, they are just a JV team.

“Deadly Car Bomb Rocks US Consulate In Iraq,” Sky News, April 17, 2015

Smoke rises from the site of a bomb attack in Erbil, the capital of Iraq's Kurdistan region

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The lethal explosion in relatively peaceful Irbil came as dozens died in bombings that tore through the capital Baghdad.


Three people were killed and at least five wounded as a car bomb exploded outside the US consulate in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil, a rare attack in the Kurdish stronghold.

US officials said there were no American casualties among consulate personnel or guards.

The State Department said a “vehicle-borne improvised explosive device” detonated by the entrance to the heavily fortified compound.

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack, reported the SITE Intelligence Group.

The blast sent black smoke high above the Ankawa district, a predominantly Christian neighbourhood where foreigners patronise cafes.

Video: February: Mosul Artefacts Destroyed

The explosion came as a series of bombings hit public places in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, killing at least 29 people.

Irbil, in Iraqi Kurdistan, is widely seen as the most secure part in the strife-torn country. 

But the semi-autonomous region is a key partner in the US-led fight against Islamic State.

Helped by air strikes, the Kurdish peshmerga paramilitary have driven back the extremist militants.

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9 years ago

When is this country going to realize: WE ARE AT WAR! And our “leadership” is siding with the enemy!

9 years ago
Reply to  momazilla

half of us do. we need a national strike to bring this illegal foreign government in DC to its knees

9 years ago

Sometimes it’s hard to relate when things happen to other people half a world away and it’s not in our own backyard. But this? This is relatable as an attack on all of us. It’s our roots, our history as human beings. My blood boils at the ignorance and arrogance.

9 years ago

The world faces an evil of monumental proportions. This evil is already here in the states and I expect that our media will be reporting on an evil event happening here, whenever and wherever it may occur. Yet, our world leaders try to negotiate with a proven terror supporting country, our country allows the immigration of potential terrorists, Europe is allowing their countries to be swallowed by the Islamists, Russia is selling so-called defensive weapons to Iran, Yemen has fallen apart, our so called ally Saudi Arabia is being accused of supporting the 9/11 terrorists, Syria and Iraq are falling to the Islamic crazies, Australia is being targeted by the Muslim fanatics, and more evil happens daily; yet our President and the other free world leaders seem to be acting like these problems are nothing more than small kindling fires. We sat on our backsides when the Nazi’s were rampaging, and did very little to stop those evil hoards until japan brought us into the war. We bogged down in Korea, though our military had the power to stop the North Koreans and their supporter China, but our then POTUS did not allow our military leader to do his job. That resulted in a nuclear North Korea now facing us. We lost Vietnam, again probably because we would not allow our military to fight the war the way they intended too, holding back on our use of weapons then available to us. We may yet lose Afghanistan, and Iraq may also be swallowed up by the crazies. Why is it that history does not seem to teach us the obvious? Israel seems to be the only country that recognizes the evil out there, and I continue to hope that Israel is ready to take the battle to the evil doers. I know that going to war is a terrible possibility, but do not our leaders realize that the crazies are doing precisely that, and our response is a pittance of resistance. I have come to the conclusion, consistent with what I hear from the military, that it is time for us to use our full military power to stop and kill off this evil, or our children and grandchildren will be fighting this evil in our streets. There is no time for hesitation. Great Leaders need to make hard decisions, and live with those decisions. The congress aught to declare war and force our “sweet” talking narcissistic President to act now before it is too late and the battles come to these shores, as Hitler intended when he took his country to war in Europe.

9 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

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Sam McGee
Sam McGee
9 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

The evil is already here as evidenced by a few thousand dead Americans killed by radical Islam within the US borders to date. Instead of cracking down on the Muztard subhuman scum responsible for it, the imbeciles in goobermint crack down on little old ladies, and they grope our genitals as we go aboard aircraft. This is not going to end well thanks to PC crap that has taken over the nation – and the world.

Jim Fox
Jim Fox
9 years ago

Go tell your ‘president’!

Nothing to do with Islam…JV team… those who slander the prophet… the prettiest sound at sunset… As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam…

The man is a lunatic.

Sia Gomez
Sia Gomez
9 years ago

someone tell me… if it has anything to do with peaceful islam ?

9 years ago
Reply to  Sia Gomez

Peaceful what?

9 years ago


of the Boston Marathon Bombing. And killing the same number of people. Dzhokhar must be sitting in his cell elated thinking it’s a sign from Allah certifying his deed. And his mother must be passing out candy, cakes and cookies believing Allah has avenged her two sons.

9 years ago

And continuing Islamofascist massacres of Christians in Libya-

“Isis video shows beheadings and execution at gunpoint of 30 Ethiopian Christians and destruction of churches in Libya”

9 years ago

I watched the video directly on Youtube (but I had to mute the sound, I can’t hear these savages’ mumbo jumbo chanting without feeling nauseated).

Nothing new here, the only reasons why they had not already completed the destruction of the artistic treasures in the regions they conquered were because (1) they were making money out of showing these masterpieces to the western tourists (2) the civilized world would have stopped and punished the perpetrators. Now that the civilized world has put its pants down, the islamists feel free to follow the coran’s dictates to the letter and finish the job they started 14 centuries ago.

And naturally, UNESCO keeps mum – or if some of its managers do mention the massacre, they will soon have to put a lid on it lest their muslim State Members give them a severe slap on the wrists.

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