The Day Hasbro Died: Mr. Potato Head Gets Canceled, Gender Denial on Steroids


The war on gender is part of the war on Gd.

While they destroy the country, the left distracts us with filth like this – always targeting the children.

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A Mister No More: Mr. Potato Head Goes Gender Neutral

By: NewsMax, 25 February 2021:

Mr. Potato Head is no longer a mister.

Hasbro, the company that’s made the potato-shaped plastic toy for nearly 70 years, is giving the spud a gender neutral new name: Potato Head. The change will appear on boxes this year.

Many toymakers have been updating their classic brands in recent years, hoping to relate to today’s kids and reflect more modern families.

“It’s a potato,” said Ali Mierzejewski, editor in chief at toy review site The Toy Insider. “But kids like to see themselves in the toys they are playing with.”

Barbie, for example, has tried to shed its blonde image and now comes in multiple skin tones and body shapes. The Thomas the Tank Engine toy line added more girl characters. And American Girl is now selling a boy doll.

As part of the rebranding, Hasbro will release a new Potato Head playset this fall that will let kids create their own type of families, including two moms or two dads.

The Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head characters will live on in some form, Hasbro said, but didn’t provide details. Both have appeared in the “Toy Story” movies.

Dropping the “Mr.” from its name could encourage other companies to stop assigning genders to its toys, a trend that has already been happening, said Mierzejewski. Barbie maker Mattel released a gender-neutral doll line in 2019. But Mr. Potato Head is one of the biggest brands to do so.

“It’s setting this new standard,” Mierzejewski said.

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GLAAD, an LGBTQ advocacy group, applauded the genderless toy potato.

“Hasbro is helping kids to simply see toys as toys, which encourages them to be their authentic selves outside of the pressures of traditional gender norms,” said Rich Ferraro, GLAAD’s chief communications officer, in a statement.

Mr. Potato Head first hit the toy scene in 1952, when it didn’t even come with a plastic potato — kids had to supply their own vegetable to poke eyes, a nose or mustache into. Hasbro, which also makes Monopoly and My Little Pony, bought the brand and eventually added a plastic spud.

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3 years ago

Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. However, through the years, the minions of Satan have done whatever they can to destroy those principles. As the democRATS and liberals have slowly removed God from the government, public life, and private life to te detriment of the country. As a punishment, God has given us Joe Biden and the democRATS free reign over our country for them to destroy it.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
3 years ago

This is about the imposition of radical fringe Greenwich Village/San Francisco/Fire Island “values” which is about DESTROYING the moral compass of society, voiding our Judeo-Christian foundations, and putting in its place a culture of moral relativism/degeneracy, sexual depravity and deviancy, and reducing children to the status of sex toys for adult pedophiles – and putting the safety and even lives of women and children in grave danger. It should be seen as exactly what was pulled by Muslims as Pamela had written about in her book “Stop the Islamization of America.” Just as leftist elites back then bent over backwards to accommodate Muslim supremacist demands, now we are seeing similar appeasement to LGBTQ supremacists.

Let us all remember: Male and female are biology. “Transgender” is ideology.

And: G-d created man and woman. Man created “transgender.”

3 years ago

Thanks. You are so right.

The gaystapo tell us two genders are a construct of Western society. Funny, I studied anthropology in college, and all those non-western peoples had male and female. Rarely there might be a way to provide a small niche for those who didn’t fit that, but it was extremely limited (perhaps the berdache, for example, but no equivalent for females, though). It’s modern western society that invented a very long list of largely redundant “genders” (How is “cisgender heterosexual male” substantively different from “cis-het male”? And does anyone know any cisgender-heterosexual OR cis-het males who give a rat’s butt-end about it?). Non-western societies didn’t come up with all this BS. We did.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
3 years ago
Reply to  moneekwa

The motives are also extremely subversive, a deliberate rebellion against, and big middle finger to, the realities of biology and norms that had dated over thousands of years. Those pushing this truly mean to destroy the foundations and moral compass of Western civilization. A people steeped in moral turpitude are in no shape to defend their civilization against any attacks from without. That’s part of how and why Rome and Greece fell.

3 years ago

No. Biden is a usurper, and God didn’t do that to us. I actually think He’s using it, though. A lot of Xiden voters are seriously horrified by his first month, as well they should be.

No SOTU. They are afraid if the usurper, the harlot, and all the rest of them gather in their temple of satan (aka US Capitol building) at the same time, that God Almighty will strike it and it will fall in and crush them, and send all their wretched souls to perdition. Maybe He should.

3 years ago
Reply to  moneekwa

God didn’t DO it to us, but He ALLOWED it. It’s all part of His plan. HE is in control and has ALWAYS been in control.

3 years ago

Mouse utopia syndrome has infected us. 🙁

Not Me
Not Me
3 years ago

“pressure” to “conform” to “gender norms”??!!!

Wow, clearly the LGBT don’t enough parenting experience between them to know girls and boys are born very different natured to one another.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
3 years ago
Reply to  Not Me

What they are doing is supremacist, no different from what Muslims have been pulling. It is about imposing Greenwich Village/San Francisco/Fire Island “values” on the rest of society, not unlike Muslims with their imposing Sharia law and their customs, values and way of life on all of us via such things as footbaths in restrooms, reserved space in offices for prayer breaks, and building of megamosques in residential areas in clear and direct violation of local zoning laws.

Also, “gender neutral” is a misnomer. It is about as “neutral” as Switzerland was during World War II (i.e. “non-committal” to the Allied cause, but playing footsie with the Hitler regime behind everyone’s back – as we all saw with the fattening of Swiss bank accounts over the next few decades with many ex-Nazi war criminals). Anyone who falls for this ideological Ponzi scheme is choosing sides, whether they think they are or not – AGAINST nature, biology and genetics, and FOR a toxic ideology that for purely sociopolitical reasons REFUSES to acknowledge, recognize, honor or respect the vast male-female differences. Their emphasis on double-talk gobbledygook and illegitimate, phony, artificial pronouns while outlawing time-honored terms like “mother,” “father,” “son,” “daughter,” “brother,” “sister” and so on, is also colonialist and imperialist – in exactly the same way as when the Dutch, after colonizing South Africa in the late 19th century, imposed the wholly made-up “Afrikaans” language that was NOT indigenous to the people of that country. Language has been how whole peoples – and whole nations – have been conquered, and it is the intention of LGBTQ supremacists to totally take over and dominate.

3 years ago

Not to pick nits, but the West side of Greenwich Village, not all of it, is known as a gay enclave, no argument on San Francisco, and Fire Island only has one mostly gay community. OK, two, but Cherry Grove is the famous one, Pines is just rich. Meanwhile all these places have or had people I know who uphold rational values, the moral of which, kind of, is that even in under such conditions there will always be a few of us who remain sane and resistant to the prevailing peculiarities and who uphold reason and reality. We just gotta make that percentage bigger!

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
3 years ago
Reply to  oceanfloor1

Cherry Grove and Pines are not nearly as well known. The point is, the “values” the radicals in those areas aspire to are diametrically opposed to, and indeed outright hostile towards, Judeo-Christian values. This factor you cite is why Pamela, when writing about such issues in the past, specifically referred to “LGBT leadership.” I would have added “supremacist” to that, since their agenda certainly is.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
3 years ago
Reply to  oceanfloor1

I believe, as a society in these times, we become overswept with rationalizations and generalizations, with special emphasis on “generalizations”.

Over many decades, I have known quite a few homosexuals. A few were hunting and drinking buddies. For the most part, those to whom I had more than a passing knowledge, I had no idea that they were homosexuals for quite some time. As, they probably did not know that I was heterosexual other than my bitching about how mean my wife is/was. When you’re following a Llewellyn Setter and an English Pointer, banging at upland game, almost all of the conversations concerned dwindling bird populations and how well my dogs worked together.

Occassionally, politics would be discussed, with many words that would make a drunken sailor blush. Religion never arose.

Regarding one of my long-term hunting friends, the only reason that I found out that he was a homosexual was receiving a wedding invitation. I kid you not, he was marrying a he. A little taken aback, simply out of surprise.

NOthing more than a story about how one’s sexual proclivities don’t point to their societal beliefs.

3 years ago

This is all a bunch of hooey. Children for the most part don’t give much thought to this rely on parental guidance. A balanced parent, parents will discuss the traditional Man and Woman sex assignment and what the true sex of the child happens to be. On the other hand a Leftist or Waco parent, parents will discuss all the sex assignments possible to the child, confuse the kid, who is further compromised by the propaganda thrown at him/her in the public school system.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
3 years ago
Reply to  Jack

This is precisely why there should be a drive to outlaw ALL LGBTQ supremacist proselytizers from our schools and pre-K and all that. Their job is to CONVERT children to homosexuality and transgenderism. It is EXACTLY like what both Roman historian Tacitus and co-Founding Father Benjamin Franklin had written about poverty – to subsidize something that’s bad for society is to ensure there’ll be much, much more of it. Let our children be children and allow them to grow up with everything in their body intact – not to be made into little perverts, sodomites, or surgically altered, mutilated, maimed, disfigured and deformed freaks for life. Like with FGM in the Muslim world, “reassignment surgery” does NO benefit to those it’s being done to, and is for the SOLE benefit of the LGBTQ supremacist “community.”

Besides the factor of the war on masculinity as waged since the 1960’s by the socialist-feminist Left, it’s also, in part, “all about the numbers, baby.” Meaning, the more there are of these surgically-altered freaks, and people converted to the LGBTQ lifestyle, among the general population, the greater their political representation, clout and leverage, especially with regards to social policy – and the more that conservative, pro-family, pro-children, pro-morality, pro-decency, pro-humanity, pro-modesty, Christian-based groups lose ground (and lose out) and are increasingly marginalized, diluted, eroded, usurped, cancelled out, outnumbered, overwhelmed, surpassed, ostracized, displaced, dispossessed, disenfranchised, muzzled, silenced, and thrown under the bus, with the door slammed in their face. It is of the exact same piece as the strategy followed by Muslims from 9/11 up to the Obama regime, when HAMAS CAIR, ISNA, MSA and their ilk were constantly lobbying for more Muslim immigration into this country (and encouraging Muslim families to outbreed native-born Americans) – which they saw as part of their strategy to “smash” what they considered to be undue Jewish influence on Middle Eastern policy.

Just as the Muslim Brotherhood had their front groups (from CAIR to ISNA to MPAC and so forth), so does the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) – from the so-called “Human Rights Campaign” (which should be called Inhuman Lefts Campaign) to any group with the name “Equality” in it, to GLSEN and PFLAG and Lambda Legal (anyone notice how similar “Lambda” sounds to NAMBLA in its pronunciation?). Watch very closely for the push to have pedophilia legalized and the age of consent lowered. With this gang now occupying the White House, it’s coming.

3 years ago

They are already calling pedophilia a sexual orientation. That’s why the push for “sexual orientation” to be a protected class.

Looks like the one class with no hope of protection is children.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jack

If your kid identifies as Superman, do you encourage he/she/it to jump off the roof because Superman (Superwoman? Superperson?) can fly?

True story, my niece identified as a puppy one day. Ok, says her Mom. So she can play on the floor and have her snack in a dish on the floor. Less than a second after said snack was on the floor, their real dog ate it. Now my niece is crying, and when Mommy explained that little girls eat snacks at the table, but puppies eat on the floor where the fastest dog gets whatever’s in the bowl, my niece suddenly wanted to identify as a little girl again.

Little kids pretend all the time. My niece wasn’t forced to stick with it. They didn’t take her in for spaying and rabies shots. It’s insanity to force kids into this neutral or opposite gender stuff on a permanent basis.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
3 years ago
Reply to  moneekwa

“They didn’t take her in for spaying and rabies shots.”


Thank you for putting things in a very PROPER perspective.

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
3 years ago

Time to ‘erase’ Mr. Potato from ALL movies and music!!!
comment image

3 years ago

Nah. Would Disney disappear a money-maker like the Toy Story series? Instead, we’ll just be getting “offensive content” warnings on all the movies!

THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

“The war on gender is part of the war on Gd.”

You don’t have to believe in God to SEE that a man is a man and a woman is a woman. Sheesh!

But next time you SEE God take a photograph.

3 years ago
Reply to  THX 1138

And POST it.

3 years ago
Reply to  THX 1138

Well many of of us have seen God manifest and will never forget and much much more.
For childish mockers -> to photograph the natural world is to capture the creation of the Creator.
You didn’t eminate from rocks nor did the perfect atomic structure and laws of this material plane nor DNA invent themselves…!
Hiding from this reality will not protect you from it…!

THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

It’s remarkable what a tiny minority can do. The queers and other sexual deviants are an extremely tiny minority but they’re hijacking the culture.

And they tell me Objectivism doesn’t stand a chance.

“History is made by minorities—or, more precisely, history is made by intellectual movements, which are created by minorities. Who belongs to these minorities? Anyone who is able and willing actively to concern himself with intellectual issues. Here, it is not quantity, but quality that counts (the quality—and consistency—of the ideas one is advocating).” – Ayn Rand

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
3 years ago
Reply to  THX 1138

TOO funny!

What illogical drivel.


THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

You know what’s too funny? Pamela Geller is as big a fan of Ayn Rand as I am, maybe bigger, and she is always quoting Rand in her headlines.

As a matter of fact the original name of this website is “Atlas Shrugs”.

And yet here you are at Pamela’s website always disparaging and mocking Rand and Objectivism. Why don’t you laugh in Pamela’s face? That would be too funny.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
3 years ago
Reply to  THX 1138

It matters not to me, who is, or is not a fan, of poorly written illogical drivel.

Banning me, for being logical and rational is a decision to be made by this site. I’m only on the $18.00 per month support. Therefore, banning me wouldn’t be a drop in the ocean.

However, that still would not alter the fact that Ayn Rand’s writings were irrational and pure drivel.

The name of this website is “Geller Report”. Obviously, it was changed to bring about reporting the facts and not be associated with irrational thought.

TOO funny, little one.


THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

Banning? Who said anything about banning?

But to be consistent you need to attack Pamela too when she quotes Ayn Rand. Tell Pamela she’s quoting irrational thoughts every time she quotes Ayn Rand. To be consistent and brave you need to mock, disparage, and laugh at Pamela, call her “little one”.

Be consistent, have the courage of your conviction.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
3 years ago
Reply to  THX 1138

When was the last time that you saw Ms. Geller (your “Pamela”, you being on such a close first name basis) quote the illogical drivel of Ayn Rand? When was the last time? People gain wisdom with age. Dropping the “Atlas Shrugged” and quoting illogical drivel, is a sign of maturity and wisdom.

I have VASTLY more courage than any worshiper of Rand could dream about. You, on the other hand, are an illogical coward.

Be consistent. Cease quoting illogical drivel from your particular sect of The Religion of Atheism, if you claim free thinking logic.


THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

Pamela Geller loves Ayn Rand and promotes Ayn Rand and her philosophy of Objectivism on this, her website.

Thank you for your $18 a month your money helps Pamela promote Ayn Rand’s ideas on her Objectivism friendly website.

Too funny!

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
3 years ago
Reply to  THX 1138

I haven’t seen Ms. Geller promote “Ayn Rand and her philosophy”, in a number of years. Thankfully, for most, age brings wisdom.

TOO funny!

3 years ago

Why don’t you ask her yourself, you two-bit braggart. For one thing, you are a self-confessed nothing without your imaginary religious friends, but you try to compensate by name-calling those of us who are atheist — who know there are no invisible supernatural beings floating around in space — and trying to re-brand reason as “illogical drivel”.

I’m surprised you aren’t a real slave of Allah, Achmed. You’d be much more at home there.

3 years ago
Reply to  oceanfloor1

You have a right to be an atheist and to express your views. But, please don’t make statements like atheists “…who know there are no invisible supernatural beings floating around in space,” because you are implying it applies to Christians who believe otherwise. It doesn’t. Christians experience and benefit on a daily basis, the real-world effects of “supernatural beings floating around in space.”

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
3 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

The worst thing about the members of The Religion of Atheism is that they really need to be sent to a better evangelist school. All of them seem to wear their religion on their sleeve and make the most outlandish claims.

At least the “elders” of the mormon persuasion and the Jehovah Witnesses that hit the streets (they both seem to go two-by-two) are polite and willing to discuss their differences POLITELY.

I have no problems with Christians, quoting scripture. I have no problems with The Religion of Atheism members quoting Bertrand Russell (actually a very logical philosopher) and the like.

But, the only quotes that I see on this website, from The Religion of Atheism perspective, are the poorly written illogical and irrational drivel of some thing named “Ayn Rand” (pbuh).

Whether it be Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Animism, or The Religion of Atheism …. Whatever trips your trigger, simply be polite and don’t wear your religion on your sleeve.

Now, mohammedanism is a totally different matter. Just put them all to the sword.

3 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  oceanfloor1

You do not “know” tho evidently terrified to find out that there is…..tho you needn’t be…!
You must understand many people surpass your grasp of spiritually “what is” – having personal experience and knowledge you do not now have – tho it is waiting…!
Some of us having 10’s of thousands of hrs of deep experiences, searching and research that’s incomprehensible to many merely drifting thru life…!

I do not know whether “Handjob” (lol) does or does not have such knowledge tho he is at times “contrary” – he can be very civil…!
Some folks are just Grumpy some of the time = Snow White could deal with it…!
He does not speak for others nor myself.
Many saying they’re a “believer” does not make it so by attending a “churchgroup” – anymore then sitting in a garage make you a car.

However when insulting many millions of us who “do know” what most do not – it reveals a fear by the mocking of unknowns when whistling past them in the dark – something Pamela does not do…!

Knowing Christ Jesus is more real then life itself and this experiential relationship is not closed to you nor anyone that humbly and sincerely calls upon Him…!

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
3 years ago
Reply to  oceanfloor1

I don’t wear my religion on my sleeve, as members of the Religion of Atheism always seem to do. Not once, on any public forum, you foul and deviant homosexual, have I ever mentioned what religion I follow.

As, I am not a deviant, such a homosexual, I need not run around and make a fool of myself, as you very often do.

You, little poorly educated one, wouldn’t recognize reason if some non-deviant took the time to explain it to you.

3 years ago
Reply to  THX 1138

He. Wouldn’t. Effing. Dare.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
3 years ago
Reply to  oceanfloor1

Absolutely I would. Those that are deviant, such as homosexuals, seem to run hand-in-hand with The Religion of Atheism. Illogical, irrational, and deviant.

3 years ago

But are you saying that very vocal and well-organized minorities DON’T hijack cultures? Watch as they are doing it to Western culture right now!!!!!!

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
3 years ago
Reply to  moneekwa

First, what does Rand’s very poorly written and illogical drivel have to do with hijacking my culture?

Other cultures have hijacked MY culture, for many a year. How many negroes don’t utilize white man’s medicine? How many do not utilize white man’s central heat and/or airconditioning? How many do not utilize white man’s air, train, and automobile transportation? How many do not utilize white man’s refrigeration and appliance developments?

And, the list goes on, and on, and on.

They have been appropriating my culture for a very, very long time.

3 years ago
Reply to  THX 1138

That is not an indication Pamels is 100% onboard with Rand as you are….lots of mentoring minds animate Miss Geller which does not put her in a one dog race as some that are.

Many of us see the good in Ayn as WE do with you tho have the wisdom to know what she was and leave errors and shortcomings in place with discretionary wisdom by being objective in all things eminating from fallen human nature for all fall into that catagory to some degree or another…!

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
3 years ago
Reply to  THX 1138

Just as Muslims had done from 9/11 up to the Obama regime, demanding all societal norms be rearranged in accordance with Islamic Sharia law. No different.

THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

It’s remarkable what a tiny minority can do. The queers and other sexual deviants are an extremely tiny minority but they’re hijacking the culture.

And they tell me Objectivism doesn’t stand a chance.

“History is made by minorities—or, more precisely, history is made by intellectual movements, which are created by minorities. Who belongs to these minorities? Anyone who is able and willing actively to concern himself with intellectual issues. Here, it is not quantity, but quality that counts (the quality—and consistency—of the ideas one is advocating).” – Ayn Rand

THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

It’s remarkable what a tiny minority can do. The queers and other sexual deviants are an extremely tiny minority but they’re hijacking the culture.

And they tell me Objectivism doesn’t stand a chance.

“History is made by minorities—or, more precisely, history is made by intellectual movements, which are created by minorities. Who belongs to these minorities? Anyone who is able and willing actively to concern himself with intellectual issues. Here, it is not quantity, but quality that counts (the quality—and consistency—of the ideas one is advocating).” – Ayn Rand

3 years ago

“Barbie, for example, has tried to shed its blonde image and now comes in multiple skin tones and body shapes.” How awesome! I wonder if Barbie will come in a fat size with no hair, no breasts, optional shopping cart full of junk and a crack pipe in her hand. For added effect, maybe they can put in a voice track where she shouts out random profanitys and nonsense. That way, everyone will be represented in the Barbie line. Oh, it’s so good to see Mattel (?) is being so inclusive.

3 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

The newest will likely be transgendered Barbie + Ken dolls

3 years ago

So Mr. Peabody, Sherman, Alvin, Theodore, Simon, Bullwinkle, Rocky, Boris, Natasha, Dudley-Do-Right,Yogi, Boo Boo and all the rest are next.

3 years ago

The young children I observe during my daily excursions all seem to be refreshingly straight and conventional.

The girls enjoy their pink cycles and scooters adorned with tassels while the boys look and dress like dad {and dad is straight}.

Strange how those children show more common sense and genuine authentic gender identification based on how they feel and self identify than those cringing half witted executives spinning in confusion as to which nutty social imperative to obey next.

As Pink Floyd wrote, “Teacher, leave those kids alone”.

THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago
Reply to  Poppey

How the meaning of that song has changed in 40 years now that you point it out.

3 years ago
Reply to  Poppey

It isn’t the teachers, Poppey, it’s the stinking SCHOOL BOARDS!! They FORCE the teachers to teach kids filth!! My nephews wife was a GREAT teacher, but she reached a point where she absolutely REFUSED to teach kids the CRAP that the school boards are shoving down the throats of teachers. GOOD teachers won’t teach that garbage and she told them she would NOT teach innocent kids the FILTH they wanted her to teach, and she walked out without another word and quit. The problem is that not ENOUGH teachers are fighting the horrific school boards, nor are the parents!! It’s also the TEACHER’S UNIONS!!

Maria Luther
Maria Luther
3 years ago
Reply to  Dorrie_

Get $192 p/h from Google!…(a827) Yes this is best since I just got my first paycheck of $24413 and this was just of a one week… I have also purchased my McLaren Speedtail right after this payment…(a827) it is really cool job I have ever had and you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it

>>>> https://uurl.Icu/FvF1k


3 years ago
Reply to  Dorrie_

Spot on! I thought Communist Core was bad, but now math is racist, showing your work is racist (because the kids our Commander-in-Thief says are too stupid to figure out the internet sure as heck know how to use the solve-my-math-problems-for-me apps), and etc. It’s complete insanity.

Why do kids only need stuff that “looks like them”? I was at a training and they said literature must be chosen that is a mirror, not a window. I said back “but when you look through a window, you also see your own reflection in it”.

Same training, I tried to explain my immigrant Dad’s thoughts as we were getting BS crammed down our throats. The conclusion by the trainers? His experience was meaningless and not legitimate, since he came to the US legally and became a citizen!!!

Sometimes we can quietly do what’s right. I taught health one year, and if I asked my little class “How can you be 100% sure to never get an STD or get pregnant?” they’d say back “Don’t have sex in the first place!” in unison.

I could quit, by I consider it a mission field, and pray in there a lot.

3 years ago
Reply to  moneekwa

God bless you for all you do! This past week, Congressman Jerry Nadler said, ” “What Any Religious Tradition Describes as God’s Will is No Concern of This Congress” I literally GASPED when he said that. He is ASKING for hell fire to fall on his head and our Congress!! SO BE IT!

3 years ago

So Hasbro did fold. Cowards. I think that the new name Biden Potato Head would be fitting.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
3 years ago
Reply to  Pia

How many executives at Hasbro are of that lifestyle?

3 years ago

So that’s who made the decision. There’s going to be a boycott of the company. I for one will not buy the toy ever again for gifting to children.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
3 years ago
Reply to  Pia

Go check on eBay for vintage editions – if they weren’t purged already. You can still get, if you look long and hard enough, a talking parrot marketed in the early 1960’s by Mattel.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pia

Or Pronoun Potato Head?

THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

“Unlimited Rights, Except for REAL Rights.

Congress, under Pelosi, has passed a sweeping gay/lesbian/transgender rights bill. Gay/transgender rights…not INDIVIDUAL rights.

Ain’t Communism hilarious? Unlimited (as opposed to equal) rights for gay people…yet these very same gay people will enjoy NO right to own a gun…to speak freely on social media… to keep most of their income…to walk outdoors without a mask EVER again…to buy fossil fuels…to operate a small business during a government declared crisis…Sure, you have a right to compel others to accept your sexuality. And no rights of any other kind. These nasty sociopaths like Pelosi care nothing for rights; only power. Gay people are pawns in their never-ending chess game. Sick.” -Michael J. Hurd

Stephanie Wilson
Stephanie Wilson
3 years ago

WTH? We can’t do memes anymore?? booooooo

Stephanie Wilson
Stephanie Wilson
3 years ago

This gender bs is driving me insane!

Jesse Brogan
Jesse Brogan
3 years ago

I have no idea how many genders potatoes actually have. I have the suspicion that the answer is “none.”

3 years ago

It’s Hussein Obama and Biden’s world. Now Mr. Potato Head can dress as a female and win all the track races, and Biden can ignore all the female potatoes whose protests will all be in vain….

Blackmagikwolf Richardson
Blackmagikwolf Richardson
3 years ago


Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!