Antisemitic Mobs Shut Down Grand Central Terminal During Evening Rush


Who is organizing these death marches? Who is paying for them? Nothing just happens, it’s made to happen.

Pro-Palestinian protesters shut down Grand Central Terminal during evening rush

By Patrick Reilly, NY Post, Oct. 27, 2023:

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Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters forced the temporary closure of Grand Central Terminal during the Friday evening rush as they staged a massive sit-in inside the station’s concourse — leading to dozens of arrests.

The sea of demonstrators, wearing black shirts that said “Jews say cease fire now,” took over the station’s vast concourse chanting “no more weapons. No more war. Ceasefire is what we’re fighting for.”

Other protesters climbed atop the ticket counter with large banners that read “Palestinians should be FREE” and “Never again for anyone.”

Banners were also unfurled from the top of the terminal’s staircases as the group chanted “Mourn for the dead and fight like hell for the living.”

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6 months ago

The sea of Jewish demonstrators, wearing black shirts that said “Jews say cease fire now” – even decent Jews are now labelled as antisemitic.

6 months ago
Reply to  Edward

False flag (shirt).

Eric Arthur Blair
Eric Arthur Blair
6 months ago

We are under Islamic occupation. Moslems must be stripped of citizenship and deported.

6 months ago

They are Jews as much as I am Martian.

brenda tannenbaum tannenbaum
brenda tannenbaum tannenbaum
6 months ago

There are no innocent Moslems If they follow the Koran they believe in death to the Infidels

6 months ago

Who supports this?! … Big Tech. The organization of the protests are on-line, and they don’t really cost anything for the participants other than joining in with the others on social media.

So the Left has imported these zombies (I assume they’re mostly Muslim and some Fakestinians, but not all) …

… and then Big Tech makes it possible for them to get together.

If you doubt me – try to organize a protest at an abortion clinic and find out what happens. Big Tech works for the Left and against the rest of us.

6 months ago

What are the JINOs, in Naw Yawk, doing to deter these terrorist type mobs? Nothing. Why are they not speaking up against this? Are they not affected? With the large Jewish population in Naw Yawk, one would think that they would have a handle on such activities to prevent them from happening.

ישועת ה'
ישועת ה'
6 months ago

I beg to differ with the title
“A mob of Paganic, Godless, murderer barbaric, suicidal, imbeciles, moronic, numb-skull, Yemeni deli workers, and other single-cell amoeba fatherless black African slaves, coupled with Sadom & Gamorrah mentality unrecognizable, 2nd generation hispanic, behemoths youth, took over Brandenburg Plaza, circa’ 1933 Nazi Germany

ישועת ה'
ישועת ה'
6 months ago

A mob of Nazi-inflamed , Godless, Fatherless, Paganic, looters, Hitler Yugan/ college-brainwashed, Brown shirts, took over Brandenburg Plaza Circa’ 1933 Nazi Germani to deceminate suicidel Nazional Socialists agendas of the Nazi college teachers and University “”””professors of Nazi Ideologies” coupled with a bunch of Ashkenazi Yidd, loosers, obssesive-regressive Juden collaborators.

Last edited 6 months ago by ישועת ה'
ישועת ה'
ישועת ה'
6 months ago

NYC is Death trap to defenseless Yidds.

6 months ago

Never thought so many AMericans were disinformed, CNN brainwashed fools.. Tragic. In the meanwhile I will be wearing my SUPPORT ISREAL shirt. I ain’t no Nazi.

Last edited 6 months ago by vinnynewyork
6 months ago

I agree with the ” mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living ” shirt, but the people who should be fighting are the decent folk of the world against the murderers of Islam, and dont believe that BS about most muslims dont agree with Hamas, I’d say it’s at least 95%, every muslim prays for the destruction of unbelievers 5 times a day, they are all brainwashed by reading their book of violence and evil, surprised they killed babies ?? Why ? their perfect man had the pregnant Asma Bint Marwan murdered simply because she laughed at his ridiculous claims of flying at night on a winged horse while the rest of the tribe were asleep, that they believed his ravings doesnt say much for the IQ of his followers, rape murder and torture were the mainstays of his life and muslims model themselves after him, murder for a muslim comes as easy as a cuss word for others, Turkish soldiers raped Armenian babies to death in the Armenian Genocide 100 years ago, muslims have murdered babies in every conflict for 1400 years so Hamas were just following a well worn path.

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