The Huffington Post on the AFDI Pro-Israel bus campaign


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 Needless to say, the Puff Hos did not call me for comment. They cherry-picked the dhimmi report of Mark Matthews of ABC7 (here). And the links provided for all other coverage of this news story (on the bottom of the article) glaringly omit all Atlas links. Can you say transparent? Jew-haters urging destruction of our ads are linked. I encourage Atlas readers to comment on this piece. The trolls will be out in full force, I can assure you.

Interesting how the  media handled the anti-Israel ads versus this "controversy." It does bear noting that this piece is surprisingly tempered for the Huffington Post.

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"Pro-Israel Muni Ads Spark Controversy (VIDEO)" Huffington Post

An ad recently placed on a number of city buses in San Francisco has been raising a lot of eyebrows around town. The ad reads, "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat jihad."

The ads are part of a four-week media campaign purchased by the American Freedom Defense Initiative–a conservative, pro-Israel group.


"The reason I wanted to run these ads was to counter the anti-Israel ads that were running in various cities across the country in New York, in D.C., on San Francisco BART," AFDI co-founder Pamela Gellar told CBS San Francisco. "If I had my way, they'd be in every city in the United States of America and if I can get the funding, that's exactly what's going to happen."

The BART ads to which Geller referred were placed by the U.S. Campaign to End Israeli Occupation and ran from late 2010 to early 2011. They directed people to a website pushing for the cessation of U.S. military support for Israel.

Geller, who also runs the popular conservative blog Atlas Shrugs, came to national prominence as one of the leading voices on the right fighting against the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque"–an Islamic cultural center slated to move into a location in lower Manhattan–that became a hot-button issue in the months leading up to the 2010 mid-term elections.

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency has rules against hosting ads that are overtly political or "clearly defamatory." While the prohibition on political issues is limited in scope to issues due to be decided by voters in San Francisco, the defamation aspect is a little more dicey.

However, SFMTA's hands were largely tied in choosing whether accept the ad due to a ruling handed down by a federal judge in New York this July. Last year, AFDI attempted to get the same ad placed on buses in New York City. The transit agency there refused, citing its prohibition on "demeaning" ads. The group sued on First Amendment grounds and came out victorious earlier this summer.

The New York Times reports:

The judge, Paul A. Engelmayer of Federal District Court, ruled that the rejected ad was "not only protected speech–it is core political speech," expressing a "pro-Israel perspective on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict" and implicitly calling "for a pro-Israel U.S. foreign policy with regard to that conflict."

As such, the judge held, the ad "is afforded the highest level of protection under the First Amendment."

Muni approved AFDI's ad on the same day the judge issued his ruling regarding New York's transit system and it seems unlikely that SFMTA, currently facing a $17 million budget hole this year alone, would reject the ad and surely face an expensive, uphill legal battle.

SFMTA did not immediately respond to request for comment from The Huffington Post.

Muni does have a history of running controversial ads. Late last year, after an ad attempting to humanize sex workers was rejected by two outdoor display ad companies as too risque for their billboards, the campaign ultimately found a home on 50 Muni buses.

Watch CBS's coverage of the controversial Muni ads in the video below:


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Steve Klein
Steve Klein
11 years ago

Pam, I posted this on your piece, “Jew-haters urge vandals to destroy pro-Israel ads.” It looks like you removed it. I plan to vote for Romney but this story, if true, is disturbing.
If Romney is elected president, his feet need to be held to the fire, unlike the way we treated former President Bush. I am convinced, one of main reasons we have Obama in the WH is because conservatives and Republicans circled the wagons around former President George W. Bush who I voted for in 2000. We carried Bush’s water in spite of all the falsehoods he told about Islam and Israel.
I watched Mitt Romney rebuke Gingrich in the December 10, 2011 Iowa debate because he (Gingrich) said the Palestinians are an invented people and are terrorists dedicated to Israel’s destruction. Maybe that is why Mr. Adelson initially supported Gingrich, He was more honest than Romney. Romney did better in Jerusalem.
This is too important to overlook. I wonder if there is any truth to the story. I got it from a friend living in Samaria, Israel. If it is true, it is pretty darned worrisome. James Baker, in my view, is a dedicated foe to Israel.
James “F— The Jews” Baker Now Romney Foreign Policy Adviser (Along w/ Other Israel-Haters)

11 years ago

The CBS report was not even close to fair or unbiased. Andrew Breitbart was right when he said that the main media was our primary enemy.
P.S. I agree with everything Steve Klein put in his post above. Baker and Kissinger are both bought and paid for by the Arabs. They have been for decades.

11 years ago

What a disgusting news man. Makes me physically sick to look at him.

11 years ago

Typical left wing reporting. Cherry pick who you talk to and make sure your bias is supported. This reporter should be fired for violating journalism ethics.

11 years ago

Each time they try to defame AFDI and Pamela, they re-print the ad for free. Love it!
11 years ago

FROM…. in this point of time in saudi arabia …TO…. way into the future this judo blue-belted masculine looking slightly mongloid woman who took part in the 2012 Olympics will be hailed as the first saudi freedom-from-islam fighter pin-up girl….at this rate of progress one can easily surmise that the saudis will actually be the first muslims to hang their own evil mullahs in about seven years time. There is no good mullah on the planet.
Actually the revolution against islam has started in saudi-arabia….just watch….. we live in interesting times…that is if some devout muslim doesn’t get us first !! Deadly…..we live in Deadly times.
islam is on the way out…..there is no other way ….it is resisting death…..while multiplying like mad ….and mullahs are not scientists and mohammad was an illiterate swine of a man who thought the sun sets in a puddle everyday…what would mohammad have known ? ….nothing !! ….so they are actually exploding into each other’s faces…. muslims are showing us humans how dangerous and illiterate over population actually is. All we have to do is watch this violent cult make space for each other over each other’s dead bodies. islam….the cult of the semi-retarded and illiterates. But the point is the idiotic crossfire that surrounds islam. Not-healthy to be in or around islam .
If you look at a muslim’s forehead you’ll see dark scar tissue from constant literal head banging on the floor. 5 times a day they bang their heads many times repeatedly on the floor. Can you imagine the self-inflicted brain trauma. Medically and literally muslims are retarding themselves. It is dangerous to be around such brain damaged people.
MoBoy was an absolute idiot so we can surmise that the first muslims must have been absolute cowards. Muslims act proud and they kill others because of shame.
Shame is a muslim’s drawback because he knows islam is twisted and warped but he can’t do anything about it or change it because cult-leader Mo said questioning anything is BLASPHEMY. Muslims are finished.
And in this fight to the finish within islam will take away so much of our planet’s varied culture and science. Every dead non-muslim person is a lost resource and every dead muslim is good-riddance for our planet. It’s not politically correct to say it but It’s a fact.
Islam cannot be modern or elevate women ….just these 2 two simple observations and those scar-tissues on muslim heads can tell us where islam is going to take us as a modern species. In the dust-bin.
All your space rockets will not work under islam. If it’s not in the koran it’s useless knowledge. A mad-rassa is not a university…..a mad-rassa is a toilet for knowledge. Read the koran…it’s pure trash. Pure. An Islamic scholar is not a man of knowledge…he’s man of No-ledge. An Islamic scholar only knows the Koran by heart. Nothing else. An Islamic scholar is actually an oxymoron. Muslims are finished…and so are we.
If a book is not Arabic..burn it….is the muslim motto.
I’M not a Christian but what the world needs today is a tough pope to smash islam.
What will happen to us as a species? How far will we progress before islam bombs our science? How long will islam last ? How many muslims will there be on the planet in the next 10 ten years ? Deadly…. what will happen when islam is everything. Only arab history will be taught and then what ? End of our lovely civilisation. Will islam ever be defeated? Will islam ever be cleansed from our planet ? What will happen to us ? Why can’t we bomb mecca to smithereens and say it was allah’s will.

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