Time Magazine Gives Space to Hamas-CAIR Chief to Distort Martin Luther King’s Legacy


The unmitigated gall of this guy is just astonishing. Martin Luther King’s position on Israel and the Jewish people was quite clear, and it was the direct polar opposite of that of Nihad Awads and the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations. The complete opposite.

Martin Luther King would be spinning in his grave if he knew how he was being exploited by the bigots, Jew-haters, racists, demagogues he fought so hard against. If only those who so egregiously use him would heed his words and wisdom. Here are some key and authenticated MLK quotes:

“I cannot stand idly by, even though I happen to live in the United States and even though I happen to be an American Negro and not be concerned about what happens to the Jews in Soviet Russia. For what happens to them happens to me and you, and we must be concerned.”

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“Israel’s right to exist as a state in security is uncontestable.”

“Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a
marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.”

“I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews — because bigotry in any form is an affront to us all.”

“When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism.”

What is wrong with Time Magazine? Why are they publishing this propaganda, this Goebbels-inspired propaganda? Does anyone work in journalism anymore? Does anyone do any fact-checking anymore? Time should have refused Awad’s article on the basis of King’s quotes above, or at very least published them with his distortions and lies.

“CAIR Exec: What American Muslims Can Do Today With Dr. King’s Lessons,” by Nihad Awad, Time Magazine, January 15, 2018:

Among the greatest lessons that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us, and which American Muslims can apply today, is the importance of well-coordinated strategies – carried out by wide coalitions – to change the written and unwritten rules around how an entire community of Americans should and shouldn’t be treated.

With the Montgomery Bus Boycotts, Dr. King taught us the importance of direct engagement with decision-makers, and community mobilization. When meeting decision-makers to ask them to do the right thing does not result in the desired change, we exert community pressure in coordination with other American Muslim organizations and allies. Coordination is key. If one group works privately with decision-makers, it is important to coordinate with those who are working publicly.

Dr. King taught us the power of the media and its ability to reach everyday Americans with stories of the lives, contributions, challenges, hopes and dreams of our communities. Journalism can inform and inspire Americans to make good decisions after seeing authentic and humanizing stories.

The scenes from ‘Bloody Sunday’ were carried live on TV nationwide because of effective pre-event media outreach by Dr. King’s team. Such planning helped mobilize thousands across the nation to rise and support the movement.

Another lesson Dr. King taught us is the importance of intentional word usage and not using the defamatory code words our opponents use to shift public opinion against us. He consistently used strategic words and phrases that conjured positive and aspirational imagery that connected with people’s values to inspire them and advance the dream that he drew through his words.

When racism and segregation laws were seen as a problem that only affected the South, Dr. King consistently framed the struggle for equality and fairness as one that defined our nation and our identity as Americans, and an issue of adhering to our nation’s founding principles.

In addition to this, Dr. King taught us the importance of well-thought-out strategies in response to so-called “moments of crises.” Rather than acting hastily in response to a situation, his team crafted contingency plans to mobilize the energy and passion of the moment to make changes in systems.

Today, we can choose to see even the most violent anti-Muslim hate incidents, which have been increasing over the past few years and are at a record high, as opportunities to mobilize concerned citizens to go beyond frustration and take specific actions that result in changes in defamatory media portrayals of Muslims, which according to studies, fuel prejudice resulting in discrimination and hate crimes….

Dr. King once noted: “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom.

The Quran, Islam’s revealed text, states: “God will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is within themselves.” (13:11)

As the new year begins, and as we remember Dr. King’s lessons, as an organization, we at CAIR commit to putting these lessons to work. We are committed to building broader, stronger coalitions than ever before. We are committed to being thoughtful and disciplined in our work to change media portrayals of our communities, and thus change how our families and children are treated by society.

We commit to doing this work – not by ourselves but together with other American Muslim organizations and allies – so that when millions of American Muslim children, from Seattle to Savannah, turn on the TV or look at their phone, the message they see and hear is that they have the right to live, hope, and dream like any other American.

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Pray Hard
Pray Hard
6 years ago

Jihad Awad simply needs to do the world a favor and step out in front of a speeding bus.

Steve Kalmbach
Steve Kalmbach
6 years ago
Reply to  Pray Hard

I volunteer to drive the bus!

6 years ago
Reply to  Steve Kalmbach

me too

6 years ago

Unfortunately it’s just the tip of the iceberg there. Too bad there’s no comments section to counteract the drivel.

robert v g
robert v g
6 years ago
Reply to  bargogx1

Didn’t DJT make state MLK park into a national monument?And w.the locals’ support? Yay, Don.

6 years ago

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great American. It was the average black in tandem with, yes whites, however, that turned the Civil Rights movement into a success. Today, unfortunately, MLK has become a Leftist-Mascot, the man and his image no more than a tool for the jaded left and those continuing to ride on his mantle; Reverend Jackson and a multiple of other charlatan bigots. Now, his image and his life’s narrative is hi-jacked by the egregious and subversive New York Times.

Truth or integrity is not an integral to the NYT, Hamas-CAIR or Progressivism. This rag read by the alleged elite, self-professed intelligentsia who pretentiously deem this poor excuse for a newspaper their Bible, now it’s the Qur’an, is unconscionable of this bigotry/anti-Semitism.

This affront on Dr. King Jr. is not only racist but utterly repugnant to anyone with a smidgen of intelligence, acumen, decency and civility; not a leftist bigot.

One must speculate about the reaction and affect on the MLK’s family and the Black Community. One thing is a certainty those, perceiving themselves as MLK’s apostles will not give a damn unless they can denounce those of the right racists. MLK had empathy for all, not only Blacks. His gaggle of disciples, needless to say, tossed this MLK conviction into the trash, soon after the assassination.

Marsha Tynesdale
Marsha Tynesdale
6 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

Uh, let me just say here that MLK was no paragon of virtue. Jackie Kennedy despised him, and for good reason. She was privy to information on him not available to the public. Some say, “Yes, he had his flaws,” but as a married pastor, those flaws were deep. He liked to mix sex and violence, and would often beat the prostitutes he had over to his hotel room. The next day he might be at a church or gathering speaking on morality. He was also fond of plagiarizing other people’s work which is how he managed his thesis for his academic degree. There’s more, but that’s enough. He also did absolutely nothing for white people yet today white children are forced to worship him in the public schools. Sorry, I’m no fan of his.

6 years ago

Thanks to “G-D, America” Reverend Jeremiah Wright – Obama and Michelle’s “spiritual leader”, Farrah Khan of the Black Muslims, Jesse Jackson who lied and said he was at MLK’s side when he died, Al Sharpton, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, Rangle, and so many other Black Hucksters making a cushy living off of race baiting…..

6 years ago

No reason to be sorry, Marsha. I, as are many, am more than aware of this man’s flaws. Kennedy, well, he, too, as President was not one to keep his libido in check. This tossing stones, me as well, deflects the positive actions both men may or may not have achieved; this depends on our personal mores and perspective. Frankly, I am not being critical of your views, as this is supposedly a Constitutional Republic in which Freedom of Speech is being whittled away by those of a subversive nature.

This is the reason our debate and differences are a positive on this site or others that fight for the First Amendment. Take care.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago

Not that anyone with a functioning brain cell reads time. It is sold to illiterates who don’t know how to use computers, they look at pictures in magazines and laugh at the big words.

6 years ago

Has anyone noticed
– that socialists are just unbelievably stupid people?

Steve Kalmbach
Steve Kalmbach
6 years ago

What is wrong with these liberal people? Somehow they think that being nice to the Muslims will get them a place at the table if they are able to take over. Quite the opposite will be true. They will be among the FIRST to be eliminated. And because they are unable or unwilling to defend themselves it will be a cake walk for the Muslims. If they try that on me at least I will take a few of them with me!

Roger Johnson
Roger Johnson
6 years ago
Reply to  Steve Kalmbach


Amen and amen! These same suicidal idiots will be the first to take the Sharia Sharpie marker and draw that dashed line around their throats with the words, CUT HERE.

Write to President Trump – YES A LETTER WITH A STAMP – and tell him to sign legislation that declares Islam a death cult and not a religion.

6 years ago

TIME ………………………………………………OUT!

Jane Dowe
Jane Dowe
6 years ago

You can^t be a muslim AND an American at the same time. It’s one or the other. Islam is not compatible with Western values. It is the antithesis of our Constitution.
Islam seeks solely to destroy our Constitution. Islam m7st be banned.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jane Dowe

GW Bush lied when he said Islam means “peace”….actual translation is: “subjugation”…..to Allah and Mohammed…..he and his decades long Dhimmi family know that full well…..

Roger Johnson
Roger Johnson
6 years ago
Reply to  Jane Dowe

If you truly believe what you just said, then do what I have been doing for a year and a half.

Write a letter to President Trump – YES PAPER AND A STAMP – and demand that he sign Congressional legislation that declares Islam a death cult and not a religion, thereby stripping these anti-civilization haters and killers of their false first amendment Constitutional protection.

The only alternative will come in a few years when we will be forced into that suicidal dance where we take a Sharia Sharpie (marker) and draw a dashed line around our throats with the words, CUT HERE.

6 years ago

In the Garden of Eden the snake promised that we could “change ourselves”!!! Make gods of ourselves. Our Only hope is we give Dr. Rofi Yahova Permission to operate on us till the end! Martin L King knew this better than most. These usurpers preach lies!! Vultures picking at the pieces (Covenants) Fight them off!

6 years ago

You mean that libtard, seditious rag is still in publication?! Wow. I don’t know anyone who reads it. Must be Soros money keeping it printing….

Roger Johnson
Roger Johnson
6 years ago

Just another proof that President Trump needs to sign congressional legislation declaring that America has the backbone to tell the rest of the world that Islam is a death cult and not a religion, thereby stripping these anti-civilization haters and killers of their false first amendment Constitutional protection.

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
6 years ago

So much of mainstream media is pro-Islam…how can we hope to counter this left-wing bias?

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