Jewish Yale Student Stabbed in Eye By Terrorist Student


Hitler youth have taken over college campuses. Horrific.

Where did America think all this jihad porn and islamophilia would lead would lead?

‘Will National and Conn. Jewish Federation, ADL, AJC demand appropriate punishment – or just have another meeting to tell parents and students how to “handle” antisemitism? Think how powerfully the establishment Jewish organizations would act if the victim was part of any other minority group other than a Jew.’ (Geller Reader commenter)

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Jewish Yale student stabbed in eye with PLO flag

BY: JNS, April 21, 2024:

A Jewish student at Yale University was stabbed in the eye with a PLO flag during an anti-Israel demonstration at the school’s New Haven, Conn., campus on Saturday night.

“Tonight at Yale, I was assaulted by a student today at an anti-Israel protest. He stabbed me in the eye with a Palestinian flag. Now I’m in the hospital. This is what happens when visibly Jewish students try to attend and document these rallies,” Sahar Tartak, a sophomore, tweeted after the incident.

Tartak, who is studying history and is the editor-in-chief of the independent Yale Free Press college newspaper, was attempting to film the pro-Palestinian encampment set when she and a friend were confronted by five activists who formed a wall and would not let them pass.

“One of them takes their Palestinian flag and waves it in my face and then jabs it in the face,” Tartak told The Jerusalem Post.

Tartak reported the incident to the campus police who called her an ambulance. She went to the hospital and was discharged without suffering permanent damage.

She said that protesters pushed her and her friend repeatedly. Earlier documentation Tartak posted to X showed the demonstrators commemorating the recently deceased Walid Daqqa, a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist who was convicted of murdering an Israeli soldier in 1984.

Tartak also posted video she took of protesters at Yale yelling, “Viva via Palestina” as they pull down an American flag, cheering when it hits the ground. She noted that the university police and administration did nothing in response.

A mob of Yale students shout “VIVA VIVA PALESTINA” as they tear down an American flag on campus, cheering when it hits the floor.t but they said they needed “authorization.” She also noted that they were outnumbered by the pro-Palestinian mob of thousands of activists to only seven police officers.

No arrests were made during the protests, according to two groups involved—Yalies for Palestine and American Muslims for Palestine Connecticut. They said the protest started on Friday night in response to attempts to break up a similar encampment on the Columbia University campus.

“These students are violating every policy in the books, they should have been disbanded immediately,” Tartak told the Post. “These students have taken over campus, and it’s an intimidation tactic.”

In her tweet and Post interview, Tartak did not identify the assailant who stabbed her with the flag or say if she will press charges.

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From a Remote Location
From a Remote Location
11 days ago

As I’ve said countless times before, THIS is why 18-29 year olds should be STRIPPED of their so-called “voting rights,” if they’re THAT indoctrinated and radicalized and THAT full of hate. It has been LONG PAST TIME for the 26th Amendment to be repealed and the voting age raised. It sickens me that no GOP’er has the you-know-what to push this.

11 days ago

Mr. Vivek Ramaswamy has advocated tor similar laws and he was spot on. In addition, any member or advocate of a hate group should lose their right to vote for life and be put on a terrorist watch list. The dem party must be investigated for their ties to terrorism as well. Many schools from elementary to college are hotbeds of leftist/commie violence and the teachers’ unions are complicit in this and no federal money should ever go there. Parochial or private schools should get federal money as the money should follow the child. Hate crimes and those who promote it should carry the death penalty.

11 days ago

True and it’s a good point …

But … if we had honest elections across the whole nation …

Trump would win in a landslide this time … and the KKKrats would be over, and our trouble would be to ‘out’ the RINOs …

pro-Americans are an absolute majority, and the anti-Americans only stand a chance due to cheating …

10 days ago

You are missing the sharper point: The colleges and universities are teaching this hatred of America to students and love for all things anti-American. They should be shut down in the future, by states that become Christians. All personnel should be fired and some arrested on crimes. Future universities must be Christian based and classes taught by Christian teachers. All others end up as anti-American, unable to withstand communist pressure.

In the mean time, parents sending their kids to such hell holes should stop! Student wanting an “ivy league education” should give up their pride and recognize how they will be indoctrinated, not taught.

11 days ago

Try that in a small town or anywhere in Florida.

11 days ago

I pray for this dear woman that her eye recovers. Justice, “an eye for an eye”, demands the removal of the eye of the perp for starts. If this were done to any other minority all hell would break lose. Every Jew in America needs to join a pro-Jewish gun club like my navy father did for me years ago and learn to shoot and use a gun properly and apply for a pistol permit for self-protection. Frankly, all the ivy’s whose students promote anti-Semitism need to lose federal money and be shut down. Jews need to stop being victims and their enemies need to learn that payback in spades will happen.

Eric Arthur Blair
Eric Arthur Blair
11 days ago

The terrorist who did this will be awarded a Medal of Freedom by Beijing Biden.

11 days ago

The Jews need to start carrying 24/7 the world over!!!!!! Time to send these feral animal criminals into the cell deeper than the J6 protesters!!!!! FJB LGB!!!!

Sir Peter
Sir Peter
11 days ago

Imagine if good Germans in the 30s had killed on sight all Hitler’s brown shirts. Get armed and get to work.

11 days ago

This is, among other things, a judgment of God on America. All the Muslims coming in will be in rebellion against the Bill of Rights and Constitutional values. The values of those coming in are not in line with Christian values or Judeo-Christian morality. Behaviors that seem cruel to Westerners are normal to many Islamics. Women’s rights, freedom of religion, equal rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are not understood. Values of what makes a republic or a democracy are not grasped by the majority of Muslims. Too many do not understand the connection between freedom and responsibility.

Eric Arthur Blair
Eric Arthur Blair
11 days ago

Strip of citizenship and deport. Repeat until the country is cleaned up.

An American Patriot
An American Patriot
11 days ago

Seems these people are Domestic and Foreign Terrorists who are going from one University Campus to another in order to Instigate Chaos and RIOTS. The State Police and New Haven Police Tactical Teams should have been called in as this was a RIOT that needed to be Put Down. Arrest the So Called Peaceful Demonstrators and JAIL all of them… Foreign Students Participating and members of Hate Groups should have their Education Visa’s Stripped and DEPORTED back to their Homeland. IF they Resist, They are Domestic Terrorists or if Foreigners; “Enemy Combatants” and should be treated as such. Use Rubber Bullets to Disperse the Rioters. Stop Molly Coddling them,….

10 days ago

Rubber bullets dipped in pig fat first then lead next.

11 days ago

No fear, this is un-civil war .. and I am on the Jewish side. Biden’s America is sick.

garry pollackD
garry pollack
11 days ago
Reply to  vinnynewyork

We Jews R just the canaries in the coal mine…

11 days ago
Reply to  garry pollack

Unfortunately after WWII and Hitler, one would have thought that the Jews stopped being the canaries in the coal mine, armed themselves and voted for the better party, which at one time was the the republicraps. Most Jews, still have not woken up. They are anti-gun and they vote for the progressive, demoncrap, commies, and what is worse, is that the Jews in the congress and senate are JINOs, Anti-Israel, DIrty and a disgrace. I am referring to: schmucky schumer, boxhead, frankenfeinstein blumenthal, debbie wassernan schultz, and many others who are or are not in public office, such as gloomberg, eferburg, epstein, and sorass who is a NAZI first. They are a Disgrace to Real Jews, the country and the world. Also FDR and a lot of politicians in the US at that time were Anti-Jewish. NAZIism started in the US.

Last edited 11 days ago by Snowedin
10 days ago
Reply to  Snowedin

Unfortunately, I have to agree with you but many Jews are waking up, unfortunately too late, and should learn from the African Americans never to tolerate racism.

11 days ago

This is escalating to out of control. Biden and our government is doing NOTHING to stop it

10 days ago
Reply to  Mike

they are ginning it up under obama

11 days ago

How many lowlifes has bidin let into this country???? If it was the Jews doing this to mosloms the fbi would be out there arresting jews. What kind of shit are we as Americans going to take. 15 million illegals let into out country. This is an act of war and our military should be on out border shooting at these assholes.

10 days ago
Reply to  Viking

and dip the bullets in pig fat

10 days ago

“Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.”
Karl Popper

When your enemy tells you their plans it is best to believe them. Putin warned us about Ukraine/NATO. Iran has warned us. The quran warns us…
We have met the enemy and they are US for electing progressive, narcissitic, self aggrandizing, unpatriotic cowards!

Andrea Plamondon
Andrea Plamondon
10 days ago

At what point do we say enough! These thugs are emboldened and will only grow more so. How did we ever let the Islamic love fest go so far. Obama didn’t help by bashing Christians and praising Muslims. He who cannot be criticized was treated like a Messiah. There was never this much mindless Muslim love until Obama the half black man. We’ve never had a real black president.

Last edited 10 days ago by Andrea Plamondon
9 days ago

I am not condoning terrorist violence, but this looks more like a “poke” in the eye. “Stab” connotes edged weapons, not sticks.

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