Swedish Government wants to ban ancient Viking symbols, claiming they “constitute incitement to hatred”


Civilizational suicide. Sweden is being subsumed by tsunami of migrant rape and violence and this is their concern?

Swedish Government wants to ban ancient Viking symbols, claiming they “constitute incitement to hatred”

By Emma R., Voice of Europe, 23 May 2019

The Swedish Government is trying to make certain runes from the runic alphabet, as well as some old Norse Scandinavian symbols illegal.

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Their official reason for banning the runes is that Nazis used some of them during the second world war, for example the Odal rune that means O and the Tyr/Tiwaz rune that means T.
Reportedly, the Social Democratic Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson is behind the initiative.
According to the proposal, Old Norse symbols and jewelry may also be banned as incitement to hatred. This includes Mjolnir, hammer of the Norse God Thor, the Valknut/Odin’s knot and the Vegvisir.
However, runes are over 1200 years old and have absolutely nothing to do with Nazis.
For many Swedes, the runes are a big part of their religion Asatru, and for some they just have a great historical meaning.

In the definition of racism in Sweden it is included that any kind of oppression against a religion is racist.

Which means that banning runes is racist and against Swedish law. Nonetheless, the government is now trying to ban the country’s pre Christian heritage, religion, culture and art.

To ban runes because they were used by Nazis is exactly like banning the Christian cross because it was used by Ku Klux Klan or in the crusades, or to ban the Arabic letters that are used by the soldiers of the Islamic State, IS/ISIS or Al-Qaeda.

At the Asa-Community, which organises Asatru and people with an interest in the Old Norse cultural heritage, the outrage is great about what they mean is a restriction on, among other things, religious freedom.
A petition has been launched, and on Friday May 24, a manifestation in protest against the proposal will be held outside Parliament in Stockholm.
The interest in Old Norse traditions has grown strongly in recent times, both in Sweden and abroad, and includes TV series such as Vikings, The Last Kingdom and Game of Thrones.

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4 years ago

“Nonetheless, the government is now trying to ban the country’s pre Christian heritage, religion, culture and art.”

Like over here, they want to rewrite history to suit their agenda and ban symbolism so people forget their history.
Whether it is Islam or Communism that is the replacement, or a hybrid of the two, no reminders of the past are allowed unless they can pervert it to favor the replacement. It’s all part of destroying western civilization.

Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Yes you are right, and these scum we call authoritarians should be boiled alive in a bath of battery acid for there treachery.

4 years ago

Last chance Sweden, if there is any non soy boy Viking blood left, now is the time to man up…

Rob Porter
Rob Porter
4 years ago
Reply to  MAS

“man up” is the last thing some want to hear in Sweden. Talk about stupidity run rampant, the Swedes have got it down to fine art. Most of the government are women and they are about as dumb as a rock. Anyone with a brain in their head doesn’t permit Muslim immigration and in this regard the West has lost its mind, but probably worst of all are the Swedes who after having Malmo turned into a mess with incessant rapes and explosions, it continued to permit hoards of Muslims into the country. No it guards its borders but what about shipping out the worthless savages?

4 years ago

And the very same scums who abuse/moch christians want to bring in more illegals/jihadis who rape, assault, murder women !

They are aided by the dumb , ignorant Left/Liberal loons coming out of colleges/schools run by pro-jihadi left/liberal loons

And by the time they realise their stupidity they get assaulted , gang raped or murdered like this couple its too late for them http://offtrade.net/cnmnews/libs-say-evil-is-myth/

Problem is they enable evil while not able to see evil thanks to pro-jihadi left/liberal indoctrination in schools/colleges where real history of islam and America is no longer taught.

Randall Anderson
Randall Anderson
4 years ago

Cowardly descendants of the Viking Warriors bow down to Islam…Today I am HALF ASHAMED to be HALF SWEDE…surely many Swedes to not agree with this.

4 years ago

you ought to be fully ashamed of being half swedish.

4 years ago

Bending over ?….again??

Dr. Karl Stalin
Dr. Karl Stalin
4 years ago

“Oh mommy, make it go away”.

4 years ago

In plain language this means: Everything that has ever been
captured by Nazi pirates is completely useless afterwards. The
Hindus and Buddhists should finally ban their ancient swastika.

Liberals believe nationalism is something “evil” because

of Hitler. In truth, Hitler has subsequently triumphed over
them by amputating their healthy national pride forever.

Jews no longer have an alternative to choice, may
only do what Hitler did not symbolized in their eyes.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

This is reminiscent of a deceived lover who
punishes himself all his life with partnerless-
ness. Because partner means evil. It shows
how immature these people are who adhere
to the left ideology. The problem begins when
they also want to dictatorially forbid the rest of
humanity to look at the world as it sees fit. Just
like the ones they’re supposed to forbid: Nazis.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

I am in favour of banning the swastika in the way the
Nazis depict it, and also of banning it if it’s once again
misused as a “symbol of fascism”. The curious thing is
that Finland, Sweden’s direct neighbour, still holds on
to the Swastika as the official emblem of its air force.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

The “Hakenkreuz” is the most impressive proof that Na-
zis were pirates, thieves who used mankind’s treasure
trove in accordance with their purposes and intentions.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Star of David have been unknown to ancient Judaism.
But the symbol isn’t disgraced by serious crimes. That
old Germanic runic writing is quasi “poisoned” because
genocidal occultists plagiarized it is, however, a typical
left-wing intellectual exaggeration that lies beyond com-
mon sense and is therefore not honored by the voters,
but causes a backlash. They should only continue like
this, so that they drive all their flocks into the arms of the
evil right-wing populists! Actually, they do our job for us.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Read the bible, Jews committed genocide since the day they called themselves the chosen. He told us to do it. We just followed God’s orders. We are innocent. It’s a blood thirsty God the God of the Jews.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

but Finland refused to turn its Jews, few as they were, over to Hitler.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

as Finnish soldiers. Women and children weren’t sent.

4 years ago
Reply to  mackykam

Well, at least. Stalin was indeed a serious threat to little Finland. And
so the Finns tried diplomatically to find a compromise, of which every-
one had something, without falling victim to a further Hitler invasion,
too, like Norway and Danmark. But when they realized that the Nazis
had practically lost the war, they quickly fought theirway to the other
side. Russia should have forked over the stolen territory of Karelia.

4 years ago

why not just banish Sweden?

Hector Stull
Hector Stull
4 years ago

The Swedes should just get it over with. Have a nation-wide conversion ceremony, stick a star and crescent on their flag and declare themselves an Islamic republic.

Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Hector Stull

that would be catastrophic. Because then the west would allow Russia to come in and take the country, at least returning it to at least a palatable faith.

Citizen 1949
Citizen 1949
4 years ago

Bottom line first: this is an attack on Swedish pride, history, culture and nationalism in an attempt to erase it and create a void. That void would ultimately be replaced with vile islamic symbols and culture. At least I think that’s the long term plan. The official reason for banning the runes because Nazis used some of them during the second world war is a very lame excuse that only the most simple minded would buy into.
I had to do a quick study to learn more about runes and learned they are much more than just an alphabet. With the runes being tied into a religion and having great historical meanings I can understand why the globalists would want them gone.

dba_ unruly_ vagabond_trader
dba_ unruly_ vagabond_trader
4 years ago

Worldwide cultural guilt cuckoos. Almost like it was planned.


4 years ago

EU elections first forecast at 6 p.m.: 15.5% is the worst result the Social Democrats have
ever had in Germany. The same goes for the CDU/CSU with 28%, with the CDU accoun-
ting for 22% and the CSU 6%. In Bavaria, the CSU remained below 40% with 39.5%.

The Greens are flying high with 22%, with strong voter migrations away from the SPD
and CDU/CSU to the Climate Hysteria Party. The AfD reached only 10.5%, which is
below expectations. Left and FDP each 5.5%, free voters 2.1%, the party 2.6%.

In the state elections in Bremen, the SPD dropped by 8.3% to only 24.5%,
the first time in more than 70 years that it is behind the CDU, which came to
25.5%. Green 18%, Left 12%, AfD 7%, FDP 6% and citizens in rage 2.6%.

In Austria the ÖVP reaches 34.5%, the SPÖ 23.5%, the FPÖ slips to
17.5%, the Greens 13.5%, NEOS 8% according to the first forecasts.

In Italy, the Lega of Mateo Salvini is believed to have 30%
plus X, the 5-star movement and the PD with 20% each.

4 years ago

All muslims incite hatred!!!!!

4 years ago

The situation we see in Sweden where some seek and find “offense” in anything and everything is prevalent in that other left wing citadel of PC Germany.

Both have too many twerps in authority who are utterly confused about their worth to the rest.

4 years ago

The New World Order, which the “Progressive” Marxists want to foist on us, desires to erase ALL tradition and history, all reminders of who we are and from whence we came. They want to destroy all knowledge of the Past in order to create a zero starting point for their new “reality”. We are not to have ANY sense of individual identity, but rather accept that we are mere units in a political stew of Globalism. It is a draconian “Brave New World” that they propose for us in which those in charge make all the decisions for those subject to them. It is slavery of the highest order. There would be no freedom of any sort; no freedom of movement; no freedom of thought; no freedom of decision; no freedom of opinion or belief; no freedom of personal selection. There would be only slavery to an all powerful State.
This monstrous ideation is the bottom line for the Democratic Progressives of today. They do not desire to help you; they want to have power to rule over you as they see fit. We see this in everything they have done. They espouse the principle (rejected by morality) that the End justifies the Means. As we have seen they will do anything and stop at nothing to achieve what they want, rejecting and violating all restraints of Law.
Their words are meant to obfuscate, not to clarify’; their promises are empty lies. They abhor all sense of right and wrong. There is only their Right! Any religion that preaches a Higher Power and individual supremacy is their enemy. They seduce with material offerings and acceptance of narcissistic hedonism. They corrupt all that is good and foster all that is ultimately bad for people so that in debasing them they can reduce them to manageable subjects. Do not follow these Pied Pipers into self destruction. Do not give up who you are, what you are, your hopes, your dreams, your beliefs. your humanity.

Bill N. Svara
Bill N. Svara
4 years ago

Those very stupid swedes never will learn. My father who was half Northern Norwegian and half Russian was very proud of his Viking ancestry and so was his family. If someone wants to read the best book on Vikings, read “Vladimir the Russian Viking” by Volkov. It tells of the thousands of Norse Vikings who went to Russia at the request of Vladimir the first , fought with and for him and thousands of them stayed in Russia because they were rewarded for their fierceness. It describes their physical size and strength also. Those sissy swedes in power today are a bunch of sell-outs and it appears that most of that worthless country should be banished period. It would not be any great loss since the rag heads are about to take over anyway. IMO Russia should go in and take it over and destroy all the rag heads and swedes that like them period.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bill N. Svara

What about us stupid Americans ? Don’t see any Christian Americans stopping the invasion of Islam in our country. Texas among the most popular states for mosques. “New York still has the greatest number of Islamic centers – 257 – followed by 246 in California and 166 in Texas. Florida is fourth with 118,” the story said. Several new Houston mosques have opened in the past few years, with others undergoing significant, multi-million dollar expansions in response… Don’t worry about Sweden because we might be ruled by Islam before Sweden.

Bill N. Svara
Bill N. Svara
4 years ago
Reply to  Hoppla

I agree that muzzies should not be here, but we are armed, swedes are not.

Daniel FX Dravot
Daniel FX Dravot
4 years ago
Reply to  Hoppla

Some say building a border wall won’t work. The Chinese built a wall over 2,000 years ago and they still don’t have any Hispanics.

If you rob a bank in a Sanctuary City is it a crime or just an undocumented withdrawal?

Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Hoppla

Hoppla. Give it time We must continue to convince the population that the old ways were best and that certain things can stay, we must compromise, on certain things. But we can all agree that Marxism, Islam, and communism must die out.

Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Bill N. Svara

I am a Swede and I see what is happening and am disgusted that my country is being dehumanized to fit their Utopian fallacy.

The globalist scum in my eyes have willingly sold their humanity for a pipe dream. Because they are asleep.

Well my party the Sweden Democrats are working hard to fight this injustice, and will fight even harder, so one day my children will be able to once again live a happy fulfilled life in my homeland among my people.

The migrants will be turned back, the population will repopulate and this nightmare will finally end.

Bill N. Svara
Bill N. Svara
4 years ago
Reply to  Eric Johnson

I hope that they hurry the hell up because time is running out for them as I see it. The only thing those rag heads understand is force and the swedes had best start using it or learn how.

4 years ago

Oh! My! Volvo will have to replace their Trademarked “”Thor’s Hammer headlights.”

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4 years ago
Reply to  Millionmileman

I’d almost forgotten Sweden manufactures advanced fighter aircraft. Maybe these aerospace facilities should be bombed flat now rather than waiting ’til Sweden officially becomes Swedenistan.

4 years ago

And yet not a peep about the Koran which promotes genocide against any non believers!

4 years ago

The Vikings had more in common w/the f’ing muslums than they did differences. Vikings raped nuns, killed priests, sacked churches, pillaged villages, enslaved people…

4 years ago

Yes, but they were _our_ rapists and pillagers!

Joan C.
Joan C.
4 years ago
Reply to  RonW


4 years ago

ViKings also stayed behind and lived with the cultures that they attacked. In fact they adopted the mores of that culture and married into it. The islam-0-nazis only care to destroy and be the BULLY CULTURE OF ALL MANKIND.

4 years ago
Reply to  notislam

I wouldn’t care to live anywhere controlled by Vikings or Muslums. It’s debatable as to whether or not the Vikings were even literate, at least the Arabpigs had a written language.

4 years ago

They had their written language which was called runes but were very fast to adapt to languages they came into contact with and like notislam said they settled, lived and became part of the peoples they dealt with, England, France and Russia today would have not grown to be the powers and nations they did without them.

4 years ago

800.000 women were raped in western Europe during and after the invasion by the allies and not only Germans also French and other western Europeans women. What the Russians did in the east of Germany not even included.

4 years ago

True but they never demanded for the people to convert to their religion or die unlike what you camel humpers and Christians did.

4 years ago

Who didn’t back then, one thing that separated the Vikings from the Christians and Muslims is that that they weren’t religious fanatics bent on making everyone bow to their gods and once the Norse settled into an area people were virtually very safe especially for women because they had a much high respect for women than either Muslims or Christians at that time.

4 years ago
Reply to  Othinus54

The Vikings “had a much higher respect for women than either Muslims or Christians”. The Vikings raped nuns. They burned a convent of nuns alive because they deliberately mutilated themselves to prevent being raped.

4 years ago

Compare to how Muslims treat women I wouldn’t even talk, besides the violence that initially went on at first which was common place during the middle ages and long before and long after (Mongols during their heyday, Germans, Russians Japanese during WWII are fine examples.) women in Norse culture were treated as equals and even fought along side their men which shocked the hell out of the Christians who treated women like dogs at that time.

How many white women from Europe were taken, enslaved and raped by Muslims in North Africa again for a long long time only ending in the 19th century when we Americans finally had enough of their sh8t and put the Barbary Nation’s in their place again.

Oh and how many Hindu women do you think were raped, beaten and murdered by Muslims, I bet no one count that high.

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
4 years ago

The Europeans have sadly abandoned their ancestral culture and heritage for far too long.

Roma Mikhasev
Roma Mikhasev
4 years ago

for degradation!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

Sweden is so lost.

Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Othinus54

Wrong. It is just a loss in the long run to eventual victory. We are in this for the long haul.

Prepare, or step aside.

4 years ago
Reply to  Eric Johnson

I hope you Swedes can turn it around but right now your not doing so well especially with your idiot government bending over like they are.

4 years ago

Yes true. It is WAYCIST to ban ancient Viking symbols. So tell them to stop being so WAYCIST against Swedes.

Donna Garland
Donna Garland
4 years ago

Vikings are strong conquerors who need to stand and fight for their traditions and culture! You cannot allow dictators to remove your history and pride. If you lay down your weapons, you are open to attack from every side. First it’s your symbols, then your traditions then your laws etc etc.
Rise up and defend yourselves

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
4 years ago

The left cannot do anything right, pun intended. They are trying to pull the same stunt here in the US in several areas.

My parents are buried a few feet from one of her ancestors who served in the Confederate infantry.

It is heritage, not hate.

4 years ago

So non-muslim testosterone past present and future is evil? Doesn’t take a genius to see through that ruse. Pretty soon past present and future intelligence will be outlawed. Duh

Joan C.
Joan C.
4 years ago

Baby steps…

4 years ago

They ban their history and try to ban white people. . The whites need to take the country back.

4 years ago

It’s the Swedish government that should be banned……or, better yet,
executed for treason against their own country and people.comment image

4 years ago

What they Sweets need to do is grow a pair and stand up to the real enemies in their country.

Dennis Durkop
Dennis Durkop
4 years ago

Overrun the government buildings find out where the liberal politicians live and destroy their homes, as they are destroying your lives and futures!

4 years ago

First they ban pre-Christian culture then they will ban Christian culture as “incitement to hatred.”
Muslims hate any non-Muslim culture and everything must be done to appease the IslamoNazis.
Indigenous Swedes are irrelevant.

4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

There is no such thing like IslamoNazis.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hoppla

Of course there is…fascistic theocratic Islam is like Hitlerian Nazism but only WORSE. Muslims are way more “NAZI-like” than anyone labeled “Nazi” today by the Nazified Leftists.
It’s a totalitarian fascist ideology +genocide on steroids that’s had a relentless conquest of non-Muslim territory for 1400 years.
You remember 9/11…don’t you? and the thousands of jihadi attacks, Sharia Law, acid attacks, ongoing Church burnings and desecrations, ongoing genocide of Christians, FGM, ongoing child marriages, ongoing slavery, ongoing epidemic of rape of infidel women, ongoing hijrah invasions, etc. “IslamoNazis” is a mild description for the followers of the pedophile warmongering Muhammad. The problem with the WEST they allow “freedom of religion” but it didn’t take into account that there can be things called a “religion” that was inspired by Satan.
comment image .

4 years ago

What else can we expect from a pussified society in which men are REQUIRED by law to urinate sitting down, like proper ladies? (look it up if you don’t believe me!)

Stephen Honig
Stephen Honig
4 years ago

Two types of people destroy civilization: The radical left and the radical right!

4 years ago
Reply to  Stephen Honig

These terms invented by Marxists. Radical left and radical right is the same thing which are called totalitarians.

4 years ago

This is the beheading of Swedish Culture by the Nazi-islamics who are so criminal is each and every aspect of life that they are just PROJECTING all their evil on their conquered peoples (the Swedes), The government of Sweden will be out there to be beheaded for all the INFIDELS to see as well! Is this the FORESHADOWING of what is to come in the USA?

4 years ago
Reply to  notislam

Yes, but apparently the government of Sweden likes the money and temporary access to power more than their ancient traditions and symbols. How else can you explain their behavior?

4 years ago

Send them to me. I`ll take civil war statues too. I`ll set them inside a high voltage security fence with junk yard dogs inside a 2nd fence. Don`t want to hurt the dogs.

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