Warriors at Restoration

David Swindle has more great coverage of last week's unforgettable "Restoration Weekend": 10 Conservative Warriors Defending Freedom at Restoration Weekend 2010 (WITH VIDEOS) The Freedom Center’s annual Restoration Weekend at the Breakers in Palm Beach is always an intimidating event. Combine a world class resort with world class intellectuals and activists and it’s easy to…


Scenes from the Restoration Weekend: Annie Taylor Award

Saturday night, I received the Annie Taylor award. It was the culmination of years of work for a cause (a calling) that defines me –  defense of freedom. The Annie Taylor Award for Courage from the David Horowitz Freedom Center is awarded annually to people who have demonstrated unusual courage in adverse conditions and great…

“Obama has Violated His Oath of Office” in Racist Dept of Justice Decision to Drop New Black Panther Party Voter Intimidation Case and Mandate DOJ Policy: “No Voter Intimidation Cases Will Brought Against Black Defendent Where the Victim is White”

This is blockbuster. This is the stuff of impeachment. The Black Panther voter intimidation case was dropped even though the case had already been won. Post-racial? No, post-American. First, the backstory. In March of 2008, The Black Panther Party endorsed Barack Hussein Obama for President on Obama's campaign website. That following election day in November,…

DOJ Voting Rights attorney resigns over Obama’s Black Panthers Prosecution Scandal

Atlas readers remember the violation of voters rights when menacing and threatening Black Panthers trolled polling places with weapons on election day. Apparently, Obama, gangsta–in-chief, refused to prosecute the Black Panthers with their night sticks and billy clubs. How very …….third world. OBAMA DROPS CHARGES AGAINST MENACING BLACK PANTHERS WITH NIGHT STICKS … BLACK PANTHERS…

Geller Report